Panic Attacks!

Started by primushead, Jan 10, 2006, 01:02 PM

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So in the last couple weeks I've had a few mild panic attacks and I don't know why.  I've heard weed can be related, so I've decided to give it up for a while.  Any doctors in the house that could explain this to me?


QuoteSo in the last couple weeks I've had a few mild panic attacks and I don't know why.  I've heard weed can be related, so I've decided to give it up for a while.  Any doctors in the house that could explain this to me?

I've had lots of them.  Panic is a weird thing, and the only reason I can think of why it would be weed-related is because of the paranoia factor...  But if you weren't getting it, it might not make sense.  Unless you were smoking too much, and avoiding your life, and your subconscious took over, kind of forcing you to deal with your shit.

Not saying any of that is true.  :)

Here are some things that can help:
-once you start to get to know that the feeling is coming, leave whatever room you're in, and go and be quiet by yourself for a bit, and just breathe and try to relax
-there's stuff called "rescue remedy" that's a bach flower remedy (herbal tincture), and it is awesome.  Really calming, and you can put drops directly on your tongue.
-make sure you take a few minutes every day to just be quiet and hang out and not think about anything
-i've heard recently that blood sugar levels affect panic - so if you're hyper or hypo glycemic, it can bring the attacks on.  Or diabetic.  Try to chill out on sugar and sticky carbs if you tend to like those.

Don't worry, though.  Lots of people get them, and sometimes you can't really explain it, but if you learn how to figure out when one's coming, you can learn how to stop it.  Most of it is just breathing.

Sorry to hear about that.  They're scary for sure.   :-/

peanut butter puddin surprise

it might not have to do with weed at all.  


1.  do you drink caffeine?  if so, do you think you drink too much of it?

2.  have you ever taken antidepressants?

3.  are they triggered by events, or do they happen by themselves?  example-do they happen while you're driving, or just whenever?

4.  do you take any vitamins?

5.  do you think you get enough sleep?

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


I would have thought the weed would have helped with a panic attack......seems logical since weed calms you down.I smoke everyday and never have had such an attack.Now that I think of it,I get nervous when I don't smoke. ;D

Anyway....hope you find a cure.
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


Thanks for the advice ya'll.  Nah, I hardly ever drink caffiene.  I pretty much don't drink soda at all and have a cup of coffee every now and again.  I think EC's theory might be pretty accurate (the subconcious taking over and what not).  But I'll give it a week or so and see what happens.   8)


Quoteit might not have to do with weed at all.  


1.  do you drink caffeine?  if so, do you think you drink too much of it?

2.  have you ever taken antidepressants?

3.  are they triggered by events, or do they happen by themselves?  example-do they happen while you're driving, or just whenever?

4.  do you take any vitamins?

5.  do you think you get enough sleep?

Oh, and to answer these.

1.) Not often enough for it to have an effect.

2.) Nope

3.) They mostly happen when I get into an room with a large group (church, class, etc.).  For instance, I get nervous and my pulse rate goes up when I sit in class sometimes.  It only lasts for about 2 minutes and if I just breathe slowly and calm myself down, it goes away.  But the FEAR is still there of it happening, so I think that's the main trigger.

4.)  No vitamins.  I eat pretty healthy, though.  Very balanced diet.

5.) I'm a night owl, but have been for a few years and these 'attacks' have only happened in the past 2 months or so.

Jon T.

It could be social anxiety.  I get this sometimes, I find that lots of alcohol tends to do wonders. ;D


QuoteIt could be social anxiety.  I get this sometimes, I find that lots of alcohol tends to do wonders. ;D

It may be social anxiety, but I never really have fears of talking to or meeting new people.  And, yes, I've found alcohol can help alot:)


i'm gonna go with social anxiety too because like you, i don't have a problem being a social butterfly and meeting new people except the first few minutes at a party when i feel like i'm going to die.
i was in the library, trying to last-minute my very first college paper and i felt out of breath and like the book stacks were closing in on me. it was awful so i saw a doctor and shrink. EC did good, leave the room causing you anxiety, repeat a calming word, listen to calming music, smell something that makes you feel good like your mom's perfume, rain, an orange... breathe slow and deep... meditate and/or work out.
good luck....  :) :) :)
everything sucks. really.


Quotei'm gonna go with social anxiety too because like you, i don't have a problem being a social butterfly and meeting new people except the first few minutes at a party when i feel like i'm going to die.
i was in the library, trying to last-minute my very first college paper and i felt out of breath and like the book stacks were closing in on me. it was awful so i saw a doctor and shrink. EC did good, leave the room causing you anxiety, repeat a calming word, listen to calming music, smell something that makes you feel good like your mom's perfume, rain, an orange... breathe slow and deep... meditate and/or work out.
good luck....  :) :) :)

Thanks for the advice.  I never really get anxiety at the library (mostly because I'm focused on writing in the forum). It's mostly in the classroom.  Did the doc say pretty much what EC did?  Also, how long did that last for you?  I'm not worried about it being permanent or anything, but months of this crap would piss me off >:(

By the way, thanks to everyone for responding.  It makes me feel better I'm not the only one.  Forum power!


well, the doc said that stressful situations can't always be avoided, especially if you're constantly in a high-stress environment (for me, it was a double Bachelor degree and working full time slinging coffee). so she taught me coping techniques, mostly deep breathing. i know it's a major cliche but just concentrating on breathing properly takes my mind off of the stressors.
we didn't do the whole couch-tell-me-about-your-childhood stuff to see why i get panick-y. obviously i don't know you and i don't know if it's something medical or emotional.
but a little bird also told me that withdrawal from chemical dependence (and there are many chemicals in weed) can cause mild paranoia, sweating, headaches, irregular heart beat, etc. maybe if it doesn't go away soon, you should go see a doctor. i'm sure we all want you healthy.
everything sucks. really.


Hey, I had a few of these when my good buddy died of cancer last year she was thirty.  They totally suck.

A really good breathing technique which helps:
Hold one of your nostrils and breathe in, count to seven then switch, hold your other nostril and breathe out. Repeat.

Be well Primushead!  :)


focussing on breathing is a real help - i've done that a few times when i've had a bad asthma attack, concentrating on breathing steadily & slowly (as much as i could anyway) helped to get me to someone who could help me...

hope some of the advice is helping you primushead!
love a song for the way it makes you feel


Much Obliged to everyone for advice.  I think not smoking weed helped a little bit (ironically) and breathing techniques helped too.  I especially like that nostril one.  But yeah, feeling much better right now.  I'll keep everyone updated.