Spine goose tingling

Started by eiseyrokker, Aug 03, 2005, 11:54 AM

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I'm stealing what Jim said about M Ward from the article that bigbang posted, because it's highly topical:
Quote'Finally,' I thought, 'I'll give this a listen.' But right then we stopped at a rest area so I got out to get some chocolate and to take a pee. Afterwards I got back
in my little cozy bunk and pulled the blankets up around my neck and I put it on: M. Ward's The Transfiguration of Vincent. I was instantly transported to a beautiful swamp upon hearing the first seconds of 'Transfiguration No.1'. 'Jesus,' I thought. Then came 'Vincent O'Brien.' 'Holy Christ,' I thought. Then came 'Outta My Head'. 'Sweet Mary, mother of all things righteous,' I thought, and I kept feeling the chills all the way through 'Transfiguration No. 2'. Then I put it on again and M. sang me sweetly to sleep, right there in my cozy little bunk.



Buckely's Lover, You should Have Come Over...did it to me for sure! I was doing some work and I heard "She's a tear that hangs inside my soul forever.." and I just stopped dead in my tracks, mouth open and chills goin'on!

Golden, I remember I was ironing (how domestic :)) and I heard the opening chords of Golden, then the voice, then the chills!!  I saw them several months later and & well, you all know the rest, an addict is an understatement!!

Cursed Diamond by the Black Crowes....the line "So baby open me up wide now, so I can show this to you....I want to shine for you, I want sparkle too..."

I love this thread brought back some great moments! :D

But seein you feels good, and its always understood.
That anything much sweeter would make me die.


i could have written that about transfiguration as well. except the pee part.


there are a lot of songs that give me petit mort in the heart.

here are a couple, off the top:

iron & wine
"but when that southern anthem rings
she will buckle to the sound
when that southern anthem sings
it will lay her burdens down"

"I'm not your Chesnutt,
I'm not your Mould,
I'm not your DJ on late night radio,
I'll be the first one to ask where you were,
I'll be your bird.

Then when there's no one to care, I could protect like I've always been there,
I'll become your bear."

hope for a golden summer
"and it turns out, instead of blood
you got love songs travelin through your veins
and what i found was all the words you ever sang
trapped beneath the bones of your rib cage
and i wept when i heard deep inside your chest
beat not one but all the hearts of all the friends that you loved best
all the lovers and the fighters
underground or on this pyre
and we all looked to the blue
and stopped wondering where our hearts had disappeared to"


oh, and the memory of jb looking over at a sick mikey and the two of them smiling while singing

"pretty soon i met a friend who played guitar
sitting on the steps at school, we dreamed about being stars"

kay, i'm gonna go have a little cry in the bathroom now.


Quotei could have written that about transfiguration as well. except the pee part.
Me, too.  Except I put it on right away.  And within five seconds, I turned to my friend and said "holy shit".


The Beautiful Ones from the movie Purple Rain.

To scream with Prince towards the end of that song:

I want you...yes I do.....listen to me.
You may not know what I'm going through.
You may not know what I need.
But one thing, one thing's for certain babe,
I know what I want.
And if it please ya baby, please ya baby.
I'll beg you down on my knees, I want you.

That one does it to me.
Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.


Saw this thread a while back, just got the chills listening to "Caught by the River" by Doves for the 1st time.

What a fucking incredible song!!!

Every time it finishes I play it again. My whole body has goose-bumps!

Man oh Man I feel so alive right now!
& this is why we all love music SO much, right?
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


first time i heard neil's cortez the killer live i felt like i was transported to an alternate universe where everything tasted like chocolate and there were baskets of puppies everywhere.
also, neil and emmylou harris doing wrecking ball... tingles...
everything sucks. really.


I get that feeling on just about every Mars Volta song, especially on "Take the Veil Cerpin Taxt" during the last 45 seconds when Cedric starts singing "Who brought me here."

The last minute of Interpol's "Not Even Jail."

The part in "One In the Same" where Jim sings "it wasn't till I woke up... that I could hold down a joke or a job or a dream but then all three are one in the same."

the chorus in John Prine's "Spanish Pipedream."

The Who's "See Me Feel Me/Listening to You"

Hold my life until I'm ready to use it


The part in "One In the Same" where Jim sings "it wasn't till I woke up... that I could hold down a joke or a job or a dream but then all three are one in the same."

jeez, just reading that line did it to me...
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


QuoteThe part in "One In the Same" where Jim sings "it wasn't till I woke up... that I could hold down a joke or a job or a dream but then all three are one in the same."
That part runs through my mind constantly.  As soon as I figured out what he was saying (way back when), it just stuck in my head and never went away.


"the fact that my heart's beatin, is all the proof you neeeeeeeeeeeeed."

also, the ends of Wordless Chorus and Gideon are really getting to me these days.  quickly becoming two of my favorites


Quotefirst time i heard neil's cortez the killer live i felt like i was transported to an alternate universe where everything tasted like chocolate and there were baskets of puppies everywhere.
also, neil and emmylou harris doing wrecking ball... tingles...

Emmy Lou singing Steve Earle's Goodbye does it for me.  A beautiful song that has reduced me to tears on more than one occasion.
Fade Into You by Mazzy Star is another one. Hope Sandoval has the voice of an Angel!
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


QuoteFade Into You by Mazzy Star is another one. Hope Sandoval has the voice of an Angel!
An old boyfriend put that on a mixed tape years ago, and I just about lost it.  That song definitely makes me shiver.  :)


Just got that feeling ALL OVER listening to Where to Begin on the Elizabethen Town web-site - thanks Mr. Baxter!
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.