the common cold

Started by eiseyrokker, Aug 31, 2006, 08:05 PM

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so i officially hate colds. you know the drill, runny nose, your thermostat tells you you're two different temperatures at once, you can't pronounce n's with any degree of accuracy. and darnit, ain't nobody around to brew up some chicken noodle soup with.


i'm such a twitter-paited sappy guy most of the time, but i could really just use a good hand in my hair right now. and some chicken noodle goodness. i mean, that's the cure for the common cold, right? some chicken noodle soup and a little bit of love?

The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


yeah, colds suck.  I've been fighting one off all week and I finally kicked it's ass yesterday.  I'm not sure it's this is what helped me but I took this stuff called airborne that's supposed to kill colds before they start.  it's worth the price and the placebo effect. however, at this point though, you're right, chicken soup, tlc, and don't forget LOTS of liquids and vitamin C.  


yeah i bought some OJ and pomgranate juice today. i think i'm gonna brew some tea and toss some pomegranate juice in there.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


i've just got over my second bad cold for the winter... cold & flu meds are generally pretty effective, but you can't go past sleep to help get rid of it.

summer colds are crap though. hope you feel better soon!! (lotsa long distance get-well-soon vibes coming your way)
love a song for the way it makes you feel


I have a cold too.  I'm trying to use this sore throat to my advantage though, by attempting to sing like Chan Marshall.  LOL.  I'm working on this smoky vocal thing...


the voice thing is about the only cool thing about having a cold - my voice usually goes really husky & a bit deep which is always pretty cool

love a song for the way it makes you feel


My kid had a sinus infection starting around last Thursday or so. I started feeling bad on Friday and it got worse on Saturday, which sucked because I had a gig that night. I loaded up on Dayquil and made it through the show that night. I felt like ass most of the next day, but was mostly better by Monday.

Stupid runny nose and drainage in the back of my throat. Not a good time.





I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


I dont have a cold but my allergies are bumping this time of year, can't wait to get my shot next week.
i kinda think right now is a pretty good time to just sit down and sing people some mother-fuckin songs


Allergies to mold, pollen, and dust are at an all time high in my area.
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary

Easy Morning Rebel

I've got a cold tonight, too. I haven't had a cold in ages so why the hell do I need to have one now when I just (today) started a new uni? Worst timing ever!

Even cowgirls get the blues


Wrap up, drink lots and get well soon poorly people  :)


Jeepers, I feel so bad for all of you, colds suck. I am generally healthy as a horse, so I'll share my cold fighting treatments....

Neti pot-  it really works

I also lightly push my thyroid cartilage (adams apple) from side to side to increase circulation of blood to the area whenever my throat starts to get a little scratchy.

massage to the forehead is great for sinus congestion too.

Oh and sex, lots of it.