For the hardcore flag-wavers

Started by Tooth, May 15, 2003, 09:02 AM

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YUCK!!!! :P That site made me feel ill!!! Did you check out their forum? Be careful - they can't compete with the love that is spread via the MMJ message board. Hate, hate, everywhere. :'( Whenever I see stuff like this, I feel like a naive, little pre-schooler. I just can't understand why people need this kind of conflict in their lives!
P.S. my apologies to any pre-schoolers - I didn't mean to imply that you're all naive. How thoughtless of me!
You came around when I needed you, now I'm up to my neck in you.


Okay, guys, I need a bucket. If it weren´t for you guys, American My Morning Jacket fans that are obviously open minded and kind, that I´d be an eternal All America Hater. I mean, what´s wrong with those people?  ???
I'm ready when you are


I would understand why you would be an America hater! If that's what people see, and think America is about, how can I blame them? My friend is living in London now, and people won't even talk to her because she's American. I am proud of, and love my country, but I can't say that I'm proud of everything that my country has been involoved in. And I certainly can't say that I'm proud to call idiots like those on that site countrymen. To those of you that live outside of the U.S., please accept this American's apology, and know that there are a lot of us that, while proud to be Americans, are ashamed of what our leadership is doing. And what's with this "love it or leave it crap?" Can't a parent be ashamed of their kid's behavior, but still love them? That's the way I see it...    
You came around when I needed you, now I'm up to my neck in you.

peanut butter puddin surprise

Agreed.  Like any country, the people are always feeling responsible for the actions of the leaders, especially when those leaders are irresponsible, narrow minded, ashtray-brained goobers...but I digress.

Yes world-we apologize for the mouth in charge.  Don't worry, he'll be another sad footnote in history soon-just like his daddy!  ;)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


This should be more to your liking.  I like the countdown clock.

Repulsive Monkey

I just had a look at the forum and I gotta it totally sickens me. I wish the majority of people on their were taking the piss, but I fear the worse.
How can so much hate exist when love is free???


Uh, I'm not sure if some of you missed it, but the original link that I posted ( is intended as satire.  Just wanted to make sure that no one missed out on the the humor of the site.

Oh, by the way, I haven't been around much 'cause I got laid off recently.  I have been laid off twice in the last two years.

Gotta love that Bush economy!

bad bad leroy brown

I think they realized that.  But unfortunately the second website wasn't tounge-in-cheek.

And I'm a member of the sleep-'til-four-in-the-afternoon-laid-off-club as well!  Jobs are tough out there though...


I have to admit I thought it was serious. I mean, you´re so damn crazy over there in the US, we take everything serious these days!  ;)
I'm ready when you are


Oh yeah! The first one was hilarious! I knew that one was a joke! It was the second one that freaked me out! I forwarded the first one to all my friends. We all loved that one. I was glad to see the second one though, just to know what's up in Crazy Land. But I think those people come from the BAD neighborhood in Crazy Land. Too Bad - Most people I meet from there are loveable as hell!
You came around when I needed you, now I'm up to my neck in you.



leroy brown's link is curiously not working anymore... what was it?
everything sucks. really.


Probably something about flag-wavers... haha


I've been looking for a place to post this letter--and this thread looks somewhat appropriate.  It is a letter from David Cross to Larry the Cable Guy (both comedians).


merry christmas and happy holidays to all those overseas trying to defend our flag and beliefs.  i have no problem with this type of humor and agree with most of it, but at this time of yearm when everything seems to be in perspective, i say let's all support each other.  i cannot stand GB, b ut i must shut my mouth and let our service people. who like it or not, defend my freedoms, be proud and try to accept their role in an unjust war in most minds.  it is a very complicated situation and we need to curb our sarcasim and try to actually make a difference.  i am open to suggestions.  shall we start a rumor ar something? ;)  


nuff said. i love how it's the most offensively ignorant people who choose to be the figure-heads of a demographic. the boneheads who decide to be "AMERICAN" make us look like nothing but a bunch of fat uneducated fools to anyone outside of our country. and the one's who do this with Christianity make it look like it's run by fools as well.

whatever. merry christmas.

and happy hannukah, wellfleet
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


america bless god.

god bless america....and no one else!