So W was here yesterday....

Started by johnconaway, Jan 12, 2006, 12:40 PM

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peanut butter puddin surprise

in Louisville, that is...and he came and left without much fanfare.  God Bless my friend George Edwards for his tireless public efforts educating the public on issues, through peaceful protests you see on TV everytime something like this comes up.  (he's the oldest person in any protest shot shown on any Louisville TV station).

Any Louisville heads get their car towed away while he was here?  Apparently, they towed like 100 cars to "make way" for W as he left town...
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


i wonder if the commander-in-chief was given a copy of Z on his trip to da ville. think he may be rocking out to Lay Low right about now? wouldn't that be a trip... :o
everything sucks. really.


Did he stop by to check on our sick friend, I wonder?  ;)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.

peanut butter puddin surprise

Quotei wonder if the commander-in-chief was given a copy of Z on his trip to da ville. think he may be rocking out to Lay Low right about now? wouldn't that be a trip... :o

you know how in Mars Attacks! the Martians heads all explode when yodeling music is played?  Z would do the same thing to W...his head would explode like a cantalope being smashed by a sledgehammer..... 8)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Speaking of which, didn't some celebrity recently call GW "The Biggest Terrorist in the world"?  I forget who it was.  I'm not a big GW fan, but...geez, that seems a little bit excessive. :-/

Jon T.

I think celebrity is a bit generous, but it was Harry Belafonte.  He's did that  "Day-O" song.


QuoteI think celebrity is a bit generous, but it was Harry Belafonte.  He's did that  "Day-O" song.

Daylight come, and me wanna go home?  Oh, well, I've lost interest :)

peanut butter puddin surprise

Harry's got a big case of the ass about W.  He makes me look like Ann Coulter!  ;)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


QuoteHarry's got a big case of the ass about W.  He makes me look like Ann Coulter!  ;)

Mmmm...Ann Coulter.  Grooooowwwl. ;D


she scares me. i don't know if she actually believes her own hype or if it's all just a gimmick. anyone who refuses to entertain any points of view different than his own is suspect. i'm a hard-left liberal but i'll at least LISTEN to my hubby's mom who's a republican. i'll watch Fox News to see what their take is...
everything sucks. really.


just try to watch that asshole Hannity for 10 minutes!  Man, there are some conservatives I can listen to and appreciate, but he is a first class asshole.  Come to think of it, most of them are.  Fox News claims to be "fair and balanced," but seems to me CNN is a little more balanced?  I don't know.  I am "middle of the road," so I like to get intelligent views on all issues.  GW is not a terrorist.  I think any logical person can see that.  But, he is also a very closed-minded and uneducated person as well.  Boy, you guys are so lucky he stopped by.
eat meat, eat meat, eat a big ole stear.

scientology is the answer.  sorry jesus.

peanut butter puddin surprise

I was just having this debate the other day.  Between talk radio and cable news networks, the public is being "educated" by these folks into believing their point of view is not only the most correct one, but the ONLY one.  The one guy even said "Don't you like hearing your beliefs being reaffirmed by someone on the radio??"  I was like - "No, I don't need someone else to tell me that what I believe in is valid".  To which I got blank was CREEPY.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


The Republicans and Democrats have systematically divided the country in half, and they're both happy as can be. Both are run by specific lobbyists, with money to burn, and both enjoy watching us choose sides.

A third party is the only hope we have and neither the Dems nor Reps want this to happen, so both will fight the introduction of new blood into their fight for capital (and the Capitol). We came close with Nader in 2000, but we did not get the needed 5% for federal funds for 2004 election (if I remember correctly).

I cannot stand how we have become such a black and white society. Dem vs. Reps. FOR or AGAINST. CNN vs FOX.
Nothing is debated on it's own merit, it starts as a Democrat or Republican ideal or party line.

How will we ever indoctrinate new ideas?

It's alarming.



Excuse me.  ahem.  continue your talkin'...

(how exciting!!  :))



QuoteThe Republicans and Democrats have systematically divided the country in half, and they're both happy as can be. Both are run by specific lobbyists, with money to burn, and both enjoy watching us choose sides.

A third party is the only hope we have and neither the Dems nor Reps want this to happen, so both will fight the introduction of new blood into their fight for capital (and the Capitol). We came close with Nader in 2000, but we did not get the needed 5% for federal funds for 2004 election (if I remember correctly).

I cannot stand how we have become such a black and white society. Dem vs. Reps. FOR or AGAINST. CNN vs FOX.
Nothing is debated on it's own merit, it starts as a Democrat or Republican ideal or party line.

How will we ever indoctrinate new ideas?

It's alarming.

fuckin' scary.  i actually agree with everything you've said here.  the apocalypse may be truly upon us.   ;)


QuoteCNN vs FOX.

I have CNN on my japanese cable & most of the time I am shocked by what I see.

It seems to me that news casting in the US is all about ratings & looking good infront of the camera.
I dislike the way they show small clips of "what's coming up next" between ad breaks. These clips are usually put in for "shock value" which, to me, doesn't seem like news at all.

For example, yesterday they showed the same clip of a mother & daughter being hit full on by a car over & over again.
They also showed a shop keeper hitting a man who tried to hold up the store repeatedly with a baseball bat. Whilst the clip was shown the 2 "newscasters" laughed uncontrolably & one made the comment "don't even try robbing that store cos it ain't gonna happen!" WTF?!!

I have seen some FOX news whilst in the US & that seems even worse. I was watching the news whilst I was in Guam over new year & saw one "newscaster" report that "Iraq has got off to an explosive start to the year & we're not talking about fireworks!" People are dead & the guys trying to be witty?!!

It seems to me that most newscasters have spent more time in make up & practicing their facial expressions infront of the mirror than they have reading their lines.

Are these the top 2 news channels because people like them or becasue there is nothing else?
Apologies if anyone is a big fan of these news channels, my intention is not to cause offence.
Like I said before, I'm just very shocked by a lot of what I see on CNN & it is very different from the news channels that I used to watch in the UK (BBC) & the other channels that I get on Japanese cable (BBC World & NHK (Japanese news with English))

God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


It was Bono who said way back:

We are all immuned

When fact is fiction and TV a reality


i figure if you throw in all the news channels, newspapers, radios, blogs, rumours and heroin in a cauldron, you would somehow get to the truth. when i went into journalism school i was so optimistic about the future of news media and now it's so politicized, like ycartrob and ratsprayer said, and it's depressing. since when is a fact liberal or republican? same as supreme court justices. both allegedly neutral but obviously not so.
and the american people pay the price. johnc, you're so right, people LOVE to hear their opinions reaffirmed on talk radio. my husband's mom is a Righty so she'll only watch Fox News and only consider that point of view because it makes her feel safe. The facts don't phase her because her opinion can stay the same forever.
CNN and Fox are almost equal amount BS. They shape news as entertainment. "Brutal beating and tape... coming up after the break". WTF?
But the revolution is upon us. I can feel the tide turning. I swear that people are starting to get roused from their slumber and realize that they're no longer in control. There are provisions in the constitution about that.
everything sucks. really.


i just did the herion thing, and i must say, i am feeling much better about the future.  I will bring this MMJ live disc everywhere I go from now on.  I will penetrate the masses and send them the message.  Of what I speak, I can only speculate, but I think it will go.  It is late.  imust sleep now.  May you all continue this quest tomorrow.  MLK day soon!  Yippie!
eat meat, eat meat, eat a big ole stear.

scientology is the answer.  sorry jesus.