password help please.

Started by lyricjunkie, Sep 04, 2004, 02:50 PM

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can anyone tell me if I can change my password?  I would like to do it without losing my ID. Thanks in advance.
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Hi. How are you? Haven't seen you around for a while. I was wondering if you were OK.

Can't help about the password, but somebody who can will be along soon I've no doubt  :)


you sure can.
just click on 'profile' in the top menu.
replace password twice and click change profile on the bottom.


What did I tell you? It's just like magic  ;)


QuoteWhat did I tell you? It's just like magic  ;)
here in our magical place :D.  where's a troll with a wise crack???
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Thank you CC.  I really appreciate your help.  
Hi doc! how you doin'?  I've been workin' 70+ hours a take's it's toll, so I've been sleeping when I can.  Hopin' that will ease up soon though...just have to wait and see.  

Troll with a wise crack?...hmmm now who could we give THAT job too? ;)
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Hi doc! how you doin'?  I've been workin' 70+ hours a take's it's toll, so I've been sleeping when I can.  

I'm fine thanks. Just started a new job. Like you, I found myself just working and sleeping and it was driving me nuts. I'd worked my way up to quite a senior position and it was all meetings and jargon and meetings about the jargon and meetings about changing the jargon. I felt like I was on a giant tread mill so I got off. It surprised everybody including me.

I now have a job where I'm only responsible for my own work and it feels great. I've got a lot less money, of course, but I now live surrounded by beautiful countryside and have a lot more free time. My kids are happy and I get to see a lot more of my lovely man.

This is the best time in my life, thanks for asking  :D

You take care now.

peanut butter puddin surprise

good for you!  i know the pain of the meetings about meetings to discuss the meetings on meetings.  absolutely brain shattering, worse than any drug.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Quotegood for you!  i know the pain of the meetings about meetings to discuss the meetings on meetings.  absolutely brain shattering, worse than any drug.

I thought i could get away form this on 2nd shift but they keep pulling me in for all kinds of mental gymnastics when I'm supposed to be home  :D
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


well...the mental gymnastics can sometimes be alot of fun. ;)  I have to say that my boss has been right there with us working the long hours.  We are implimenting a new computer system that is involving and affecting the entire company.  our biggest obstacle?...idiots that are afraid of change. whew...didn't realise there were soooo many soooo close by.  sorry to offend any that lurk here. :-/
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good luck!  ::)  we're in the middle of converting to SAP from AS400--what a firedrill this is going to be.  we'll be lucky to survive go-live in October!
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.

peanut butter puddin surprise

Quotegood luck!  ::)  we're in the middle of converting to SAP from AS400--what a firedrill this is going to be.  we'll be lucky to survive go-live in October!

Sounds like a horrible nightmare.  Repeat after me:


I guess your environment is too big for Win2003 Server?  Or do you have enterprise level apps that are written for SAP?

AS400 is trash, IMHO...great in 1981, but just too big and costly for 2004.  Talk about old skool.  :)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


yeah we're talking a multinational pharma company and SAP coordinates at all levels the way we need a system to--financials to goods movements.  its gonna be a bear :(--hey I feel a song coming on...
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.



Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


not as much as i love you!


Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.



Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


just curious...
are you trying to convince him, or yourself? ;)
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