Review: Squallis Puppeteers, "Outside"

Started by aMD, Sep 29, 2006, 08:28 AM

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The Squallis Puppeteers production of OUTSIDE that I saw was kind of a test run.  The music, provided by Jim James, was complete but the play itself was kind of half done. The production took place in their workspace rather than a playhouse, which made for an interesting experience all around.  

After barely finding the place a lady of the sidewalk says, "Are you looking for a puppet show"  "Uh, yeah."  "It's on the third floor, follow the orange signs."  As we walked in there was a sign that said "OUTSIDE: Jim James will not actually be here tonight".  

We followed the orange signs up what seemed to be seven flights of stairs weaving in and out of small corridors and almost falling down the elevator shaft a few times until we finally got up to the "space".

The studio space was unique to put it mildly.  It was at the top of the building, tall ceilings and windows lining the walls gave you the feel of a downtown art studio in a big city.  The walls were painted in bright colors and housed the puppets that most of us were introduced to at Bonaroo two years ago.  We sat high up on a stand with the biggest, most recognizable puppet of all right above our heads.

The play itself was funny in a variety of ways.  The actors were hilarious, improvising at times.  The play featured children's humor as well as adult humor.  Another thing that made this play so funny was the scenry falling apart, puppets falling apart, music cues gone wrong.  

The play itself has a great message.  To crudely paraphrase, "You can use you're imagination to escape the boredom and scariness of real life".

 The only character that would be recognizable to a mmj fan would be the giant cricket (I think, maybe mosquito).  He is the villian of the play.

As for the music, as supplied by Jim James, from what I remember there were three songs that keep on being repeated.  Two instrumentals and one song with words which the main character of the play sings at the very end.  One instrumental was featured during the "real life" scenes and the other during the "imagination world" scenes.  They were both great songs that were more mood, background music than stand alone tracks.  They added a lot to the play.

Watching the puppet show with Jim's music in the background was like watching another of Jim's dream come real front of my eyes again.  I first felt like I was watching an early Jim Henson production, but then I realized this was something different, but equally as amazing.  Instead of electric mayhem the soundtrack featured acoustic delights with just as much imagination and ability to inspire.

I hope that this project kick starts a Jim James children's music album.  I would love to hear a full album along the lines of the soundtrack for OUTSIDE.  I'm glad I went to see this play so that now I can once again ponder the question that gave me my user name: "What does it mean to feel millions of dreams come real?"  Keep living the dream, Jim, and I'll keep following it.


Thanks for posting aMD, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your comments  :)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.

Angry Ewok

I'll be headed up to Kentucky in January to see the full production... Do you know if the soundtrack may find itself leaked, or not, Dylan? I'd hate to have a JJ tune stuck in my head but not be able to replay it.

I need to call Squallis again and ask them about their taping policy, do you think they'd be okay if someone took video? I don't have a hand-held, but I was curious, anyway.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


QuoteDo you know if the soundtrack may find itself leaked, or not, Dylan?

No word yet.  i'll yas posted.


could you hook me up with some info about the production? I'd love to come see it, as I'm not too far away.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


I'd like info on the production, too, if it's not too much of a hassle. I totally would make the hour drive up to Louisville for this.


The Squallis Puppeteers present Outside
DATES: February 2-4 and 9-11
LOCATION: Squallis Puppeteers, 414 Baxter Ave., Louisville
INFO: (502) 540-4977

there may be more dates, I don't know.
you can contact the puppeteers at:



The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


They were saying that they are going to try to travel with it to schools and stuff.  It'd would ne neat for them to come to my school!