The "ode to your significant other" thre

Started by wellfleet, Mar 08, 2006, 12:11 AM

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Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


me and muhlady had a happy Two Monthiversary today. t'was quite loverly indeed.

The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


18 years of marriage and counting! She puts up with me running off to music festivals and she also loves MMJ! We saw them together at the Vogue in INDY and she loved every minute of it. She especially likes the "High Lonesome" sound of  "At Dawn". She is a real "people person" and goes into every meeting of new people with acceptance and Love.
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


Quote18 years of marriage and counting! She puts up with me running off to music festivals and she also loves MMJ! We saw them together at the Vogue in INDY and she loved every minute of it. She especially likes the "High Lonesome" sound of  "At Dawn". She is a real "people person" and goes into every meeting of new people with acceptance and Love.

Funny, "High Lonesome" is how my wife and I described At Dawn, the first time we heard it as we barreled across Nebraska and South Dakota 4 years ago...

Perhaps the ghost of Bill Monore kicking around Kentucky jumped into the boys...



been ages since i came on here, but it's probably the most welcoming msgboard i ever seen, you guys are awesome.
this thread is the sweetest, just reminded me my boyfriend and i will be 6 months together soon, on his 25th birthday. not as long as some of you all, lol, but hey, he is my first boyfriend so i think there is cause for a celebration ...  ;D
he's actually from milwakee and we might be coming to the states this summer together so i'm very much hoping i will be able to drag him to an MMJ concert...
fingers crossed!
No, just a Zaphod Beeblebrox, didn't you hear i come in six packs?


QuoteOK, never thought I'd marry my best friend, but I did. Her name is Leigh Ann (or LA, her roller skating name).

I am a huge pinball freak. Our first Valentine's Day together she gave me this poster of my favorite pinball machine ( one of the greatest machines ever made).

So I thought, well, that's one of the greatest gifts I have ever received.

Fast forward 5 years to my 40th birthday. The big 4 0 (it ain't all that). As fate would have it, MMJ was playing in Knoxville on my 40th, so we had plans to drive over on that Sunday, get a hotel, and go to the show. The night before we left, LA gave me this for my 40th birthday

and I thought, OK, I guess when you turn 40, you get weird shit like this. A miniature DeLorean. Great. Couldn't really figure it out but went with it.

So, we go to the show, rock out (it was Bo and Carl's 2nd live show). When we get back to Nashville the next day, this was in our living room

My very own pinball machine. The single greatest, most thoughtful gift I have ever received (LA took up donations from family, friends and co-workers)

That's LA. That's what she does and that's who I love.
that´s a great story!  :)