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Rollin Back

Started by kyleschaffer, Sep 07, 2010, 04:00 PM

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This is to garner some love for what I think is the most under-respected track around here, apparently.    Based on the "what song do you most want to hear at T-5" thread, I was surprised at how few listed Rollin Back.

This song has been played only a few times in the band's history.    It's fair to say most of us haven't heard it.   And I'm not talking some obscure track - sure, I'd love to hear Come Closer, Isobella White Umbrella etc and I have all that stuff on ipod heavy rotation these days, but we're talking a GREAT mainstream song from smack in the middle of It Still Moves.  Some of JJ's best singing as he belts out those choruses and then gets all soft and tender at the end.   Ridiculously good stuff.

I look at Rollin Back and Steam Engine as the twin towers of ISM, and while IMHO Steam Engine is the better song, it's also safe to see that most of us if we've seen a few shows (or gotten lucky) have seen Steam Engine live by now.    

Looking through the Show Count thread, lots of people with 10 - 20 shows who haven't seen it.   Even aMillionDreams with his 35 shows hasn't seen it.

Rollin Back has been played once on the East Coast: 11/10/06.

I also think the band knows how momentous this is going to be.   Why else would they be playing the first 45 seconds of the song on this tour?    Sure they do snippets of other songs, but those seem like a calculated decision to "cherry pick" the hard rockin' jams.    With Rollin Back, it's much more of a tease.

Anyway, for those not aware of how rare this song is, I'm bringing some light to the matter.   For everyone else, I'm trying to generate some excitement.   ROLLIN BACK for f-s sake.   Please give it a re-listen and get pumped.


Couldn't agree more, I recently realized how incredible this song is and it has been on heavy rotation on my iPod all summer.  Even the teaser opening was pretty awesome in Philly and Holyoke, but the "ohhhhohhh you had me wrapped up in your mystery" may just make me break down and cry if I ever get the chance to hear it live.


Wow you make a really great case here. For some reason Rollin Back never really struck a nerve with me until recently and I believe that's because of how much of their other stuff I've overplayed (although never to the point of ceasing to love it all over and over again!)

It's like after really digging through their catalog repeatedly I always end up back at 'It Still Moves.' Maybe this is because it was the album which introduced me to the band who knows. But my love and respect for Rollin Back came years later and I have no idea why. I am now able to see it as a monster of a song which as you said is under-respected.

And I wish I was at T5 to witness it in all its majestic glory.
Oh, I will dine on honey dew And drink the Milk of Paradiseeeee


Great thread. Rollin' Back has always been one of my favorites, and it has always been at the top of my "want to hear live" list.

This tune, amongst many many others, are part of a large group of MMJ repertoire that nonsensically is virtually NEVER included in live shows.

Despite the fact that all of their albums have been solid (how many other bands can stake that claim?), the band has by and large stuck with a core number of songs that you're almost guaranteed to hear at a show.
Maybe threads like this one can get a movement going for the inclusion of the entire MMJ body of work into live sets, AND the resurrection of olden ideas like majorly switching up setlists every night! ...that would make this a perfect world  :)
"As citizens of eternity we ought to be without anxiety."

Love Dogg

Awesome post Mahg33ta!  One of my ATF's!
"Sometimes it runs its course in a day, babe.  Sometimes it goes from night after night."



If you haven't seen it, there is a thread by Drawk who videotaped the 2008 Berkley Greek show.  The video is available for download I believe and is on you tube as well.  It was awesome to see a solid video taping of the entire show available to burn on DVD which included the return of Rollin' Back!
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


Ohhhh all the Rollin Back threads are magniiiificent....  what a sweet, sweet ride it is. It was definitely one of the first songs that hit me upside the face when discovering ISM. And it was the perfect soundtrack to my after-work drives this spring, when I just needed to chill out major. And sometimes I'd play it on the way TO work just to keep me sane before heading into the madness that is a greenhouse business in April/May  :-X

Definitely teased when they "opened" with the quick shot of RB in Pitt the other week, can't wait for the full effect! I think you're directly on point with

QuoteI also think the band knows how momentous this is going to be.   Why else would they be playing the first 45 seconds of the song on this tour?    Sure they do snippets of other songs, but those seem like a calculated decision to "cherry pick" the hard rockin' jams.    With Rollin Back, it's much more of a tease.

Buckle yr seatbelts, we're in for one helluva jeebiss only knows what!

(And maybe jeebiss probably doesn't even know...)
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


QuoteIf you haven't seen it, there is a thread by Drawk who videotaped the 2008 Berkley Greek show.  The video is available for download I believe and is on you tube as well.  It was awesome to see a solid video taping of the entire show available to burn on DVD which included the return of Rollin' Back!
Ooohh!  Must find...
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


QuoteIf you haven't seen it, there is a thread by Drawk who videotaped the 2008 Berkley Greek show.  The video is available for download I believe and is on you tube as well.  It was awesome to see a solid video taping of the entire show available to burn on DVD which included the return of Rollin' Back!
Ooohh!  Must find...
Here it is.  I used to have it on my old, now fried, hard drive.  I don't think it is available on Dime now.  Hmmm
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


What's funny is that I am your antithesis.  I have seen Rollin' Back performed live but not Steam Engine.

Rollin' Back at the "Scottish Battlefield" show in Berkeley two years ago made me a believer.


QuoteIf you haven't seen it, there is a thread by Drawk who videotaped the 2008 Berkley Greek show.  The video is available for download I believe and is on you tube as well.  It was awesome to see a solid video taping of the entire show available to burn on DVD which included the return of Rollin' Back!
Ooohh!  Must find...
Here it is.  I used to have it on my old, now fried, hard drive.  I don't think it is available on Dime now.  Hmmm

Well, at least the Rollin Back video works


I used Real Player to download the full DVD in two parts from these links.

All of DVD 1:
All of DVD 2:

They are low-res and nearly 1 Gig each, and ran overnight, so I haven't looked at it yet.  Might not look too good on a full-size screen, but good for the 'puter.

If anyone can post a link to the original DVD files, I'd love to burn a copy for my flatscreen/7.1 system.

Back to the original post... Kyle, your post about Rollin Back got me to revisit ISM and really appreciate it AGAIN.  This album seem like a real bridge between the reverb-soaked origins of MMJ and the more polished post-ISM albums and performances.  ISM has TF/AD sound one minute, Z/EU sound the next, and blending in between- a true transitional album.  ISM envy will be mighty high up here in NH on October 21.  Its the one T5 show I would choose IF I could choose only one.  Logistics make the EU night my one and only of the T5 run.

(PS- Kyle, remind me.  Are you doing T5 x 5 or some combination?)
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Rollin' Back has always been a favorite of mine, and I've been lucky enough to see it twice (Berkeley '08 and 12/30/06). A few of the things that I look to music for are to create (or heighten) a mood and to carry me away, and there aren't many songs that can do both for me like Rollin' Back. It's a song that I have a lot of great memories associated with, and it's also one of the first MMJ songs that I really connected with.

Great road trip song, great morning song, great late night song, I could go on and on...
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."



I look at Rollin Back and Steam Engine as the twin towers of ISM

freedom isnt free man
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


QuoteRollin' Back has always been a favorite of mine, and I've been lucky enough to see it twice (Berkeley '08 and 12/30/06). A few of the things that I look to music for are to create (or heighten) a mood and to carry me away, and there aren't many songs that can do both for me like Rollin' Back. It's a song that I have a lot of great memories associated with, and it's also one of the first MMJ songs that I really connected with.

Great road trip song, great morning song, great late night song, I could go on and on...

It has been played 5 times; so to see it twice - WELL DONE  :o


Quote(PS- Kyle, remind me.  Are you doing T5 x 5 or some combination?)

I'm making the middle 3 of T-5, and this is definite finally, cleared w / work and family.


All I gotta say is....Tennessee Theatre 11/2006....Rollin Back was a great surprise and one of many unexpected plays that night. Ill never forget when they opened with The Bear  :o


QuoteAll I gotta say is....Tennessee Theatre 11/2006....Rollin Back was a great surprise and one of many unexpected plays that night. Ill never forget when they opened with The Bear  :o

yes, that is the one east-coast time I referred to in my original post.   Sounds like an awesome night....
Very cool encore too:
16. Old September Blues
17. Nashville To Kentucky
18. Golden
19. I Will Sing You Songs
20. Anytime
21. Mahgeetah


man, this thread made me long for that berkeley show.  i just happened to be out in the bay area for work and a friend had an extra.  i, needless to say, extended my trip a couple days and caught one of the best jacket shows i have seen.  that ending with...

rollin back
lay low
one big holiday

may never be replicated again.  so glad i was able to see that show.
out go the lights it begins