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Started by SMc55, Aug 04, 2005, 06:10 AM

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I'm really sorry, too, darkglow.  I didn't know that.  Good work on taking the reins, though.  :)

jonjon, your post reminded me of when I called my Mom a bitch in grade eight because I was having a sleepover party, and we snuck boys in, and she found out and made them leave.  And I called her a bitch, and I still to this DAY cannot BELIEVE I said that.  


I once got pissed and shoved my mom, she lost her balance and fell to the ground. Talk about really bad guilt. How was I to know she was protecting me from bad rednecks by not allowing me to take a girl of a different race out on a date. Young and stupid. I still feel bad to this day about that incident too EC. Of course, Dad came home and said I got physical with his wife(notice he didn't say my mother). Let's just say it wasn't pretty and I never ever never did that again. We live, we learn, we do stupid shit that we will never ever do again.
Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.


QuoteGot a lasagna recipe that uses ground turkey with the spinich. Suppose to be healthy and all that. Thanks to mommies, we kids get to eat good too.

Mmmmm.... turkey and spinach, that is healthy. Thanks for the tip  :D


QuoteWhat a cool picture with a beautiful little man.

he's the best...if he really does turn out to be a songwriter, i'm showing the proof this picture holds. start 'em early!



he's the best...if he really does turn out to be a songwriter, i'm showing the proof this picture holds. start 'em early!
He's beauts, whothrewthecake.  Part of me really wants my brother to have a baby so that I can be an Aunt.  And part of me really doesn't want him to have babies.  ;)

Do you know that I didn't know where your name came from until yesterday when I clicked a wrong thing and found myself in the lyrics section?


He's beauts, whothrewthecake.  Part of me really wants my brother to have a baby so that I can be an Aunt.  And part of me really doesn't want him to have babies.  ;)
being an aunt is tops! i'm sure you will LOVE it, and i think you will be a really super aunt.

QuoteDo you know that I didn't know where your name came from until yesterday when I clicked a wrong thing and found myself in the lyrics section?

right on, sistah! HOW DO YOU KNOW!


I see that little EP all the time, and I keep meaning to get it.  Maybe today on my way home from work...


i have a show from 5/28/04 in toronto and they sing it there. i love the way jim sings, who threw the i went with it. EC, were you at this show?


Quotei have a show from 5/28/04 in toronto and they sing it there. i love the way jim sings, who threw the i went with it. EC, were you at this show?

Nope.  I have yet to see them in Toronto.  I know a bunch of people who were at that show, though.

I even know some people who were at the very special, exciting solo event held at Soundscapes, my favourite record store.  Actually, some of the guys who work there still talk about it.  :)  Apparently it was really, really, really special.


Oh man, I think this sort of turned into a Moms thread, but i don't mind it.

My mom is awesome, even though I don't let her know it enough by actually telling her. But I've had so much fun ever since I realized how cool she really is. I was a dick up until sophomore year, when I finally realized she divorced my Dad (back when I was five) with good reason, and had nothing but pure love and prayers for me. So I started listening to her and getting to know her for being my mom and started to reallya ppreciate how much she reallyd oes care for me. Every time I start to come up with a song (or better yet, finish one) I'll bring my guitar downstairs and play it for her and twice she's told me that just teh music has made her think of the same thing I was thinking writing it (which royally rocks). The fact that she's trusted me so much to make my own decisions, and doesn't rule over my life, and even now, as I've been dating this wonderful girl for a good while, just seeing the two of them start to really get comfortable around eachother, I've become so thanful for how awesome she is, and how lucky I am.

Gosh. It's funy that it took me so long to get into this thread, because my biggest goal in my life (and yes, I'm only seventeen) is to have a good family. I don't care about money (dont do a thang for meeee) or any of that, I just feel like if my family comes first (well, after whatever work I need to be doing for the Lord) then that is what really matters. It's one of the biggest sacrifices and most beautiful things that can happen to you, and I'm completely looking forward to one day being a dad.It's weird, because I think I forget a little about how hard it will be, but I'm determined and I think it will be one of the most fulfilling journeys a man could endeavor.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.