It Still Moves, from a new comer

Started by D_Hewlett, Oct 22, 2010, 02:05 AM

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OK, I am gently getting into MMJ. Saw them in LA this year and was only really familiar with Okonosis and Z. Since then I have become very familiar with EU, and made my opinion clear, which is very positive. I have had another month to get familiar with It Still Moves.

Have you ever had a snorgasm early in the morning? You know, after sex, you drift off and float on a cloud, only 80% asleep. Steam Engine defines this feeling. The rest of the album is similar, with some major rock outs, which you all know. Ranks up with the Cure's Disintegration, as the best relaxation rock album of all time. But it also rocks balls!


best album. by any band. of the last decade.
Is there a doctor in the house tonight?


Agreed.  Its the one T5 show I wish I could have attended more than any other.
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Quotebest album. by any band. of the last decade.

i would have to go with yankee hotel foxtrot, but ISM is a real close second.
out go the lights it begins


Quotebest album. by any band. of the last decade.

i would have to go with yankee hotel foxtrot, but ISM is a real close second.

then you would also be wrong then, my friend.  :)

and the second best is 'easy tiger' by ryan adams.

yankee is a great album though.
Is there a doctor in the house tonight?


Quotebest album. by any band. of the last decade.

i would have to go with yankee hotel foxtrot, but ISM is a real close second.

then you would also be wrong then, my friend.  :)

and the second best is 'easy tiger' by ryan adams.

yankee is a great album though.

come now, heartbreaker is way better than easy tiger.  do you know anything at all?    ::)
out go the lights it begins


QuoteAgreed.  Its the one T5 show I wish I could have attended more than any other.

don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


Quotebest album. by any band. of the last decade.

i would have to go with yankee hotel foxtrot, but ISM is a real close second.


1. Yankee Hotel
2. Aquemni
3. Kida A
4. IT Still Moves
5. Illinois
God damn those shaky knees.


I have owned Yankee Foxtrot since it came out. I have listened to it at least a dozen times. It has not struck me at all. Every time I listen to it it seems like I have never heard it before. Nothing memorable about it.  I always thought Wilco was like the Emperors New Clothes. Everyone likes them because the alternative media tells you to. I still listen to them, but they are way overrated.


QuoteI have owned Yankee Foxtrot since it came out. I have listened to it at least a dozen times. It has not struck me at all. Every time I listen to it it seems like I have never heard it before. Nothing memorable about it.  I always thought Wilco was like the Emperors New Clothes. Everyone likes them because the alternative media tells you to. I still listen to them, but they are way overrated.

WOW, i dont believe i have ever heard anyone say that wilco is overrated.  its not like they are total pitchfork darlings or something.  not everyone buys into what the alternative media says.  could it be that maybe you just dont like it?  i think its kind of a ridiculous statement to say that because you cannot get into it that it must be that people only like it because the media tells them to.  it might be that people like them because they put out intelligent, well written, interesting, different, almost experimental albums and play blistering live shows.  but who am i, nothing but a follower.
out go the lights it begins


White stripes- de Stijl, best album of the decade.


ISM is perfect from beginning to end.  Every note.  I'm not sure I could say that about any other rekkid I own.

Wilco is way overrated.  I've listened to Tweedy since Uncle Tupelo.  He gets recognized as some genius but he's not doing anything different than many other artists.  I'm a fan and I've seen them 10+ times but they don't rank in my top 5 for albums or shows.

Tracy 3000

QuoteI have owned Yankee Foxtrot since it came out. I have listened to it at least a dozen times. It has not struck me at all. Every time I listen to it it seems like I have never heard it before. Nothing memorable about it.  I always thought Wilco was like the Emperors New Clothes. Everyone likes them because the alternative media tells you to. I still listen to them, but they are way overrated.

WILCO not overrated. It may not speak to you, but they're not overrated; and I'm not a big fan of their last 2 releases. But, YHF is an amazing album. How about you say F U to the alternative media and like them b/c I am telling you to?  ;)
Jim brings all his love, passion, energy and mystery to the stage and says, "I'm right here."


i'm gonna be honest, i can't get into wilco at all.
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


I was not aware that you could not express OPINION here without being chasitsed.  I have been listening to Wilco since 1998, bought several of their albums, listen to others on Rhapsody. I like them because they are far from what is on the radio, and do have many great qualities. What they really seem to be lacking in my opinion is melody. Especially when they are compared to MMJ, who have abundances of it. I actually much prefer Uncle Tupelo and even Jay Farrar to Wilco. Not to upset anyone, but I also have ALL of Radioheads albums, and though they are fascinating, they are also highly overrated. I bought OK computer when it came out and it is Radioheads version of Yankee Foxtrot Hotel. I'll take the Bends. Just my opinion. BTW, never heard of Pitchfork until here, And I thought it was in reference to a poster.


You can express an opinion here and not be chastised, but when someone says "Everyone likes them because the alternative media tells you to", that's obviously going to be insulting to the people who just really like the music.   :)

I've never understood the comparison thing anyway.   MMJ is my all time #1 band, but I'm so happy I also have Radiohead, Wilco, Ryan Adams, Flaming Lips, Damian Rice, The Frames (just to name a few) etc etc in my life.  


Maybe I should have put "everyone" in quotes. I did not mean it literally.I like them, a lot. I just was amazed when YFH was listed on many websites as the best album of the decade. Just listened to it again this AM.  That I just do not get.


From a music industry standpoint, YHF is monumental. It really is the embodiment of the "indie" concept: label says "you're being weird" and band says "fuck you, we're leaving and taking our album with us" and they go and change the musical landscape. You could say it's the other side of the coin when it comes to the decline of the music industry: the Internet showed labels music doesn't need them for good distro deals anymore, and YHF showed that you don't need a major to back your release in order to make a quality piece of music across the board, both in craftmanship, production, and mixing.
I'm surrounded by assholes


QuoteFrom a music industry standpoint, YHF is monumental. It really is the embodiment of the "indie" concept: label says "you're being weird" and band says "fuck you, we're leaving and taking our album with us" and they go and change the musical landscape. You could say it's the other side of the coin when it comes to the decline of the music industry: the Internet showed labels music doesn't need them for good distro deals anymore, and YHF showed that you don't need a major to back your release in order to make a quality piece of music across the board, both in craftmanship, production, and mixing.
That reminds me of Sgt. Pepper. Set so many production and musical precedents, but 43 years later, it is not one of the most satisfying Beatles albums to listen to. There are several ways to judge the greatness of music. Give me Rubber Soul and Summerteeth any day.

Tracy 3000

QuoteFrom a music industry standpoint, YHF is monumental. It really is the embodiment of the "indie" concept: label says "you're being weird" and band says "fuck you, we're leaving and taking our album with us" and they go and change the musical landscape. You could say it's the other side of the coin when it comes to the decline of the music industry: the Internet showed labels music doesn't need them for good distro deals anymore, and YHF showed that you don't need a major to back your release in order to make a quality piece of music across the board, both in craftmanship, production, and mixing.
That reminds me of Sgt. Pepper. Set so many production and musical precedents, but 43 years later, it is not one of the most satisfying Beatles albums to listen to. There are several ways to judge the greatness of music. Give me Rubber Soul and Summerteeth any day.

I think part of the problem is that musical taste is subjective and if you say a band is "over rated" you are leaving yourself wide open to jabs. I happen to really like WILCO. Like, I really, really like Being There, Summerteeth, YHF and A Ghost is Born. I'd even say lyrically I like them a whole lot better than MMJ. Tweedy is quite a crafty wordsmith.

However, it feels like comparing apples to oranges.

It's not personal, it's just the way I feel. If you think I'm "wrong", well, you're wrong. And so it goes...

someone said arguing about music is like dancing for architecture  :)
Jim brings all his love, passion, energy and mystery to the stage and says, "I'm right here."