Having a laugh

Started by Chills, Apr 11, 2006, 04:05 PM

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Man, YouTube is not just a great site for music, it is also a comic goldmine.

I've been laughing out loud with all the amazing stuff that's on there. So, post funny things here. Anything!

Here's the wonderful Borat on a political campaign.

"If you do not vote for him he will take power"


it seems to me that if somebody were supposed to be writing their dissertation, somebody might be far too easily distracted by youtube.  ;)

somebody who's supposed to be balancing books might have that problem, too.  man.  spring makes it very hard to focus.



Quoteit seems to me that if somebody were supposed to be writing their dissertation, somebody might be far too easily distracted by youtube.  ;)

Yes, that may very well be possible.
That world of entertainment might indeed be distracting for a man standing before such a task!
Hypothetically speaking of course  ;)



Yes, that may very well be possible.
That world of entertainment might indeed be distracting for a man standing before such a task!
Hypothetically speaking of course  ;)
Ah, but such a man could overcome his distractions and be a hero.  A hero of dissertations.  A man who beats all of the odds, forgoing momentary pleasure for long-term gain and stature.

Could such a man exist?


Ah, but such a man could overcome his distractions and be a hero.  A hero of dissertations.  A man who beats all of the odds, forgoing momentary pleasure for long-term gain and stature.

Could such a man exist?

If he exists, they should make a comic book about him.
Or a movie, I think they should cast Bruce Willis to play the role of the tough, but caring and sensitive hero.

"Soon , I'll be off to save the rain forrest, then my hijacked family, but now I've got a dissertation to write!
Eat that crime-lords!"


Ah, but such a man could overcome his distractions and be a hero.  A hero of dissertations.  A man who beats all of the odds, forgoing momentary pleasure for long-term gain and stature.

Could such a man exist?

Oh I remember those avoidance strategies so well. I even once thought "That floor needs cleaning, I'd better do it now".
I sympathise with you Chills.
I just watched an episode of the Office, the one where David is interviewing for a secretary. Hilarious.

Now I'd better let you get back to work  ;)


i'm very fond of the "wow, my paper on Vietnam War films is due tomorrow morning and I haven't even cracked a book, what better time to re-alphabetize my CD collection and brush my cat?" strategy.

works every time!
everything sucks. really.


Quotei'm very fond of the "wow, my paper on Vietnam War films is due tomorrow morning and I haven't even cracked a book, what better time to re-alphabetize my CD collection and brush my cat?" strategy.

works every time!

Oh Miriam, that describes it exactly!  ;D


I'm a procrastinator, big time. I'll tell you about it later...



seriously, that was a good one.  


this thread never really got going, but it can wait...




I just watched an episode of the Office, the one where David is interviewing for a secretary. Hilarious.

Ha. That's the one where they eventually end up in Chasers nightclub. Amazing!

Here's Paul Whitehouse as the ever incomprehensible Rowley Birkin QC


Mr. T.

I just spent half of the morning going trough all the Bill Hicks stuff on Youtube. He's dearly missed...



We are young despite the years,
we are concern,
we are hope despite the times