DAMN!  This is a scathing review....

Started by Tony30052, Aug 26, 2008, 06:51 PM

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By the way Tracy...nice icon. You have to love "Funeral"...greatness right there.


QuoteAnd when beanporn says "writer" he means, "dude with a keyboard".


By "dude with a keyboard," do you also mean "dude who needs to brush up on his grammar?"

Oh snap. Grammar Burn!

Show me the grammar mistake. Serious. Show it to me. I would love for you to point out my grammar errors.

With all due respect man, you feel you have to defend your writing skills to anonymous people on the message board?

think about it

With all due respect, does that douchebag feel the need to dog my writing skills on the message board?

Think about it.

no need to think about it. You write about how dissapointed you are with a band, dis the lead singer, make comparisons to another newer band, then go to their fans' message forum and expect to be greeted with open arms? 'specially after half of us literally had our faces melted off in Louisville and Nashville? You can't have your cake and eat it too. And I won't get into the name calling, but seriously, what did you expect? WTF is wrong with people who do this? Seriously? WTF?

If you want to stir things up, then give it a go. But if you want to express your disdain for the new album, then maybe this isn't the right place.

You said your peace, I personally disagree, and it is what it is. Sorry you don't "get" Evil urges (and mainly Highly Suspicious). I dig all of it.


I mean, if you're going for some legitimate journalistic integrity here, the [size=14]last thing[/size] you do is go to a band's web site and bait the fans after you trashed the new release.

gimme a break man, show some class.


I didn't post my review here in the first place, somebody else did on the first post.

The only reason I jumped in is because I noticed a link coming in from this message board. I checked it out & wanted to get chatty. Yeah, I don't like the album from a band that I have liked for about six years. I consider it to be a major disappointment & I am definitely not alone.

The only reason I hung around was because my writing skills were criticized & I have a tendency to, you know, stick up for myself.


QuoteI didn't post my review here in the first place, somebody else did on the first post.

The only reason I jumped in is because I noticed a link coming in from this message board. I checked it out & wanted to get chatty. Yeah, I don't like the album from a band that I have liked for about six years. I consider it to be a major disappointment & I am definitely not alone.

The only reason I hung around was because my writing skills were criticized & I have a tendency to, you know, stick up for myself.

sweetie, if you're getting all wee-wee'd over yourself b/c some anonymous person criticized your writing skills, then perhaps writing ain't going to be your bag. You'll need a much thicker skin.

good luck

and here, these guys get it. Sort of pisses you off, doesn't it? That you don't get it? huh?   ;D



I've got no beef with a music critic (and self-described MMJ fan) who doesn't get Evil Urges - it just doesn't grab you like the earlier records, especially if you're using the early style as a reference. But after going to a show and saying you still don't like it, especially Highly Suspicious (which strangely enough seems to have emerged as the biggest live fan favorite from EU), well, then I think you're just trying to stick with your original opinion, and resisting that most evil of urges, that of changing your mind and being accused of becoming (horrors!) a Flip-Flopper. I was also slow to receive EU, but I hesitated to form a strong opinion until it had time to grow on me, and I can say after 3 months and 3 live helpings, I friggin love the record and the live performances thereof. But then, I'm not a blogger.
"...it's gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


Know what Tracy? You are exactly right. I get it. I get the fact that I have received 210 visits to my website because of that random link so...I suppose I should just take that & be happy, which I am. I suppose I should feel good that my poor review of a poor album, in effect, worked.


QuoteI've got no beef with a music critic (and self-described MMJ fan) who doesn't get Evil Urges - it just doesn't grab you like the earlier records, especially if you're using the early style as a reference. But after going to a show and saying you still don't like it, especially Highly Suspicious (which strangely enough seems to have emerged as the biggest live fan favorite from EU), well, then I think you're just trying to stick with your original opinion, and resisting that most evil of urges, that of changing your mind and being accused of becoming (horrors!) a Flip-Flopper. I was also slow to receive EU, but I hesitated to form a strong opinion until it had time to grow on me, and I can say after 3 months and 3 live helping, I friggin love the record and the live performances thereof. But then, I'm not a blogger.

Thanks dude. I appreciate the fact that it is possible to like a band, but not like a particular album. I worship the ground Jeff Tweedy walks on but "A Ghost Is Born"? Ugh. Brutal.

I loved the Dallas show! I still don't like "Highly Suspicious" & I never will. I've seen them three times & only left one time disappointed, which was due to the jackass crowd that ruined the show for me.


My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked


I find it funny that a critic can't take criticism.


Since you asked, ending a sentence with a preposition is gramatically incorrect.

I won't even respond to the ridiculous assertion that Jim James isn't sexy.  Psssshhhhhh.
God sure baked a lot of fruitcake, baby.


I still don't like "Highly Suspicious" & I never will.
Never say never! That sort of thinking is what keeps people from ever liking different stuff, like fried scorpions. I hated those things when my mom made me eat em when I was a kid, now I can't get enough!
"...it's gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


I won't even respond to the ridiculous assertion that Jim James isn't sexy.  Psssshhhhhh.

Can I get an amen?!? ;D
My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked


Amen!  I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. James in Nashville and I can personally attest to his sexiness. *swoons*   ;)

That review is laden with grammatical errors and is plain sloppy in other spots.
God sure baked a lot of fruitcake, baby.

Penny Lane

i don't think the review was poorly written and everyone's entitled to their opinion--i have a couple friends who said the same about Z and were even less happy w/EU. i also like the wilco comparison but you lost me w/the Band of Horses comment--you smell of pitchfork spawn. BOH are a pretty good band but you're saying you enjoy the mild imitation over the real thing just because the real thing has ventured off into another direction. as a music critic (not saying you are, probably you're just another indie kid w/a domain name), you should at least have given them credit for trying out difference styles and influences and mentioned that they, once again, tried something new w/unabashed confidence, but instead you said you hated the album and couldn't get through it, yet you managed to find 2 songs you really liked,and a few more that were decent (including one that called pretty). So you hated it but really you enjoy 4/5 songs on there--half the album or so?   i respect your opinion, just the review is something i would have written about my 5th grade trip to Disneyland. "I like Disneyland. Mickey is nice."

oh and BTW< JIM has always been sexy. !!!!!!!!! :D
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


QuoteAnd when beanporn says "writer" he means, "dude with a keyboard".

Dude with a keyboard huh? You would be surprised.

Ohhhhh, I lOVE surprises!   :o  Lay it on me!
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


i posted a reply to the review, i'm sure he'll delete it - so i'll paste it here too!
i've had a couple of my friends that are long time jacket fans have similar KNEE-JERK reactions, then after the infection takes hold, have come to love this evolution of an awesome band.

my one friend that still don't like it is a gay asshole, so who really gives a fuck what he thinks?
sincerely, my morning wood.


It appears the reviewer left off two songs from his sterile breakdown of the album into Great-decent-bad-embarrassing. So Remnants and Smoking from Shooting are what?


QuoteIt appears the reviewer left off two songs from his sterile breakdown of the album into Great-decent-bad-embarrassing. So Remnants and Smoking from Shooting are what?

Mediocre, of course.  ::)
In another time, in another place, in another face


On the bright side, it is nice to know that some bloggers are nice enough to speak up and defend their opinion, even in a place where everyone else is against them. This one genuinely doesn't like the album, and isn't saying that because Pitchfork does too.

Then again, Evil Urges is both forms of art: one that describes reality and one that reflects reality. It's far more of a concept album than the Beatles ever came up with. Subtle things like the many ironies of the lyrics in "Two Halves" and little instrumental flourishes throughout make this a very different kind of album. That said, many (perhaps most) people listen to My Morning Jacket looking for an album of heartbreaking, truthful lyrics. If that's all you're listening for here, then you might not take as much away from it. Evil Urges is not that kind of record. It's art in the disguise of pop music. I find it ironic that many hipsters who credit themselves on not being prejudiced against every type of music tend to ignore the artistic value of pop music.

Long live Evil Urges.  ;)
In another time, in another place, in another face