16 Bit Athens Torrent

Started by Erik, Jun 07, 2005, 10:35 AM

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I am a novice at computers but I was at the Athens show...any pointers on how to get this file open/downloaded??/ :-[


anyone who's already gotten this one downloaded would you please leave the torrent open so it can upload to everyone else. i'm getting a whopping 15 kb/sec right now and i'm very impatient :).


Thanks a lot.  This sounds great.

This was my first MMJ show and the possibility of getting this show made me finally sit down and figure out the whole bit torrent thing.



The first thing you need to do is go to bittorrent.com and download a "client."  After you do that, hit the link in this thread and it should start downloading.  This will be a .flac file(as apposed to a .mp3 or.wav file).  You'll need to convert this flac file to a .wav or a .aiff file.  I use MacFlac, but only cause I use a Mac.  Just google flac converter and you'll come up with something.

This show was my first torrent.  It seems oberwhelming at first, but it's really easy.

Let me know if you still can't get it.


Yeah, for those of you that are new to Bittorrent....
Once the show has reached 100%, please leave your client running for another day or so to help other people download. The more people that are sharing, the quicker the downloads will be.


pretty good recording - at the very least, i suggest everyone download it to hear the new songs.  i'm liking 'off the record' more and more with each additional listen.


a couple questions about this whole bit torrent deal:
1) What should I do if my download just stops working?
2) Can I stop a download and restart it again?
3) Why am I getting errors when I try to "decode" these files?

I may be helpless but any recommended course of action would be appreciated.
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


If you're trying to decode before the entire download is finished, that's why you're getting an error... I would think. If I understand it correctly, you don't get them song by song. I think it gets a little bit of each song at a time. I could be wrong about that.
You should be able to start a download again if you lost your connection for some reason. Just open up your BT client and it should pick back up where you left off...
As far as the first question goes, I'm not sure what you mean by "stops working". If no one else is sharing, then you won't be getting any data. Other than that, it shouldn't just stop working unless you lose your internet connection.

Hope that's of some service. I'm relatively new to BTs myself.


Your right on Corey, You have to wait until the entire thing finishes and then you'll be able to play it on your computer as long as your media player has the flac. plugin.
There's Still Time.........


thanks for the tips, I guess I just need some patience
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


anybody record the birmingham show?


Thanks for posting the show!  It's making me really want to see them again!!!  I Can't Wait!
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


Thank you for posting the show. I love the new songs.