I don't get it.

Started by FarmerYoda, May 23, 2006, 10:40 PM

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this is fantastic news.  i really hate movies, to be honest.  i'll watch the simpsons, king of the hill, seinfeld, and curb your enthusiasm, but i have no interest in movies anymore.  i, too, get flak from a lot of people that can't understand why i won't watch movies, considering how much i'm in to music.  they seem to think the two go hand in hand, but i find movies terribly boring, no matter the genre, or the length of the film.  sue me.

well i wouldn't say that i hate movies, they just aren't my bag.  I'll sit and watch them its just that ADD usually wins.  Its also hard for me to find 2 hours to sit on my couch.  But i don't even watch TV that much - but thats cause i can't stand comercials.
the memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime.


Quotei found that expanding my musical horizons made me more mellow in other aspects. i'm trying to get to the point where if someone disagrees with me, they're no longer an idiot who knows nothing, but simply someone with a different take. it's a growth process. i'm still working on it...  ;)

well power to you Wellfleet, i'm sure you'll find your peace soon enough.
the memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime.


ratsprayer... you wouldn't get IT if it came in a large bag marked "IT"!!!!!!!!! by not watching movies, you are sealing yourself off from an entire cultural experience and depriving yourself of an education in popular culture. no wonder ohio is the dumbest state in the union. we have a saying in arkansas... "thank god for ohio".  


at first i thought curb your enthusiasm was really really irritating, now i'm pretty sure i'm the chick larry david. i LOVE the jewish gags like when he's hugging on his manager's german shepherd and says "it's nice to show affection to something german, you don't get to do that very often." or when he eats the baby Jesus from the cookie nativity scene... i think we've just finished with season 3... the restaurant opening, i almost wet myself...
everything sucks. really.


i love watching movies - not so much at home on tv, which is still good (nothin better than curling up on the couch on a rainy sunday & watching a good flick) but at the cinema - you can really get completely enveloped by a cinematic experience - the combination of sound & visuals.... i just love it. the only thing that stops you actually BEING there is your sense of smell...

i was a little shocked by my brother recently stating that he doesn't read books anymore.... that is one thing i don't understand! fair enough if you listen to music i don't personally like/agree with/understand, but at least you're listening to SOMETHING!!! the same with books - i just absolutely love books, i find it difficult to get how you can not read (something, anything)!  
love a song for the way it makes you feel


Quotei found that expanding my musical horizons made me more mellow in other aspects. i'm trying to get to the point where if someone disagrees with me, they're no longer an idiot who knows nothing, but simply someone with a different take. it's a growth process. i'm still working on it...  

i'm with you on this one wellfleet!! i never thought i'd be into anything even remotely "country" but... i'm liking it! although we're probably talking alt-country here, not country-country... that's still scary unknown territory in ali-ville...

love a song for the way it makes you feel


Quotethe combination of sound & visuals.... i just love it. the only thing that stops you actually BEING there is your sense of smell...
In Japan they have smell-o-vision for The New World.

"Theater chains looking to enhance the overall movie-going experience may want to follow in Japan's footsteps and bring back Smell-O-Vision. That's right folks, seven different distinct smells will accompany Terrence Malick's The New World when it's released in Tokyo next month.

Created by NTT Communications Corp., this version of Smell-O-Vision will not just match scents up to certain scenes. Instead, it is hoping to tap into the emotion of a scene by releasing a pleasant fragrance throughout the theater. For example: If it's a love scene, then a floral scent will roam about. In a sad scene, the smell of peppermint and rosemary will take over. Oh, and every time Colin Farrell is on screen, the smell of hot will engulf all females present. Guys, start growing a goatee."

God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.