interesting snax

Started by EC, Jul 13, 2006, 12:13 PM

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i arrived at work this morning with a little treat on my computer from my friend yumiko who is from japan.  (she's the one who translated the ninja star, for those who remember.)

anyhow, it's quite tasty, and i was just informed that it's a deep fried rice cake.

the flavour is fish eggs.


it tastes like barbecue bugles (do you guys have bugles?)

what other snacks have you all tried that are unusual?


One snack that I fix alot for myself (and tell me if it's not weird enough) is Roasted Garlic Triscuits stacked with pepperoni, sprouts, black olives and provolone and then microwaved until it's melted.



QuoteOne snack that I fix alot for myself (and tell me if it's not weird enough) is Roasted Garlic Triscuits stacked with pepperoni, sprouts, black olives and provolone and then microwaved until it's melted.


Is that right at about 5:20 pm?
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.



Is that right at about 5:20 pm?

Sometimes ;D


Is that right at about 5:20 pm?

Sometimes Grin

I know what happens at 4:20.




It's interesting, Corey.  Right after I posted that and saw that you were online, I thought to myself, "Damn...I hope that pot reference won't attract a hippy post from corey".  

Lo and did. :-/


hahaha. I couldn't resist.  :)
It's an easy target.


i'm typically gun-shy when it comes to food, but this guy isn't

he's a funny, funny, FUNNY writer and his column on prison wine is hilarious.

also, the onion does an occasional feature on dollar-store snacks that is totally worth a dig through their archives.

bon appetit

everything sucks. really.


Not an interesting snack but full of protien and organic goodness :)

Sleazy Rider

Bacon and grape jelly sandwhish, they're delicioso. Mama says its a disgusting creation but it just seems logical to me not really weird.
Politics. It's a drag. They put one foot in the grave, and the other on The Flag.


bacon+anything = awesomeness

it took me 11 years to discover bacon, but i've never looked back.
everything sucks. really.


Quoteanyhow, it's quite tasty, and i was just informed that it's a deep fried rice cake.
Was it Senbei?  :)
Man, they have some funny snacks here. Dried squid is very popular & actually tastes a hell of a lot better than you'd think...
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


Was it Senbei?  :)
Man, they have some funny snacks here. Dried squid is very popular & actually tastes a hell of a lot better than you'd think...

i don't know.  she left it as a surprise and wasn't at work, and... well i can't read japanese.  but the other woman who works there informed me of the fishegg flavour.

the snacks are but one more reason why i really want to visit japan.  i will bring with me an extra suitcase that i will only fill with snacks.  (and maybe a rare b-side album or two)

and realdeal, at bonnaroo last year, there was a cliff bar booth with samples out all the time.  i would venture a guess and say that some people lived off the free stuff at bonnaroo.  there was a lot of it around.  smokes, beer samples...  

cliff bars are yummy.  mmm.  

another weird snack i've had is dried seaweed.  it's delicious.  i just had a babaganoush sandwich with pomegranate puree.

WHAT?  how AWESOME is pomegranate puree??
let me tell you. very.  

so yes.  somehow i need to go to japan.
for snax.


Quotethe snacks are but one more reason why i really want to visit japan.  i will bring with me an extra suitcase that i will only fill with snacks.
That's so funny! Whenever my wife & I go home to the UK or visit the states we fill one suitcase with snacks, cereal & candy etc.
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


hmm beer samples!!! sounds like yet another good reason to go to bonnaroo!!

a great snack i love (sounds a bit weird but its great) is peanut butter (smooth or crunchy) smeared onto a celery stick. the fantastic combo of healthy/really not healthy!

vegemite on toast is the ULTIMATE snack. i missed it while i was away.... nothing better as a midnight snack

on the plane we were given little packets of roasted spiced sunflower seeds with dried anchovies.... seeds were good but anchovies? eeeeew
love a song for the way it makes you feel


jar of peanut butter + spoon = hell yes
"[Adrien Brody] is a big hip-hop fan and plans on becoming a producer. He is being mentored by RZA."


The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Quotejar of peanut butter + spoon = hell yes

I ate half a big jar of peanut butter one night when I was really high.  

Okay, that happened more than once.  This should be in confessions.

Tom, what's pocky?

db - dude, I for SURE took home numerous snax and sundries from the UK (including a nice big bottle of Pimm's).  It was mostly the dairy milk that I knew I'd want.  It is not the same.

And listen to me when I tell you that I goddamn would've brought a crate of that Karamel Sutra Ben and Jerry's flavour that you can't get here if I could've found a portable freezer.


The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


My sisters always ask me to bring them Pocky whenever I see them. How many flavors do you have in the US Tom? There are so many here...
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.