civility on the MMJ forum

Started by chris, Apr 05, 2006, 11:57 AM

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Just a comment on one of the truly nice aspects to this forum.  (Sorry in advance for the length, I have trouble being succinct)  I've trolled this site since 2002, but didn't actually become a member of the forum until a few months back.  Anyway, I've read my fair share of heated debates and even witnessed a few people get a little ugly towards each other.  And there have been anomalies where someone has gotten downright nasty; however as I said those have been anomalies.  For the most part people treat each other pretty civilly, even when they disagree on pretty volatile and emotional topics.  I think that's a pretty great thing.  I guess what really opened my eyes to this was some recent visits I've made to the Flaming Lips forum.  The Lips used to be my favorite band in the entire fucking world starting around 1994, much like MMJ became the same when I first listened to At Dawn in 2002, and the lips stayed my favorite band, without exception for almost 10 yeas (oops I'm digressing here, sorry).  Anyway, even though I don't love the lips like I used to, I still get their albums as soon as they come out, and over the last few months I've been going to their website to see what the word on the street was about the new album.  As I've looked at their forum, I've been pretty dissapointed.  I see a lot of petty shit being bandied about, with glib comments everywhere, and so little civility.  I think what really brought it home was some poster mentioning some dissatisfaction with a recent setlist at one of the shows (or something like that), using very benign language, and all these people jumped all over him and responded with hateful and asinine comments.  Maybe it's because the band has gotten so much more popular that a lot more uninformed people and just general assholes use the forum.  I hope that doesn't happen here (fingers crossed).  And they are still such a cool band (my old school self just doesn't dig 'em the way I used to), so I'm sure there are plenty of opened minded  people all over that forum.  It just sucks that it can be like that.  Anyways, there's my rant,  but let me end it by saying that I really feel privileged to be part of a group of great music lovers, and some all around sincere and affable people.
yeah, so if it's sad, well you still gotta live till ya die

peanut butter puddin surprise

as the resident misunderstood/disappointed optimist and purveyor of most assholish comments, i agree with your sentiments.  thanks for the post, very astute observations.  we do try to be as civil as possible, even when the most heated of topics arises.  

messageboards in general are rife with the type of behavior you describe.  just look at any Yahoo! news article, and click on "discuss" at the bottom of it.  you'll see the biggest collection of ugly, immature, volatile behavior anywhere on the internet.  

there's been sweeping changes here in the past few months, and i hope we can all continue to be as "civil" as you describe.  welcome aboard.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


shuuuuuuuut up you sonsofbitches.

:)  just kiddin'.

i like it here, too.  :)


Thats why I came here, I dont feel like I'll be ganged up on.
Passion dripping from the coyote's eyes,
He can taste his blood,
An' blood never lies,
Pale face die. - Kiedis


conaway... oh geez, you noticed that on Yahoo! too?! every time i get lured into reading one of those message boards i'm just convinced that the world is going straight to hell. i have never read so much racist/sexist/xenophobic/homophobic "rhetoric" in my entire life. it makes me wonder where all those people are hiding and how they can be, you know, burned alive or something... compared to Yahoo! discussion boards, we're the "My Little Pony" Forum...
everything sucks. really.


I thinks its subliminal control being exerted through the music  ;)
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


My Little Pony Forum.......  that's GREAT.  We are kind of wussies over here but when we band together we are a force to be reckoned with.
There's Still Time.........


QuoteMy Little Pony Forum.......  that's GREAT.  We are kind of wussies over here but when we band together we are a force to be reckoned with.

I pee sitting down (I mean, if we're all being open and honest, right?)  :-/


Consider this forum your nest of safety Tracy.
There's Still Time.........


tracy... you are one highly evolved mofo. that's awesome. i mean, it certainly cuts down on the undesirable effects of standing-up peeing such as splash and leaving the seat up for your lady to fall in....  :-*
everything sucks. really.


For proof of our power when we come together just check our dodgeball stats...........

You should have seen what we did to the Flaming Lips Messeage Board team.  It wasn't pretty.
There's Still Time.........


i pee sitting down, and im the cook of the house.  

this thread should be re-titled honesty on the MMJ forum[/u]


Passion dripping from the coyote's eyes,
He can taste his blood,
An' blood never lies,
Pale face die. - Kiedis


QuoteI molest sheep :(

ive heard montana is a boring state...


QuoteFor proof of our power when we come together just check our dodgeball stats...........

You should have seen what we did to the Flaming Lips Messeage Board team.  It wasn't pretty.

but I still can't believe we almost lost to the John Mayer Trio board. Yikes!

Jon T.

QuoteI pee sitting down (I mean, if we're all being open and honest, right?)

Tracy, I thought I was alone in my deep dark secret.  Unless you are joking then of course so am I. ;D



Tracy, I thought I was alone in my deep dark secret.  Unless you are joking then of course so am I. ;D


peanut butter puddin surprise

peeing whilst sitting down is best when drunk.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


One time when I was drunk I peed in this guys dishwasher because I couldn't find the bathroom.
There's Still Time.........

peanut butter puddin surprise

QuoteOne time when I was drunk I peed in this guys dishwasher because I couldn't find the bathroom.

niiiiiiiiiiiice.  one time, this dude at a party of mine peed AND puked in the bathtub, then passed out on the floor.  imagine my horror finding him and his mess in my bathroom after a long, long night of drinking and whatnot.  i made him clean that shit up!
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there