R.I.P.  Dime Bag Darrell

Started by dwight, Dec 09, 2004, 07:24 AM

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Unfortunate Tradgedy..

What do you think?




although... we could change the spelling just for Dime Bag.

peanut butter puddin surprise

i'm glad you started a thread on this.

folks, we are at a sad point in history when nutjobs in the audience start shooting at the entertainment.  not to mention pro basketball players going apeshit and chasing down "fans" in the audience and beating the snot out of them.

where is the security for these places?  are these venues so cheap that they can't/won't pay for REAL security for shows?  apparently, this show had OSU students as bouncers.  altamount, anyone?  we haven't learned anything in 34 years?  

listen up, you cheap bastards who own venues:  for the safety of the acts and the patrons, spend some of that beer money you make in fucking mountains every time there's a show and hire some REAL security, guys who have had training, guys who know exactly what to do when they see shit like this about to happen, OR face a dwindling audience and/or no acts coming to your venues.

Thankfully, in the 50 odd MMJ shows I've been to, there's only been drunken idiots who have been happily ejected by the security at all of the venues.  At this stage of my concert-going, I've been to countless shows where danger lurks in every city:  fire code busting crowds (going back to you cheap bastards who own venues), weapons, fights, and sometimes...NO security.  WTF??

I know some who would say there's too much security at some venues.  Whatever.  I've got to be the biggest lush going, and I've enjoyed the living shit out of many shows, and haven't had the displeasure of ever being ejected or hassled by any security.  Maybe I'm just old fashioned, or just an old fashioned happy drunk, but fans shouldn't have to risk their lives at shows because of a lack of security or unstable idiots shooting at the talent.

Our heroes shouldn't have to worry that some nutbag is going to shoot them at some show in the future.  That's all I'm saying...
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Sadly, there are just some freaks out there and for whatever reason killing people does it for them.  I have been to the Rose Garden in Portland, OR and the security is out of hand.  You barely get our of your seat, yoru tossed.  Pay fifty bucks for a show and they throw you out is just wrong.  On the opposite side, I have been to shows where this none at all.  Costs money, there lazy, who knows...It is a fine line but certainly this type of tragedy is just bogus.  What was the guy thinking....



There is talk that this shooting and the 2 Pac killing may be linked...=)
(for some levity)

This is, as I said, a tragedy... or... tragerdy as "W" would say.

However, I can't help but joke a little.

Perhaps Dime Bag would have wanted it this way. To go out in a blaze of gun fire.  Why he was just on the cover of Guitar PLayer with Zack Wylde sporting Camouflage and automatic weapons.
It's funny that NPR and a couple other news networks were tip-toeing around the name "Dime Bag Darrell".  You have to admit it's about the goofiest nick name you can think of for a Heavy Metal Shredder....


major big time f'in bummer--R.I.P Dimebag and Vinnie  :'(
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Didn't he used to be called "Diamond Darrell" or something like?
Either way, that's a bummer.


Just slipped "Cowboys from Hell" into my cd player as I was feeling Friday night rowdy--IS THERE A BETTER HARD ROCK/METAL SONG THAN "CEMETERY GATES"? man those bastads rock on that puppy!  and yes 'wiggum, Dimebag started as Diamond--good memory!
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.