Not driving in America

Started by wellfleet, May 17, 2006, 06:19 PM

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gotcha.  one thing i noticed in the states last year was that there were choices for gas, and i'm not sure if we have that.  like, you could pay a little bit more and get what i assumed to be cleaner burning gas.

The different types of gas that are offered represent different octanes.  You can get regular, mid, and high octane gas, as well as desil fuel at some places.

A high octane does not mean really that the gas burns cleaner, it just burns better, smoother, it allows you to pull more power out of the fuel, which is why sports cars will require a higher octane gas.  So while you might be able to get a little better milage from a tank of gas its not like its some green alternative.
the memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime.



i have to commute from the bed to the computer.  i think my commute is a bit shorter.   ;)
Got me beat!
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


we drove to dallas on thursday and saw a SMART car on the highway. i would totally get one living where i am because there is not that much traffic in northwest arkansas and the streets in fayetteville are very narrow. plus, you can park them sideways into small spaces...
i've been reading the test manual and i'm hoping to get my learner's in the next month. then i guess i have to practice practice practice...
maybe they'll have a hard time filling the job...

EC... i've seen the conversion to used cooking oil stuff. it's awesome and your car always smells like fries and bacon... mmmmmmm...
everything sucks. really.


another thing about the different octanes, the ones with higher numbers burn at hotter temperatures, so you're engine works a little more to get it to burn. which i guess means it runs smoother as well. but if a sports car were to run on the low 87, it'd just burn it up quick and not get as much juice as it owuld out of having to really crank to burn it. if that makes sense. my dad's into cars. i'm not really, but you have to learn some things in the process of being a son.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.