Kathleen Edwards as opener

Started by HorkoLad, Oct 13, 2005, 07:20 AM

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I need to get this off my chest. I considerably loathed this opening performance. Sure, as "musicians," the band/Kathleen were very talented, but I felt like I was listening to the same song over and over again. One song would stop, then next one seemed to pick up where the previous had left off. The band reminded me of a GAP commercial, and this observation was solidified after Kathleen went on a rant about how she bought her new outfit THAT DAY, and decided to wear it to the show THAT NIGHT (Philly 10/12. Kathleen was also overly intense. "Being overly intense is a bad thing at a show?" you might ask me. No, not at all. But the way that she carried herself, and spoke, and "acted" gave me the notion that she was trying way too hard to be the powerful female that fronts a band full of males. The music was vanilla and not once did I hear anything worth noting. Go ahead and rip me, but at least I have the guts to speak up.


makes much more sense to live in the present tense


Nothing you've written makes me understand why you would "loathe" the performance.  What're you so pissed about?


QuoteNothing you've written makes me understand why you would "loathe" the performance.  What're you so pissed about?

i wasn't pissed, I just disliked the performance.



I'll attempt this.

I'll start with the positives:

She and her band were talented I'll give them that.  She had a decent voice.  She was good to look at.

Now the negative:

Alot of her songs sounded the same, very repetative and just seemed to drag on.  It seemed to me that she had this weird chip on her shoulder, like everyone in the audeince would hate her, so she was trying to act all tough and make it known she didn't care if I liked her or not...When she "jammed out" she got right up in the keyboard players face and had this weirdo look on her face like she wanted to tackle him.  Her stage persona didn't seem to go with the music she was palying......Her banter with the audience was a bit, I don't know, forced?  It seemed rehearsed, and she justed seemed like she was trying to hard to swear like a sailor or something.  The whole deal about the Amish, really, who cares.......it was a srupid antic dote , and quite frankly it made me want to scream "Shut up, play, and get off the stage!"

But I'm not that type of person, because I respect musicians and opening acts of all kinds.  They out there doing it, I'm not, so I have no room to talk.  But it doesn't keep me from speaking my mind and sharring my opinion with others after the show.  I simply didn't like it.  I didn't hate it, I didn't loath her, I didn't want to stab myself in the eye.....I just simply didn't like her or her "act" on stage, and I didn't conect with her music one bit.
makes much more sense to live in the present tense



i wasn't pissed, I just disliked the performance.

That's cool.  You sounded pissed.

(I'm protective of Kathleen.  She's of my country.  I also really like her music, and I loved her live show here a few months back. But I recognize your right to say your piece.  :))


Sadly, I DID stab myself in the eye with a piece of raw bacon :/

Alligator Gar

I would chaulk this one up to Keyboard Band.


I don't know about you guys, but Viggo Mortensen (keyboards, guitar)and John Henson (lead guitar) were awesome!!

Seriously, that's who they looked like.
....as mayor of Drugachusettes, I declare this pizza to be...AWESOME!!!


As I posted on the Philly shows thread, She really didn't do anything for me on Golden. Too bad you guys were there having a bad time, I was next door getting juiced up on some Pabst Blue Ribbon.


Kathleen Edwards rocked the opening in Knoxville and Nashville. I've seen 100's of openers and I really enjoyed her set, both nights. Her banter seemed defensive, but that took very little away from the show. I'd tell everyone it's worth it to get there to see her open. Get there early, get up in the KRUNK, and enjoy her show. Anyone, anywhere can rip on any band on the planet, that's not hard. Listening and respecting what you like is important (IMO).

And I'll rip you horko. Sounds like you might be intimidated by powerful females. Might want to consider why that is. Perhaps she wasn't "acting" tough, perhaps that's who she is? She rocked a lot harder than a lot of guys I KNEW were trying to act tough...



QuoteHow long did she play?

How am I supposed to deal with this?
makes much more sense to live in the present tense

Alligator Gar


How am I supposed to deal with this?

Stop asking yourself questions.


she played around 43 minutes

Angry Ewok

Like I said about the Roxy performance, she seemed like she was trying to headbutt her band. Very akward.

Canadians, eh.  ::)

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


I haven't seen her yet, but I will in Indy in a couple weeks. Some early thoughts though; she obviously has A LOT to live up to. Any band that opens for a band like MMJ has a lot to do to pique the interest of MMJ's audience. Why? It's not just b/c I'm an obsessed fan-boy who thinks MMJ hung the moon, it's hardly that. It's just that anyone who's seen the band knows they demand attention simply from their stage presence. My friend hates them, but saw them w/ Wilco and even agreed that they know who they are on stage and know how to work a crowd. So, what is an opener to do? Was she trying too hard? Perhaps. Can you blame her for it? I think not because I would not want to be in her shoes. Sure, a lot of bands would love to open for MMJ, but if your band is ever fortunate enough to do so, you had better know who you are and what you're about, or else you may come off as appearing fake. I think we've all at some point in our lives tried a bit too hard to please or to be something we're not. You're free to speak your mind about the show, granted, but cut her some slack. If you just don't like her music, then that's a whole different argument altogether and no fault of hers. Obviously someone likes her music, she's on a decent label and gets good gigs like this tour...


personally, i am just going to stare at her tits the entire time. :o  maybe she knows this and wants us not to like her. ???  i don't know, the music may be a bit enjoyable as well. either way, she is the opener, and i will be there watching on Sat night. ;)


I've seen Kathleen as a solo performer oh some year or year-and-a-half ago and she's pretty much the same as what you saw.  That's just her personality.  It may have been a little stronger for the reasons cited above opening for MMJ, but for the most part what you saw and heard is what she's all about.  

I heard she was very sweet to talk to after the show as well.


Alligator Gar

I hope Kathleen Edwards comes on this site and reads these posts about her and then changes her style and then makes people mad at her because she changed her style.