MMJ should go back to self-producing their albums.

Started by whitebread, Jun 22, 2009, 09:58 PM

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It has been amazing to watch MMJ get the respect and notoriety they deserve. Unfortunately, a good amount of hype came with it, as they became the band that critics could not criticize, because most of these critics came to the party really late. Evil Urges got rave reviews, but in the minds of most of their fans who have been with them for awhile, it was their worst album, even though it was a worthwhile effort. It was especially obvious on the tour as very little of the new album became highlights of any of the shows (of course this is subjective, but rather agreed upon from what I could see). I'm all for change, growth and creative experimentation, and Z was a great example of that possibility, while still retaining the originality and emotion of the spirit of this band. But Evil Urges lost a lot of that emotion, and the production value, as expertly crafted and slick as it could be, was really lacking in the heartfelt unique approach that make the other efforts so special. The "Live at the Palms" release has given me a lot of hope, that is a great collection. But I hope for the next one, they record and engineer it themselves back in a grain silo, and be a band that does something truly inspired again, and less like a band doing jokey experiments of Rick James and Beach Boys covers. They are still the best band going on the planet however, so before you tell me to shut up, please know I am just wanting to hear the best of their potential, and not more of the over-produced "for the masses" stuff.


ballsy post and i completely agree.

well thought out and written.

Is there a doctor in the house tonight?


Quoteballsy post and i completely agree.

well thought out and written.


The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


Evil Urges certainly didn't get all rave reviews. Pitchfork is one example.

I'm not sure they need to self-produce, but just find a producer able to bring things together in a more cohesive way. Maybe talk them out of certain experiments. They're a versatile band, but in my opinion they don't need to have numerous different musical styles on one album. It all depends on the songs that are ready at recording time also. I just hope for a somewhat more structured, maybe low-key album next time out......if there even is a next time out!
"demon eyes are watchin' everywhere"


I just hope Jim continues to be innovative and does what reflects his current inspirations.   That's what makes everything he does special IMO.
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


QuoteIt has been amazing to watch MMJ get the respect and notoriety they deserve. Unfortunately, a good amount of hype came with it, as they became the band that critics could not criticize, because most of these critics came to the party really late. Evil Urges got rave reviews, but in the minds of most of their fans who have been with them for awhile, it was their worst album, even though it was a worthwhile effort. It was especially obvious on the tour as very little of the new album became highlights of any of the shows (of course this is subjective, but rather agreed upon from what I could see). I'm all for change, growth and creative experimentation, and Z was a great example of that possibility, while still retaining the originality and emotion of the spirit of this band. But Evil Urges lost a lot of that emotion, and the production value, as expertly crafted and slick as it could be, was really lacking in the heartfelt unique approach that make the other efforts so special. The "Live at the Palms" release has given me a lot of hope, that is a great collection. But I hope for the next one, they record and engineer it themselves back in a grain silo, and be a band that does something truly inspired again, and less like a band doing jokey experiments of Rick James and Beach Boys covers. They are still the best band going on the planet however, so before you tell me to shut up, please know I am just wanting to hear the best of their potential, and not more of the over-produced "for the masses" stuff.

Yes, thank you for articulating that for those of us who feel the same.  Especially the part about highlights of the shows.....I felt that during the shows and after hearing them on Archives as well.  

Looking forward to the next step!  And the next chance to see them live again.....time creeps by ever so slowly ::)  
.....Back at the Model Home


Having a set of ears/opinion from someone outside of the band isn't a bad thing.  I think Jim will always have a producer credit on all of their future albums.  According to several interviews, MMJ seems to enjoy having a producer that can "police" their recordings while giving Jim some creative control.  I wouldn't get my hopes up for another self-produced album.

Z certainly didn't lack emotion, but I see your point about Evil Urges.  The lack of emotion you speak of may be because of Mr. Chiccarelli's style. I also remember Jim saying he just ended a long time relationship, so he might not have been all there during the recording process.      

Either way, I wouldn't worry to much.  The best is still to come.  ;)


I still maintain that the songs I like the least on EU, when played live, gave me a new respect for them. Specifically, this applies to Thank You, Too, and most especially, Look At You

My sentiments went like this :this album is great, then it faded quick, then after sitting for a while, I put it back on and loved it and respected it just as much as any other album.

It's sort of like getting laid - it's just good, no matter what, except some are more memorable lays than others. This just might not be one of those super-memorable ones.
I'm surrounded by assholes

Love Dogg

QuoteI still maintain that the songs I like the least on EU, when played live, gave me a new respect for them. Specifically, this applies to Thank You, Too, and most especially, Look At You

My sentiments went like this :this album is great, then it faded quick, then after sitting for a while, I put it back on and loved it and respected it just as much as any other album.

It's sort of like getting laid - it's just good, no matter what, except some are more memorable lays than others. This just might not be one of those super-memorable ones.

Pizza is like that too.  :-/
"Sometimes it runs its course in a day, babe.  Sometimes it goes from night after night."


i agree re: the guys producing their own stuff.  i've been listening to it still moves alot lately and wish they'd make another album with that feel.  i know they have to grow and mature as a band, but no album ive ever heard matches ISM for sheer beauty throughout the whole thing.  i feel like the grain silo and reverb and everything about the album is just perfect.  also, i think jim's song writing was at its best on that album.  i'm rambling i suppose, but it'd be awesome to get another album like that, back to their kentucky roots which seem to have bred pure, heartfelt, timeless american rocknroll.


QuoteI still maintain that the songs I like the least on EU, when played live, gave me a new respect for them. Specifically, this applies to Thank You, Too, and most especially, Look At You

My sentiments went like this :this album is great, then it faded quick, then after sitting for a while, I put it back on and loved it and respected it just as much as any other album.

It's sort of like getting laid - it's just good, no matter what, except some are more memorable lays than others. This just might not be one of those super-memorable ones.

Pizza is like that too.  :-/
Yeah, but the thing is you CAN get laid to EU, but you can't get laid to pizza, I guess...but, imagine the holy trinity of sex + EU + pizza
I'm surrounded by assholes


I'm reporting you all to security!

I disagree, I think that EU is a fantastic album.  Yes I did come to the party pretty late with this band, a month or two before the release of evil urges.  But I quickly got my hands on as much of the bands music as I could and can not get enough of every album- EU has a few songs that were just okay but I think it was chock full of emotion and creativity- they weren't just doing "jokey" covers, they were looking at their influences, music that they love and spinning them out their own way.  I think that these guys are musicians, they are trying to put out albums that they are proud of- it doesn't always need to be in a silo, or a recording studio, but this band doesn't stay still- they move forward, pushing themselves to higher grounds.  I think that artists need to bring in other artists to help them freshen up their ideas- its good for them to be willing to take suggestions from other professionals
Oh I'll never say I knew you, but my heart can't wait to meet you on the other side

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

I thought the live from vegas EP sounded fucking bad to the bone.  if that is the newest thing they've recorded I'll go by that.  It's hard for me to look at Evil Urges the same way as the other albums.   Mostly, knowing all the stuff about them laying down a song or two a day, 12hours a day, whatever amount of days.  I can see the challenge it must have been and I thought in that regard they definitely succeeded.  The rushed vibe is on there.  You are right, it doesn't sound like the others at all.

It's not laid back.  It's more sitting forward in your seat on amphetamines.  a crisper my morning jacket.  for better or worse.

that being said Z was a great leap into music uncertainty.  I'm glad they made that choice rather than keep rehashing their sound.  With Evil Urges it's almost like they tried to make a record that does and doesn't sound like my morning jacket at the same time...

the vegas EP is just titties though, the redone nashville/kentucky = smoking.  knot comes loose = bomb as hell.

Jim James has a vision of some sort whether he knows it or not.  As long as the dude stays confident, makes whatever music he wants, and is enjoying himself, AND the band stays cool with each other, MMJ will make great songs.  

Love Dogg

I think the impact of Carl and Bo are the difference.  Don't get me wrong...I love Good Hair Johnny and Danny, but they played their instruments the best they could.  Carl and Bo play their instruments the best the instruments can play.  With that said...Jim has no ceiling, and the Evil Urges songs, as much as people don't like them, needed to get out of his system.

I like that word instrument.  :)
"Sometimes it runs its course in a day, babe.  Sometimes it goes from night after night."


I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


Quotethe Vegas ep is definately titties.
very true....but i just dont like dear wife....its to pop for me

Angry Ewok

I just hope we get another MMJ album, period.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


I saw awhile back Jim and Bright Eyes/Conor Oberst doing things together. I bought a bright eyes ashes/digital urn was awful, but I could see jim taking the cues from the I wrong? I threw the disc away...


The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


How is this album...of all the albums 'for the masses" lol  This has some of MMJ's most esoteric work to date.  If you don't like their new material, that's on you, not the Jacket.

I personally don't think there could be enough hype when you are hyping the real deal.  All that crap on mtv and on commercial radio to me is over hyped, because it isn't deserved.  

You must not have been on  Some of my personal highlights came from  new material.  

I still remember the feelings I felt first time I heard librarian at bonnaroo in the rain, I almost cried!  Another highlight was in Oregon when they played touch me 1 and 2 back to back.  

For me, there are some forgetable tunes on EU, more so than any of their other albums, but that is songwriting not production.

Z wasn't made in a barn.  Z was made in NY just the same as EU. I for one am glad that that the jacket is in hi-fi now.