Ralph Nader...

Started by johnconaway, Feb 23, 2004, 06:39 PM

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peanut butter puddin surprise

Not to throw down the political gauntlet, but WTF?  Can't Captain Ego sit this one out and worry about other shit for a while?

Seriously, though.  Anyone who has ever looked a pie chart should know he's got a snowball's chance in Hades of making the Shrub unemployed... ;)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


I hear you John.  I have a little déja-vu too.  But luckely he mainly focuses his candidacy on mr dubja, but nevertheless he's on another egotrip.


Yeah i wish he'd just stay out of this and let the democrats try and beat bush


Be sharp. Vote for Al Sharpton in 04'!


[glb]NADER RULES[/glb]

peanut butter puddin surprise

Quote[glb]NADER RULES[/glb]

Rules what, the infinite wasteland that is his philosophy?  
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Enough of him already.....


peanut butter puddin surprise

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Nader is just sick of corporate America posting 2 candidates to choose from. personally I am tired of the same thing. It's not about the people anymore, it's about corporate money and who can get the most to buy the vote. I have a ton of respect for Nader and I voted for him in 2000 for the hopes of him getting 5% of the vote having a 3rd party to get government subsidies to run in 04. Screw the corporate run republicans and screw the corporate run democrats. How much worse does it have to get before we realize we need more candidates for THE PEOPLE and not for corporate America?


Oh come on guys.If the democrats won the last election as if we wouldnt all be totally pissed at all the crap shit they would have done during their term.They are so bad these days, can someone explain to me why they think it is bad to say they are liberal.
If Nader was running with the greens i would vote for him but his not. And i would vote for the greens even if i lived in Florida because the democrats have to know that we are still angry at them because they are too far right not because Bill had an affair.
If Al Sharpton was running though i definately would vote for them.and im scared that thats mainly because his black.am i racist? i would never vote for colin powel of course though


Sorry just wanted to make it clear that i WOULD vote for the democrats but only if Al sharpton was running and never if Edwards was. Peace y'all :-*