The Man in Me 27 ways

Started by The_Drake, May 16, 2010, 10:41 PM

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HA!  That's my recording from my old cassette player.  Note the high-pitched squeal and overall poor quality of the recording.   ;D  At least it got recorded, great version of a great song!

Some other good versions up there, too.  Dr. Dog, The Frames, etc...
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


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The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


where is this recording from?  


Quotewhere is this recording from?  

06-18-04 WPFK Live Lunch
Jim James with the Lebowski Singers

This was actually a "solo" Jim performance, not an MMJ one.  The performance was part of a Lebowski-themed live lunch show and the backup singers were local musicians who also performed at that show.  Of course, he later that day performed that song with the whole band with Jim dressed as the Dude and the rest of the band decked out as well.  I captured the live lunch performance on my cassette player and "released" it to the masses with the "release" of the Covers Comp.
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


amd - love your recording!  i dare say i've even tapped the surface of all that's available via the archives, but i think there were only 2 versions on the covers comp????  anyways, that said, for me, your recording was perfect.  i love all the idiosyncrasies - that's live music at it's best!

funny thing is that i nearly posted this song on my "wish list" of covers.  i'd been on the mmj outskirts for a few years.  always liked  them but wasn't really hard core...  was rediscovering the big lebowski around the same time that i was rediscovering mmj & thought, as the opening credits ran one night, 'my morning jacket would slay this song.'  of course i'm showing my ass by saying this now...

anyways - thank you!  i think it's the best of all the rest.

"You have to be odd to be number one." -- Dr. Seuss