Favorite Christmas present '05

Started by MMJ_fanatic, Dec 28, 2005, 04:14 PM

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Didn't see this topic so I thought I'd go phishing--so what's the best thing everyone got this year 'eh?  My personal fav is the Martin Scorsese Blues box set--yummy!
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.

ben grimm

My other (better?) half got me a new snowboard and bindings, it's awesome and I love it, I am a very lucky boy. ;D


i didn't really get anything i loved. maybe my new jacket. that's about it. i was sort of disappointed.


30 GB iPod chauk full of MMJ mp3's and mp4's.


I got a new digital camera.  My old one was, well, very old, haha.  Upgrade!


I got a doorstop from my little brother.  It looks like the ruby slippers and striped sox of the wicked witch from OZ.  So...when it's holding back the door...looks like the house landed on her.  LOLOLOL... :DI laughed sooo hard when I opened that.  I love it!!!
Talk less....
Say more.


A Homer Simpson bottle opener!!!
Makes my nightly descent into alcoholism even more enjoyable if you can imagine that!  ;)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


Quote30 GB iPod chauk full of MMJ mp3's and mp4's.
What's an mp4 - is that a video file?  Also, did it come with the MMJ stuff in it?  Because that's pretty awesome.  Nice when people know what you like.

My favourite present last year was the Muppet Christmas Carol on DVD.  My Mom always gets us a Christmas Eve movie, and this year it was that.  I'd never seen it before.  I'd like to nominate it for a Nobel Peace prize, what a tremendous movie.  I really loved it.

We weren't supposed to exchange presents this year, but my Mom totally cheated.  


someone always cheats, then you feel like a shit if you didn't cheat either. this year, i cheated and so did my husband so we both got presents from each other. it worked out good.
everything sucks. really.


QuoteA Homer Simpson bottle opener!!!
Makes my nightly descent into alcoholism even more enjoyable if you can imagine that!  ;)

I got one of those last year but it broke  :(.  Oh I forgot in my first post--I also got a ZEN micro MP3 player (from Creative Labs)  FUN!
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Thanks for the heads up Fanatic - if mine breaks i'll be heartbroken!
I'll take extra care when cracking open the beers  :)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


Hi all,
I'm new here as you can see!...many MMJ shows were my present this year amongst other things! 8)

Easy Morning Rebel

My Star Smile Strong Jesse Malin dvd, I think is my favorite christmas present '05. ;D

Even cowgirls get the blues


a friend gave me a ticket to the athletics at the commonwealth games in march (which is in melbourne this time around!). which is definitely up there with my fav christmas presents ever
love a song for the way it makes you feel


What's an mp4 - is that a video file?  Also, did it come with the MMJ stuff in it?  Because that's pretty awesome.  Nice when people know what you like.

My favourite present last year was the Muppet Christmas Carol on DVD.  My Mom always gets us a Christmas Eve movie, and this year it was that.  I'd never seen it before.  I'd like to nominate it for a Nobel Peace prize, what a tremendous movie.  I really loved it.

We weren't supposed to exchange presents this year, but my Mom totally cheated.  

I uploaded some MMJ videos from savefile.com that were in mp4 format (video) on my iPod. they were the rollingstone vids and they look amazing!! go apple!