Somebody cheer me up...

Started by johnconaway, Sep 01, 2004, 01:06 PM

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peanut butter puddin surprise

got a case of the blues.  somebody out there light my fire...
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


I watched a documentary on the British existentialist school "Summerhill" today in Curriculum.  There were 11 and 13 year old children engaging in democratic debate...honest and provoking democratic debate.
it's a voice. and it's a choice
to call you out. or stay at home


Sorry to hear you're feeling down, John. Wish I could help. All I can say is that good wishes come from this small part of England.

And Bush's days are numbered (surely)

And Jasper/Cora June (I'm in the Cora June camp now, by the way) is being kept safe and warm in Susan

Lots of love from me

peanut butter puddin surprise

Thanks.  That'll do just nicely!
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


You'd have laughed if you'd seen me and g looking bedraggled in the Yorkshire rain on Sunday (the Leeds Festival, sans MMJ  :'() . We couldn't stop laughing at each other. I had a geeky anorak with my hood up. I'm usually rather elegant as you can imagine  :-/


QuoteI watched a documentary on the British existentialist school "Summerhill" today in Curriculum.  There were 11 and 13 year old children engaging in democratic debate...honest and provoking democratic debate.

if only we could figure out how to infuse this into American public schools.  jc--sometimes simplifying is a quick way for me to wipe out the crap hanging over my head, maybe take a walk and meditate :-/
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


When greggy's feeling down I sometimes offer to sing him a song. That always cheers him right up  ;)

peanut butter puddin surprise

I think I see a long-way-home drive with "can you see the real me?" blasting on the radio.... ;)

and dr, cora june is definitely the girl name.  now if I can get her to agree on Jasper....hmmmmmmmmm
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


QuoteI think I see a long-way-home drive

Oh, you're at work. (It's nine o'clock at night here.) Work can suck. Go home now. I'll write you a note  :)

peanut butter puddin surprise


Oh, you're at work. (It's nine o'clock at night here.) Work can suck. Go home now. I'll write you a note  :)

yeah, that's the funny part.  I'm at "work".  hardeee har har...

though our very own Mr. Patrick Hallahan can attest to the hard work I do here at my real job.  it allows me time to screw off like this...
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


I must confess sneaking to the forum a bit at work meself ;)
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


hey jc, it's tomorrow, but if you're still blue...

a couple of weeks ago i was in brighton, england.  it was the morning, and i'd stayed in a fancy hotel that cost way more money than i could afford, but it was the only option.  i was to meet up with one of my best friend's sister and family, but i didn't know where they lived, so i called her from a phone box (a red one, like in withnail and i) and my friend's dad said he'd come and pick me up.  he likes to walk.

as i was waiting, a young lad came up and asked me for a light.  i gave him one, and then he said "where're you from, then?"  i told him canada.  he said "oh, canada?  you're accent is pretty good - have you been here for a while?"  i was a bit confused, but then realized...  "we speak english in canada".  he said, "oh you do?  you don't speak canadian?"  i told him no.  he then asked me if canada was using the euro, yet.  i told him that the euro was for european countries, and that canada has our own currency.  i kind of realized that he was a little slow, but nice enough, and he had the most amazing golden eyes that kind of stuttered here and there.  then he asked me if i had a boyfriend, and i told him i did.  then he asked me if i was waiting for someone, and i told him i was.  he said, "oh, okay.  well, i'll just wait over here and make sure you're safe until they arrive.  i mean, you're probably safe enough because it's hove [which is part of brighton], but you know.  i'll wait."

and he did.  he waited until my friend's dad arrived.  it was really nice.

p.s.  it was 11am.  i really wasn't anywhere close to being in danger...

p.p.s.  think about geddy lee singing 'bytor and the snow dog'.  that always cheers me up.  (did i spell bytor right?)

peanut butter puddin surprise

thanks for the story, that is a nice guy.  the kindness of strangers is sometimes very surprising (as in the lovely support I get from you guys, some of you I've never met in person!)

feelin' better today, got the fire lit under me for some unknown reason...just love it when that happens!  (could it be I'm goin' to party tonight?! hmmmmm....always good to have something to look forward to, even if it is self destruction!  :D)

oh, and:
Quote.p.s.  think about geddy lee singing 'bytor and the snow dog'.  that always cheers me up.  (did i spell bytor right?)

anytime geddy lee is singing, i feel better.  damn all the haters, Rush was the bomb back in the day.  when they came to Pittsburgh, it was the annual cultural event we all looked forward to.  that sounds odd, but Pittsburgh is an odd city and it's rural surroundings are even odder...Twin Peaks odd...
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


"What about the voice of Geddy Lee?  How did it get so high?
I wonder if he speaks like an ordinary guy."

"I know him, and he does."

"Then you're my fact-checkin' cuz!"

peanut butter puddin surprise

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Quote"What about the voice of Geddy Lee?  How did it get so high?
I wonder if he speaks like an ordinary guy."

"I know him, and he does."

"Then you're my fact-checkin' cuz!"

We'll focus on the quasars in the mist
The Kaiser has a cyst
it's a voice. and it's a choice
to call you out. or stay at home


Here's some silly stuff to cheer you up!

This site cracks me up!!!!


QuoteWe'll focus on the quasars in the mist
The Kaiser has a cyst

And i'm a blank want list
The qualms you have and if they stick
They will drown you in a crick



And i'm a blank want list
The qualms you have and if they stick
They will drown you in a crick
somebody hit me with a brick ???
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


People, you're doing such a great job cheering up John, that even my mood gets better!  :)

So John, I don't know if the blues have faded yet. Hope they have... I suggest sun, beer, going outside, taking rides on a bicycle, singing with your friends and cinnamon tea!
I'm ready when you are