Albums of the year

Started by bengrim, Dec 28, 2004, 06:37 AM

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This may be blasphemy to some people, but I think that Dave Grohl is a better songwriter then Cobain ever was. Don't get me wrong, I still love most of Nirvana's stuff, but I don't think he held a candle to Grohl on most days...
(Every once in a while this changes in my head.)


Certainly Dave is a good song doubt.  Bear in mind, Kurt wrote 95% of the songs for Nirvana so perhaps Dave learned a lot of the craft from Kurt. I dig Foo Fighters but have to think that Kurt molded Dave in some regard.



No question Dave Grohl is a really good songwritter.  Personally I think his singing really sucks, If you hear them live it's horrible, album vocals are ok.  Dave writes ok lyrics (above average), he does however have the knack for songwritting and can play the hell out of some drums.  Still not even in the same ballpark as Cobain though ;)

Top 5 Foo Fighter Songs
1. I'm alone and I'm an easy target
2. Stacked Dead Actors
3. Everlong
4. I'll Stick Around
5. My Poor Brain
Honarable mention
Times Like These (Even though it sounds like a Bon Jovi song)  
February Stars
There's Still Time.........


That's a good point. He probably did learn a lot from Kurt. It'd be nice to see Foo Fighter do "Unplugged" just to see if they capture any of the magic that Nirvana was able to get out of their "Unplugged". I doubt it though. That was a very creepy and beautiful performance.