Laundry room etiquette

Started by wellfleet, Mar 03, 2006, 10:31 PM

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can anyone help with their version of shared laundry room ethics and etiquette?
my complex (22 apts) has 2 wash and 2 dry machines. what is fair when people leave their laundry in the machine waaaay after their cycle is finished?

is it ok to remove people's things?
what is the accepted grace period after which you can remove people's things without being the building biatch?

the other night i waited 30 minutes and all 4 machines were still full. i actually folded the dry stuff and put it on top of the machine. 9 hours later the stuff was still there so i'm glad i went ahead and did laundry... but it's gross touching other people's clothes...

what would you do?
everything sucks. really.


damn, that brings back horrible memories.  i had the same problem at my last apartment complex which was utterly huge, hundreds and hundreds of units.  there were loads of different laundry rooms, but still so large they were always busy.  i say 1 or 2 hours after its over, and hopefully they have their baskets there so you can shove the clothes in, or fold them.  hopefully they dont fuck with yours in a fit of rage for messing with their clothes though.  i say one or two hours is the max, its common courtesy, and why would anyone want to leave their clothes for that long without checking up on them anyway?


i have to do laundry down the road.  and i hate it so much.  i hate it.  oh god i hate it.

last time i did it, i left to get a coffee.  i came back to watch some dude emptying my undies ontop of the washer because he couldn't wait five seconds.

my. underwear.

i almost left the laundromat, taking my underwear at a loss.  

i really hate doing laundry.


yeah I remember those days--some idiot thinks that you're never coming back puts their grubby mitts all over your stuff---arrrrgh ! >:(
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.