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hey y'all!

Started by MMJ_fanatic, Jul 28, 2005, 08:16 PM

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I know it's been a bit and Iwanted to stop in and say hi.  Since my last post the end of March, I was shopping for and bought a used motorcycle (driving the HEMI Ram 2500 daily was a tad hard on the wallet).  I got my motorcycle endorsement on my license after passing a rider safety course late April/early May then on May 20th I get smashed by a lady in a Ford Excursion--ironic eh? I move to reduce driving a truck and a truck ruins my bike!  Not to mention most of my summer since the accident resulted in me losing my right leg below the knee in addition to breaking the radius bone in my right arm while simultaneously tearing the tendons between the radius and ulna in that arm--leaving me with my left arm and leg to get me through my hospital stay and in-patitnt rehabilitation.  Suffice it to say, no Bonnaroo  :'( hope it was great.  Thanks for the e-mail Megan!  Hope everyone here at my fasvorite site is having a way better summer than me ;) and maybe I'll get a wooden peg leg to wear to my nxt MMJ show 8).  
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Oh man, that's terrible. I'm glad you're in good spirits man, it's awesome you're alive even. I'm sorry to hear about your leg. A peg-leg may have to be in order! It's good to hear back from you, we had been worried about you.

Sucks to have missed Bonnaroo, cuz it was one darn amazing show.

I hope you don't mind me asking, you seem pretty candid about it. But is your right arm going to be able to completely heal? Or is that permanent damage?

Once again, good to see you're alive and in good spirits. That has to be very hard for you, and I'm glad to see you've been greatly blessed.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Hey, great to hear from you again. We've missed you a lot. So sorry to hear about your accident. Just keep on healing fanatic.


Hey MMJ Fanatic!  :) Sean


i'm deeply sorry about the accident.

it's good to see you post on here again though.
Hold my life until I'm ready to use it


I am so glad to see you back!! :)

Oh dear.  I am so sorry to hear about your accident.  You seem in fairly good spirits about it, and so we'll go with that. That must have been insanely difficult.

Fanatic.  Honestly.  SO glad you're back.  Oh man.  :)


hey man, sorry to hear about your accident but good to see you're still around. take care!


Hey fanatic,

Tough one but glad you're okay.

I wish you all the best and a good rehab.

Take care!



peanut butter puddin surprise

holy shite!  man, that is terrible.  i'm very sorry about that and hope all is well with you.

you know, of course, that you can count on your friends here for just about anything you need.  we're close enough to each other to know that if the chips are down, you can talk to us.  anytime.  and i mean that.  

groovy.  email me if you want to talk like live and such.  
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Hey fanatic, it's so good to hear from you again.  We have seriously missed having you around here.  I nearly went into shock when I saw that you had made a post.  Hope to hear from you more regularly, we have alot to be excited about with the new album, the movie and new tour dates coming up.  I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to get fitted for that peg leg before the next tour.  I echo John when he says we are all here for you if you need anything.

There's Still Time.........


Welcome back,So sorry to hear about your accident.Glad you're doing better and glad to see you in good spirits.


Wow, so sorry to hear that!! I'm sure it's not been easy for you .  Glad you're recovering and hope you can rock out to the Jacket soon enough!   ;D ;D
But seein you feels good, and its always understood.
That anything much sweeter would make me die.


Nice to hear from you after all this time.

Keep it going man.
the future is Ginger


Sorry to hear bout your accident,bro...keep the faith....and really good to see ya back on the board.
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


Holy shit, man. Nice to have you back around these parts. Sorry to hear about the accident.
Since you seem to be in good spirits about it, I'll say that it is mighty odd timing that EC and John were just having a pirate/peg-leg discussion only a couple of days ago and then you posted shortly thereafter.
I really hate to hear that for you. Glad you're doing better now, though.
Also, the MMJ tribute CD (round 2) is nearing completion, so that's one more MMJ thing to look forward to.

(good to have you back!)


Damn, bad summer indeed.
I respect the way in which you seem to react to your bad luck. You rule.

Keep on rockin'...


((((hugs and well wishes darlin')))) I'm sorry you got hurt, let alone hurt so badly! :'(  I am happy to see that you are still around though!!!  Take care and come back soon!  Missed seein' ya!:)
Talk less....
Say more.


And then we have lyricjunkie!  Hello to you!!  :)


Yes!! Hello girl  :D   Welcome back.


Holy shit I love all of you guys--honestly you all are the greatest to hang with  ;) :D ;D :-*.  Yes my arm is supposed to heal but getting it operational is taking a fair amount of therapy, which all your encouragement will certainly buoy me thru!  I can't wait until I am ready to be fitted for a prosthetic--banging around in a wheelchair is wearing VERY thin >:(.  Anyhoo, I still want to see if I can get a peg leg disguise for the prosthetic and a pirate outfit to boot!  There is one thing helping mitigate this bs right now--pending litigation ;).

     love you all,
P.S.:  DAMNITALL!!!!!!!!  I just noticed I missed the guys' shows up her in New England ARGH!  Come back soon please guys! Miss ya!
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.