Fast Food Jobs

Started by primushead, Dec 12, 2005, 07:42 PM

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Anyone ever work in the fast food industry?  If anyone did, do you wanna bitch about how shitty it was?

I worked at subway, and it was awful.  I worked with this other guy there who goes to college with me now.  All he does is ski and talk about how cool jeeps are.  He's real lame.  

But, yeah, anyone else ever work (or currently work) at a fast food joint?


I once worked at Baskin Robbins here in Louisville. It sucked ass i just ate icecream all day. I think that why it went out of business shortly there after.

peanut butter puddin surprise

McDonald's, pretty much all of 1988.  closer shift, 10 pm to 4 am or thereafter.  god awful.  people, your local mcdonald's is antiseptically cleaned every night, the food is some conglomeration of molecules that closely resemble the actual product....anyhoo, it was the worst.  

i once had some magic mushrooms before work one night.  i was cleaning out the fryers, by pumping the grease into pickle buckets full of ice.  except that one of my buckets was a bit less full of ice...and when i picked it up, the bottom fell out and four gallons of hot french fry grease went everywhere.  it was so cool.....
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


I was grillman at Wendy's in high school (1994?).  That is a shitty, thankless job.  But the burgers were delicious.

Mmmmm... Burgers.


QuoteMcDonald's, pretty much all of 1988.  closer shift, 10 pm to 4 am or thereafter.  god awful.  people, your local mcdonald's is antiseptically cleaned every night, the food is some conglomeration of molecules that closely resemble the actual product....anyhoo, it was the worst.  

i once had some magic mushrooms before work one night.  i was cleaning out the fryers, by pumping the grease into pickle buckets full of ice.  except that one of my buckets was a bit less full of ice...and when i picked it up, the bottom fell out and four gallons of hot french fry grease went everywhere.  it was so cool.....

LOL!!!  That happened to me this summer at the Asheville Country Club.  I was the pool snack bar cool and was emptying out the grease, but put it in the bucket before it had cooled down enough....leading to the bottom of the bucket melting out.  It was sooo not cool, but it was probably because i wasn't tripping.


I worked a variety of fast food jobs both in high school and shortly thereafter.  The longest one was KFC when it was still Kentucky Fried Chicken.  I have stories that would make many of you not ever eat there again.  

I also did stints at Subway (twice), Baskin-Robbins (hey Real Deal, did you work for a guy named Doug?), and Little Caesar's.
Well the music is your special friend
Dance on fire as it intends
Music is your only friend
Until the end

peanut butter puddin surprise

QuoteLittle Caesar's

dude, i love me some little caesar's!!
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


QuoteI worked a variety of fast food jobs both in high school and shortly thereafter.  The longest one was KFC when it was still Kentucky Fried Chicken.  I have stories that would make many of you not ever eat there again.  

I also did stints at Subway (twice), Baskin-Robbins (hey Real Deal, did you work for a guy named Doug?), and Little Caesar's.

man, i think his name was doug. he was kind of lanky guy with glasses, kind of nerdy. i worked at the highlands location (next to krogers on bardstown rd). i think he owned another BR off westport rd?


QuoteI was grillman at Wendy's in high school (1994?).  That is a shitty, thankless job.  But the burgers were delicious.

Mmmmm... Burgers.

thats fucking hilarious. those are delicious burgers indeed. mmmmmmm.......double stacks.....classic double and triples.


Wendy's is one  to anyone that lives in Seattle.  If so, I hope you have been To Dick's.....I now live in Portland but often travel for business up to Seattle.  Always make sure to make a stop.  Burgers are the best.



um no....wendy's is the best.


Until you have been ot Dick's I think it hard to call it out....but,  we all have a favorite.



i don't know if starbuck's type coffee shop counts as fast food but reading the ingredient list of some of our syrups and powders and knowing the calorie and fat content in all the drinks was a harsh lesson in reality. some of our drinks had over 1000 calories and 30g of fat. that's, like, a meal!
i had so much piping hot water and coffee spilled on my hands that i had lost the feeling in my fingertips for a while. i could dip my finger in boiling water and it wouldn't feel hot. and had coffee ground into my skin that after i left the shop, it took me 3 weeks to get my hands and fingernails completely clean. and every time my parents made their morning coffee the smell made me heave. i would wake up at 4 in the morning to open the store alone at 6. some days i was alone in the canadian winter darkness from 6 to 10 on sunday and that can get scary...

everything sucks. really.



man, i think his name was doug. he was kind of lanky guy with glasses, kind of nerdy. i worked at the highlands location (next to krogers on bardstown rd). i think he owned another BR off westport rd?

OK, if he spoke with a slight speech impediment it was the same guy.  He owned the one in Jeffersonville and for sure the one on Bardstown Rd (near Impellizeri's I think).  Shortly after I moved on, he caught a bunch of employees giving away and eating free ice cream.  He ended up closing the store soon thereafter.  The job was really easy, but I hated everything being sticky all the time.  :P
Well the music is your special friend
Dance on fire as it intends
Music is your only friend
Until the end


Quotei had so much piping hot water and coffee spilled on my hands that i had lost the feeling in my fingertips for a while. i could dip my finger in boiling water and it wouldn't feel hot.

I can relate.  Once at KFC someone asked me a question as I was dropping the extra crispy into the open fryer and I dipped my right thumb and two forefingers into the fryer.  As if that wasn't bad enough, at close I had to wash all of the dishes in really hot water.  Ouch!
Well the music is your special friend
Dance on fire as it intends
Music is your only friend
Until the end



OK, if he spoke with a slight speech impediment it was the same guy.  He owned the one in Jeffersonville and for sure the one on Bardstown Rd (near Impellizeri's I think).  Shortly after I moved on, he caught a bunch of employees giving away and eating free ice cream.  He ended up closing the store soon thereafter.  The job was really easy, but I hated everything being sticky all the time.  :P

yeah, thats one i worked at (next to Impellizeri's). i shot the side of the building up with my paintball gun after i was canned.


That guy was a dick fo sho.
Well the music is your special friend
Dance on fire as it intends
Music is your only friend
Until the end


I worked in McDonald's for about 3 years, on and off, when I was a student. Worst. Job. Ever.

I was crap on the tills, and once, I had the misfortune to serve a mystery customer. Got 4 out of 20 for the assessment and, as a punishment, had to clean a bin in the dining room - in full view of the public - with a toothbrush and a pot of Ajax.

The manager of that McD's eventually got "moved along" for bullying... :-/