Thanksgiving (Northern style)

Started by EC, Oct 10, 2005, 10:14 AM

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So this is our Thanksgiving weekend.  Most people have today off, but here I am at work.  Aye me.  Anyhow, this is beside the point.  

As with most kids from broken homes, there are always at least two Thanksgiving dinners that I am forced to attend.  (heh)  I am in the middle period of turkey at present, and will probably be eating again in about five or six hours.  I've been pacing myself.  I didn't eat yesterday until dinner, and same with today.  (I didn't fucking HAVE to eat today, I still feel like I am made of turkey.)

Last night my Mom made a 12 pound turkey for three people.  THREE.  We didn't even get through half of it.  (Super for leftovers to bring home to roommates who have to work both nights.)  After dinner we all got really giggly (I think turkey makes you weird) and we put on Harvest Moon and lazed on the couch, half-asleep, singing along with Neil.  It was only after that I thought about how appropriate that album was.  My Mom brought out her Hallowe'en costume for this year and we all tried it on.  It's this hairband with this weird alien on it who's eyes light up and flash.  I made a bed for it from the paper napkins we'd used.

Tonight I'm going to my weird (and awesome) Aunt and Uncle's house.  They're poets.  My Uncle is also a drummer and a Professor.  I get to see my Dad for the first time since he got back from Italy.

Why am I telling you this?  I think I just wanted to talk about how much I like the people who share my blood.  And I guess Thanksgiving reminded me of that.  

And also, I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for another huge dinner.  Holy crap.


I have to work today too, but I'm making holiday union money ( double-time and a half for 12 hours ) so it's not too bad.

Happy Thanksgiving Hosers!


QuoteHappy Thanksgiving Hosers!
hahaha!!  I'm actually wearing a wool plaid lumberjack jacket at work right now because it's cold and the heat doesn't turn on until tomorrow.  I'm feeling very Canadian.


Happy Thanksgiving to my favorite Canadian! ;D Wish I was there to enjoy some turkey.I love me some turkey!


hahaha!!  I'm actually wearing a wool plaid lumberjack jacket at work right now because it's cold and the heat doesn't turn on until tomorrow.  I'm feeling very Canadian.

And I'm watching CFL football here at work: Toronto vs Edmonton on the CBC. I too am feeling pretty darn Canadian. All I need now is a 2-4 of Moosehead to make the day go by faster.



two things
1. eating and then listening to harvest moon is awesome.
2. turkey has some weird chemical that really can make you goofy. that's why you shouldn't turk and drive.



Tonight was very funny, also.

Except.  And this is really awful.  I found out tonight that I totally forgot about my step-Mom's 50th birthday.  And she's very awesome, and I worry that she won't feel a "part" of the family because she's a relatively (no pun intended) new member.

So I feel really, really, really quite shit-tay about that.  

Hopefully in a few seconds when I tune in to Kathleen followed by My Morning Jacket, I'll feel a bit better.

Man.  Forgetting birthdays makes you feel like...  like really bad.



Man.  Forgetting birthdays makes you feel like...  like really bad.

Have you missed it by much? You can still make her feel good. If she gets a late gift or card it'll be like extending the celebration  ;D



Have you missed it by much? You can still make her feel good. If she gets a late gift or card it'll be like extending the celebration  ;D
Well, a month and a half...  Ahh.  She knows though.  I had one of those moments where I was looking at her across the table, and I suddenly realized who's birthday I'd forgotten (I knew I'd forgotten somebody's birthday in September, but I didn't think it was such an important one.)

Anyhow, ah.  It's okay.  I know she won't care too much, but I just hate it.  We'll make it up to her.  ;)