I don't get it.

Started by FarmerYoda, May 23, 2006, 10:40 PM

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I just had a conversation with someone about music. Someone I don't really like that much, but am forced to put up with for many reasons.  It was depressing.

I don't understand how something so important to me can be taken for granted by people like her.

I don't get it.

That's my complaint.



There is a "RElATIONSHIP" that CAN be achieved through music.  When it comes to peoples relationship with music, some people are an aquaitance, some are friends, some are good friends, some are BEST friends, some are lovers, and then there are us.......THE SOUL MATES!!!!!!!!  
There's Still Time.........


QuoteI just had a conversation with someone about music. Someone I don't really like that much, but am forced to put up with for many reasons.  It was depressing.

I don't understand how something so important to me can be taken for granted by people like her.

I don't get it.

That's my complaint.


just as fire understands all can't be fire because the planet would burn up and water understands all can't be water because we would drown.

it all evens out and it all serves purpose.

it is what it is


Some people don't get MMJ because they are not mainstream enough. They are so shallow, they only follow the lead of others and select music that is popular. Be strong, and know you have the "Jacket" community behind you in whatever music you like!
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


Quotejust as fire understands all can't be fire because the planet would burn up and water understands all can't be water because we would drown.

it all evens out and it all serves purpose.

it is what it is

Nice post, I like that a lot  :)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.

peanut butter puddin surprise

QuoteI just had a conversation with someone about music. Someone I don't really like that much, but am forced to put up with for many reasons.  It was depressing.

I don't understand how something so important to me can be taken for granted by people like her.

I don't get it.

That's my complaint.


and like good bourbon, a misty morning walk amongst the pine trees, a lobster dinner, or a hot bath with candles, some people just don't get it.

some folks just walk right past the finest things in life because they're either bored silly or just plain dumb.  
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


the boys are getting so damn DEEP up in this mutha!

jenny, while you're very passionate about music, that may be the medium in which you find yourself most at ease and at peace. maybe this other person feels that way about ballet, or woodwork, or gardening or knitting and thinks you're a complete buffoon for not sharing those interests. we can't all get off on the same things.
some people just hear the world differently. i find most metal music impossible to listen to while my metal friends think that neil young is boring.
everything sucks. really.


yeah that's spot on, wellfleet.  we all have our own passions about life that speak to us.  

most everyone around here knows i'm a nature nerd, but what i dont understand is people who actually spend the time to come out in the middle of nowhere and come to the forest, then spend their time talking loudly, throwing trash down and not enjoying the scenery around them.  

it's a mystery, i guess.


I guess. But at the same time, I don't want it to be like that.

I'm selfish, I guess  :-[.
seriously, though. Despite all these deep understandings, I dont' get it. It's not you all. It's me being stubborn. Butttksjadlvgkajseg,lajse sstillllllllllllllllllll............

I do get it. I just don't want to. :D


i understand where you're coming from jenny... i'm like that too with music... maybe i get a bit judgemental? dunno. one of my friends actually asked me if i was still going to talk to her after she told me she didn't like the manic street preachers!! must have had my "judgemental-music-snob" face on that day!!


Quotewe all have our own passions about life that speak to us.
absolutely - i've just planned a three week holiday to look at buildings, which, while i'm 100% SURE all of you would think is completely nerdy & boring... but i think it's going to be great...
love a song for the way it makes you feel


i was one of those snobby-awful-judgmental-music-fascists until i started to work in a record store and work with industry-types on a regular basis.
i discovered things that i *thought* i would naturally despise. i never, ever, ever listened to country music, then i began to discover country acts that really spoke to me.
even the aforementioned metal, i found acts that i could get into like In Flames.
i used to look down on people who listened to radio top-40 type music and then i saw the appeal of a kelly clarkson or a justin timberlake. i think i just kind of got over myself, you know?

ali... i love buildings and architecture. i think original wood support beams sexy. case-study houses and Eames House and cobblestone and thinking about function and form... i love it! nerds are cool!
everything sucks. really.


i definitely have my music snob side, but i just tend to bury it most of the time.  i often think someone is a complete moron because some certain band or song doesnt speak to them.  then i realise i listen to a lot of things that im not sure most people could stand.  its just a mood, i guess.

basically, i dont get what i just said.

im following the thread of this theme perfectly.   ;)


im following the thread of this theme perfectly.   ;)



im going to leave my typo as is because well, you know....


Quoteim going to leave my typo as is because well, you know....

HAHAHAHA. WAIT. I was only just laughing because i thought you were saying "i'm follownig the theme of this thread perfectly".. because that was funny as it was.
hahahahhahahhahahahha, i'm an idiot. maybe i'm dislexic. either way, that makes everything funnier.
dfjlaskdjfalksjetas.dgbas hahah.

"the thread of this theme" ij sut realized you said. i wasn't even laughing at yer typo. i was just laughing at the general idea. at what you were trying to get at.
s'hdfalksdjfla;ksjdtla,sdmgbas34trwgdas. ahhah. dumb.

okay bye.


Quoteim going to leave my typo as is because well, you know....

Yeah, it was funny already but the typo kicked some major ass.
There's Still Time.........


I too went through my own sob phase and I am still somewhat of an elitist.  But I can be a snob within bands I like – Sublime is historically my favorite band and I won't listen to the self titled album, I think it's their weakest effort and the only album with their name on it that has songs I skip.  So in pointless defiance I lift my nose to it.  

But aside from that I usually make an effort to at least sit down and give anything a good listen, though there are exceptions to the rule.  I try to hear what's going on in the music and there are certain bands (MMJ included) that I got into based on a friend's opinion or a simple recommendation that I trusted.  But I like music, it's my thing, I look for it, read about it, talk about it, go listen to random ass bands and small venues whose acts, more often than not, I enjoy.

However, if you were to talk to me about movies I'd be lost and disinterested.  I've never seen The Godfather or anything by Kubric other than Clockwork Orange.  It blows my friends minds that I don't know crap about movies, but they just don't do it for me, which is very well how people who can't get into certain music may be; it simply doesn't tickle their fancy and there is very little that can be done about that.
the memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime.


this is very interesting because i LOVE the movies, i think i know a bit about film, and i'd never seen all the Godfather movies until 2005.
i've still never seen any Star Wars movies but i'm obsessed with Indiana jones.

i think working at the store and seeing all these artists stream through, i listened to stuff just to see what it's like. i listened to tim mcgraw and liked some stuff. i got into some emo stuff. i even tried some club-style music and liked it. i listened to more mainstream hip-hop than ever before and some of it was lots of fun... i found that expanding my musical horizons made me more mellow in other aspects. i'm trying to get to the point where if someone disagrees with me, they're no longer an idiot who knows nothing, but simply someone with a different take. it's a growth process. i'm still working on it...  ;)
everything sucks. really.



However, if you were to talk to me about movies I'd be lost and disinterested.  I've never seen The Godfather or anything by Kubric other than Clockwork Orange.  It blows my friends minds that I don't know crap about movies, but they just don't do it for me, which is very well how people who can't get into certain music may be; it simply doesn't tickle their fancy and there is very little that can be done about that.

this is fantastic news.  i really hate movies, to be honest.  i'll watch the simpsons, king of the hill, seinfeld, and curb your enthusiasm, but i have no interest in movies anymore.  i, too, get flak from a lot of people that can't understand why i won't watch movies, considering how much i'm in to music.  they seem to think the two go hand in hand, but i find movies terribly boring, no matter the genre, or the length of the film.  sue me.


all right wellfleet, that's it.  i hate movies, you love them.

let's fuckin' fight!
