dreams about the band

Started by johnconaway, Dec 13, 2006, 10:37 AM

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That's country.

That's Barren County High School.

As tempting as it sounds, I'm going to pass.

peanut butter puddin surprise


That's Barren County High School.

As tempting as it sounds, I'm going to pass.

No way dude!  You should totally go, just to show off how much you've grown.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there



That's Barren County High School.

As tempting as it sounds, I'm going to pass.

Yea, you should go and just party like high school, it sounds more like a cool party than a stupid reunion where people are there to show off what they've got.
Visit [url="http://www.37flood.com"]http://www.37flood.com[/url] for Louisville music news.
Also, [url="http://www.koryjohnsonphotography.com"]http://www.koryjohnsonphotography.com[/url]


That's what I was thinking Kory!  I'd much rather go to a field party than to a hotel ballroom with over priced drinks and sub-par food.  
Detroit Cobras @ The Mad Hatter, Covington KY - 7/11/07
Squirrel Nut Zippers @ Jim Porters, Louisville, KY - 7/18/07

peanut butter puddin surprise


Yea, you should go and just party like high school, it sounds more like a cool party than a stupid reunion where people are there to show off what they've got.

well, that wasn't my point, I said "show how much you've GROWN", not "GOT".

two different things.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there



well, that wasn't my point, I said "show how much you've GROWN", not "GOT".

two different things.

I wasn't saying you said that, I was just going off my personal knowledge of how stupid high school reunions are. I know the difference between grown and got...
Visit [url="http://www.37flood.com"]http://www.37flood.com[/url] for Louisville music news.
Also, [url="http://www.koryjohnsonphotography.com"]http://www.koryjohnsonphotography.com[/url]


I must admit I am tempted to go. But I really don't want to hear about people's kids and disability checks and baby daddies and meth charges and parole officers or whatnot. My high school wasn't full of... how should I say... classy people.

Kids + Keg = bad idea. :-[


we talking barren co ky?
Visit [url="http://www.37flood.com"]http://www.37flood.com[/url] for Louisville music news.
Also, [url="http://www.koryjohnsonphotography.com"]http://www.koryjohnsonphotography.com[/url]


I'll assume yes... being that you go to WKU and it's right next door. God, I love that area!
Have we already discussed shanty hollow meg?
Visit [url="http://www.37flood.com"]http://www.37flood.com[/url] for Louisville music news.
Also, [url="http://www.koryjohnsonphotography.com"]http://www.koryjohnsonphotography.com[/url]


I had a Jacket dream last night. They were playing some outdoor festival and I was hanging around the side of the stage and some reporter started interviewing me. I was telling him that MMJ gives you your money's worth and was saying something like "the bigger they get, the more they give" when Patrick walks up (he was walking towards back stage) and I grabbed him and started to say "this is Patrick from MMJ..." when Jim walks up and so I grabbed both of them and asked them to talk about how they are bigger now than ever and that means more Jacket for everyone and Jim started talking very eloquently, "That's our plan, we get bigger and bigger and we give more and more. More Jacket for the buck; the bigger we get, the more we give our fans" then Patrick said something like "we're on" and they walked off.

So they started playing and I was pretty far back in the crowd but it sounded great. I decided to go up close to the stage. I got there and it was like 3 or 4 people there. Tom E was there (I swear) moshing and high stepping (with really no one). Tommy had come out into the crowd (well, in front of the stage, all the people were way behind us) and Tom kept going up to him and like fake hugging him. And you couldn't hear shit. You couldn't hear the drums, the guitars were nothing but little tiny guitar feedback sounds. You could hear Tom's strings but nothing from the speakers. It was really weird, and they were jamming and I looked back into the crowd and everyone was rocking, but up close, you couldn't hear shit (and Tom was rockin' out).

[size=16]  Anyone want to tell me what that means?[/size]


QuoteI'll assume yes... being that you go to WKU and it's right next door. God, I love that area!
Have we already discussed shanty hollow meg?

Kory J, sorry it took me so long to get back to you on this one...  :-[ I kind of suck.

Good ol' Barren County... my alma matter. Not much of a transition when I moved to Bowling Green. I lived in a major city most of my life (back when we were in Alabama), so it was hard on me to adapt. But... I did. Living this close to the country and the most awesome cave system in the world is nice. The more natural surroundings I have, the happier I am.

We have not discussed Shanty Hollow, but we should, as it kicks major ass. Haven't been out in a while, though...


I know that the presence of MMJ has graced my dreams in abstract ways in the past, but recently, I had one that was solely about them. It took place at the Blackbird in Portland, Oregon. The beginning of the dream was like a total deja vu of the first time I saw them play (March 8, 2002 at this venue). The whole atmosphere of the place was intact, right down to the juice press at the bar. I had some sort of fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice concoction. The Forty First and Swearing at Motorists played their sets. When MMJ took the stage, everything was how I remember it, including the horse/llama puppet Jim had attached to his microphone and his hair entirely in his face. I had no idea what he looked like until much later. They started to play and within moments, their bodies disappeared. The music continued and no one seemed phased by the fact that you couldn't see them anymore. I turned to the guy next to me and asked him where they went and he said, "just because you can't see them doesn't mean they're not still here."  I woke up with that thought in my head.
Everyone has a photographic memory. Some don't have film.