Screw You Bloggers!

Started by The_DARK, Apr 21, 2008, 09:22 PM

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I can't believe this. Yesterday, everyone in the blogging world was dying to get a piece of the new MMJ album. They had heard the majority of the new songs from the webcast, and even had the studio version of Evil Urges. Now once the leak gets out, they go ahead and automatically pan it because it sounds "too modern" and "too pop". What is this??? Weren't you the same people who were demanding more versions of Cobra? And duh they weren't going to stay the same. Any fool who heard Z knows that. Jim even tells you that he listens to Prince, Outkast, and Curtis Mayfield. Most of you didn't even give them a chance in the first place.

Seriously, didn't you know that this was coming?  >:(

Comments ?
In another time, in another place, in another face


who are you speaking of, in particular.

(it's my understanding we're not allowed to talk about the new album)


In another time, in another place, in another face


ouch. i guess i'll have to take his word for it.


In another time, in another place, in another face


woah.  well, if the critics hate it then it'll probably be their biggest hit yet.


One can only hope.  ;)
In another time, in another place, in another face


God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


This guy's put a mp3 of Remnants  :-/

yeah you should probably pull it unless you want people saying you don't respect the band.


maybe if these kids knew how to spell they'd have gotten that pitchfork internship. too bad, huh?
all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard


This guy's put a mp3 of Remnants  :-/
A comment posted on his/her blog "Clearly "Remnants" is fake - MMJ would never write such crap."
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


good lord, one of these says it's disco, the other says it's adult contemporary. The thing about bloggers is what is wrong with "reality TV"; you really need zero talent to be heard or seen.

grain of salt.

wait for the official relase and don't read reviews.


it ain't fake, i assure you. not that I've heard it or anything.


To be fair. I think there have only been a few bad reviews out the many many posted. Most are very positive and excited about the new album. See for yourself:


This is actually a really exciting time.  All these people talking...

There's Still Time.........



I just read this review and it didn't make me feel all warm and fuzzy.

It's unfortunate that some people don't approach art/music with an open mind. I think it is clearly evident that some of these bloggers/critics had MMJ pegged as a one trick wonder. They were shoved in a box with whatever label they chose to give the guys and with no allowances to grow or change. One of the things I love most about life is the changes and discoveries that we all experience along our journeys. I would think that any true artist's work would evolve as they do. I'm sure the guys are not in the same place they were 3 or 5 years ago. Why should their music be? MMJ has a pretty eclectic repertoire and there is always the old stuff to go back to, but change is a good thing.

Would these bloggers be happy if every album MMJ released had exactly the same influences with the same sound, I doubt they would. More importantly I highly doubt the guys would be happy doing the same old thing. Being a fan of an artist of any genre means being open to whatever they choose to share with us. I like that the band doesn't put restraints on themselves. Just because they became known as a "southern rock/jam thing" doesn't mean they are, and it doesn't mean they wouldn't want to try something different. I can't believe that anybody would claim that MMJ has shunned their fans by broadening their own horizons. That is such a ridiculous statement. I feel sorry for people who can't see past a label or are afraid to venture into new territory; they really limit their own possibilities in life.

Ok rant over.


this reminds me of when blind melon put out soup. everyone said it sucked, choppy guitars and drug induced lyrics.....i think rolling stone gave it 1 star. it turns out that soup is the best thing (as a produced album, not demos) blind melon did. albeit they only had 3 albums with hoon, but is shows how little the "expert" music critics really know about music. they are probably hired by MTV and VH1 to give good bands a bad rap so the big record labels can keep getting money stuffed in their pockets by stuffing total shit in ours.


Do not forget that almost every review for Pinkerton was baaaaad at the time it came out. A few years later and beyond people re-reviewed it and where like ummm, what the hell man, why did we give it a bad review? I think is was Rolling Stone who said it was the worst album that year. They now have changed their tune and give it a really good review.


opinions are like assholes - everyone's got one.  just because someone decided to put there's on the net doesn't make it any more valid


Quoteit ain't fake, i assure you. not that I've heard it or anything.

You probably wish it was. That was terrible pop bullshit. I really had high hopes for this new record and all, but this song puts a bad taste in my mouth. Fuck, give me some Heartbreakin' Man for christ sakes.