The Darkness

Started by cerealkiller, Nov 15, 2003, 11:18 PM

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I was wondering if anybody had picked up the new CD by The Darkness~ Permission to Land.

I know this isn't 'change the world' type-music, but I thought it was just one of those fun albums to throw on from time to time.

1.   Black Shuck
2.   Get Your Hands Off My Woman
3.   Growing On Me
4.   I Believe In A Thing Called Love
5.   Love Is Only A Feeling
6.   Givin' Up
7.   Stuck In A Rut  
8.   Friday Night
9.   Love On The Rocks With No Ice
10.   Holding My Own


I've actually convinced my sister to buy it me for xmas pressie, i'm soooo good at this whole convincing people to go my way!!
It's supposedly really good tho' so i can't wait!!
Hope you enjoy it!
C Ya H. :-*
Loneliness breeds in large groups of people.
If your happy and you know it your unusual.


 I lift the gobblit of rock to The Darkness the GREATEST BAND ON EARTH (besides MMJ!!! )ha ha ha these guys are really cool the lead singer reminds me of Freddie Murcury or Rob Halford and some of the lyrics are kinda funny too everyone sould go buy there album!! NOW


Oh man! The Darkness... where to begin... haha I've lost any interest in them at all since the first time i heard that I believe in a thing called love song... It just sucked... sorry if you like em i just thought i'd throw in some reality


Hmm, I think they're pretty funny, but not much more than that. Only thing is, my girlfriend claims she read an interview with them in wich they said the only reason they make this kind of music is because they thought it would sell. If that is true, then they really suck. But if it's not, hey, I like a priceless joke every once in a while...  :)
I'm ready when you are


If they are that good we should hear a lot more of them in the future, but I doubt this!


The darkness can kiss my arse. They're terrible. Having said that they were on my walkman on the way to college this morning :S
woke up in vomit and beer in a banana bin


I bought the album and was over it in a week. I wouldn't say that they suck, but they're pretty uninteresting. Everything that "sells" nowadays is recycled crap. Okay, maybe they do suck a little... :-/ sorry.
You came around when I needed you, now I'm up to my neck in you.