Ouja Board?

Started by utonynashm, May 23, 2005, 05:05 PM

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Not sure if that is the correct way to spell it but...

I have become very interested in the Ouja Board and all it entails...

Have you ever tried one? Crazy story? Experiances? Or just post anything about them...

Thanks, it will help in my research I have set out to do...


well, suposedly it summons the occult. It's spelled Ouija. The thing is, you have to have two people or more all put there hands on it and its supposed to move. I did it with my friend in seventh grade and I believe we wound up spelling womens anatomy bits. It's pretty much a crock. There's always somebody who moves it. Even if you dont think your moving it, if your thinkin and answer, your hand will move that way. I think its just power of suggestion. And if it really is summoning the occult, which it may be if you intend to use it in that way, I would be very careful, as I would assume you wouldn't really want those kinds of spirits hanging around.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


I might though...it intrigues me to no end...



QuoteI might though...it intrigues me to no end...

Okay.  Well, I should preface this by saying that stuff like this freaks me out.  I'm already freaked out about the Sloss Furnace.  So I'm not a good judge.

I had some weird ouija experiences for sure waaay back when I was FORCED to participate at sleepover parties.  And then in highschool we messed around a bit.  

I have no idea what happens with the ouija board.  I do know that I tried it by myself (with people there) with my eyes closed to test it.  I did not open my eyes.  It spelled stuff.  It wasn't bad stuff but it was enough to make me not want to do it.

What it might be, especially with a bunch of people summoning their energies into their fingertips, is a kind of mind-melding, and depending on your headspace, y'all might collaborate and spell scary messages.

Just be careful and keep yer head about you, Tony.  These things have a way of making things really weird, even if it's just you succumbing to your imagination (which it may or not be).  Dabbling in the occult is interesting, but it can get dangerous.  

You know, try to counterbalance it with meditation or something...

(god, what a damn nerd I sound like.  I just mean keep it allll balanced.)




Don't do it Tony.