With the Boston Pops

Started by Destinedeye, Apr 13, 2006, 02:48 AM

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Holy Shit.  This sounds amazing.  2 Nights of Jacket accompanied by an orchestra, right in my backyard.  And only 2 days after coming home from the Roo.  For the third year in a row Jacket is owning my late June.

and the pump don't work cause the vandal took the handle


The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Congratulations!!! Composer, John Williams used to Conduct the Pops and this is remindin me of the Warp Records  'Sinfonietta'  concerts where the UK had their best represented. Well, best electronically (Aphex Twin, Boards of Canada) So it's like a US counterpart, but Rock and Roll this time. :) Modern music represented like classical music. Good times!  Bravo!!!  

Any old who, I'm callin the kid from Brooklyn if I get shut out from tickets.   & This just goes to show..Ya know F'n Big Time!  Proud.


somebody HAS to tape this!
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I can't believe this.  On my grave, I had a dream about this the other night.  Not Boston, it wasn't that specific.

Well I can tell you it was one of the most beautiful shows ever.  :)

What a FANTASTIC idea.  


WoooHooo, jsut got my tickets...  Going both nights, wednesday with the friends, and thursday I'm taking the family (ma, pa, and sis)...  balcony for wednesday and row D orchestra on Thursday...

I wanna rant some more, but I'll save it for later
and the pump don't work cause the vandal took the handle


This sounds like it could possibly be the most beautiful night of music ever.

Just imagine some crazy shit at the end of "At Dawn" after Jim belts out the last line.

I may have just shat myself.


I may have just shat myself.
that is so beautiful, corey.  it makes me weep.  :'(

peanut butter puddin surprise

you're too young for these... ::)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


ha ha

How's about a webcast?  :o  :o  :o
Is this sold out yet?


It looks like only the June 21 tickets are on sale right now:


Don't know if that means June 22nd is sold out or not.


Quotesomebody HAS to tape this!

Don't count on it.  Guster played with the Pops last year.  Their fan base contains a LOT of tapers and you can usually find tapes of their shows, but none from the Pops.  I believe they (the pops) have a no taping policy.  They do tape their shows although for their own use.  

Maybe someone could get it with some stealth gear.
Well the music is your special friend
Dance on fire as it intends
Music is your only friend
Until the end


Now THIS is the perfect time for the band to show their appreciation to us fans on the message board. Let's say, whoever has more than, oh, I don't know, 860 posts, you get free tickets with round trip airfare and hotel accomadations for 2.

How 'bout it guys?


i still can't believe this.  this is the greatest idea in the world.  

okay, picture it, fall tour (including europe and australia, but in short spurts so people can rest):  mmj travels around to different cities playing with the city's symphony orchestra.

i'd like to point out that toronto has a WONDERFUL symphony orchestra.  

oh holy holy holy this is just great.  do you think they'll let patrick pay the timpani?  bo gets to play the fancy pianos.  i bet carl can play the violin.  he seems pretty good with stringed instruments.  ttt on the standup bass=awesome
i know they're gonna play their real instruments, but

oh fuck, and a maestro.  they will have a maestro again.

so good.  this is really good.


maybe they will play a lot of orbison songs and i can sing backup. all the waas and ahhhhs. i could do that.. CRYINNNNNGG OVVERRRRR YOUUUUUUU


Quotemaybe they will play a lot of orbison songs and i can sing backup. all the waas and ahhhhs. i could do that.. CRYINNNNNGG OVVERRRRR YOUUUUUUU
maybe i can join you, and we can be the backup singers.  we could make dance routines and everything.  oh DUDE!!  we could make autoharp duets!!!!  

hehe.  ;)


maybe i can join you, and we can be the backup singers.  we could make dance routines and everything.  oh DUDE!!  we could make autoharp duets!!!!  

hehe.  ;)

all i'm saying is, an orchestra needs autoharps. notice that is plural. two seats, stage right. you and me.oh, and i can play triangle.


That is fucking great.
Running Scared, oh boy, someone better record this baby.



Don't count on it.  Guster played with the Pops last year.  Their fan base contains a LOT of tapers and you can usually find tapes of their shows, but none from the Pops.  I believe they (the pops) have a no taping policy.  They do tape their shows although for their own use.  

Maybe someone could get it with some stealth gear.

Yes, I would be grateful!


dude......... maybe they will compile this performance into the live CD, like they would cull the best performances from their latest tours and treat us to loveliness.

to whomever is going, cherish it, this is way cool. like portishead with the orchestra, that was neat-o.
everything sucks. really.