Se parece al Castro mismo . . .

Started by skyjack, Feb 18, 2006, 02:37 AM

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Caught MMJ in SLC (Sorry for the crap sound support at Club Sound) before the pneumonia set in . . . long time fan . . . mom's from Greensburg, KY 2 hrs outside of Louisville . . . know how it is to wake up and finally be able to hold down a joke/job/dream after being raised Mormon, but was able to escape . . . anywho, I finally pinpointed who JJ frighteningly resembles -- a young Fidel Castro.  I'm telling you, it will freak you out to compare photos of the two side by side.  I said it first!
My first round of golf I made 8 hole-in-1s . . . Kim Pyong-il


God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


this thread never really got going.


that's like saying that everybody who has a beard looks like a young fidel castro.

does this man look like he'd know what to do with a flying v?

does this man look like he wants to lead the communists?


I don't think it was meant to be an insult, just an observation. There is a similarity I think.


Wasn't Castro in Genesis, way back in the mid 70's?


or Castro looks like Martin Scorsese


EC's photo of the young Castro says it all.  It has nothing to do with what their lives consist of (non conforming, determined leaders maybe?) as much as the eyes, both the physical aspects and the eagle-eye, penetrating focus, the cherubic cheeks/countenance, and throw in the brown clothes for good measure.  The beard only helps.  My minor was in Spanish and I independently thought Castro reminded me of someone, but since I wasted 2 years of my life doing a Mormon missing in Chile I assumed it was someone I knew there, but the other night I was watching that video biography of Castro on TV and it all came together.
My first round of golf I made 8 hole-in-1s . . . Kim Pyong-il


compare that with:

i see it, but whatever.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Well, EC's picture is probably making the best case for it.  Looking at others, you're not gonna get the same vibe.  I don't know.. here's another one for you to ponder..


crap, how did i do that?  my plan didn't work at all.

that was a horribly executed plan.


certain pictures, yeah i see it, very easily.  


In this one Cuba's El Comandante might as well be performing Dondante:

EC's is from a 1959 (32 yrs old), first year in power photo and like any other national leader, they age quickly after taking office.  Unfortunately more photos are taken of people while in power than on the road there.  The video of him when he lived in New York around 1955 (28 years old and more baby faced) is where the resemblance is most striking.

I know, no big deal, but if you can't take pleasure in interesting, inconsequential observations, why get up in the morning?  Groping for any break from the monotony of day to day life is what keeps us all from going nuts.
My first round of golf I made 8 hole-in-1s . . . Kim Pyong-il


when you're around here a while, you'll see that people are very protective of the band, and i think your observation may have been viewed as an attack.  i'm not one of those people, i consistently will speak of a song or maybe an action i don't particular like.  don't be dismayed, we need more variation of opinion around here.   ;)


actually, it ain't in the beard as much as it is in the eyes.



That's the best one yet Deanna  ;D
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


How long until someone uses paint shop to switch the heads on that last set of photos?
Well the music is your special friend
Dance on fire as it intends
Music is your only friend
Until the end