things that you really like, or make you feel good

Started by EC, May 17, 2006, 12:32 AM

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Oh wow.  You're gonna make 'em cry, EC.  Be prepared for tears of joy.  :)


QuoteOh wow.  You're gonna make 'em cry, EC.  Be prepared for tears of joy.  :)

yeah!  i'm gonna NAIL that crowd for SURE!!!!  ;)  


I wrote and performed a song for my friend's wedding and it was a real crowd pleaser. I didn't do it as a serious piece - I went for the comic jugular and it worked. Comedy works well at weddings. The room and crowd are easy becasuse everyone is generally in a good mood and emotions are laid bare.


QuoteI wrote and performed a song for my friend's wedding and it was a real crowd pleaser. I didn't do it as a serious piece - I went for the comic jugular and it worked. Comedy works well at weddings. The room and crowd are easy becasuse everyone is generally in a good mood and emotions are laid bare.

yeah, i'll aim for the tears, though.  this song is pretty gooey.  if i make it funny, people will try to stab me with pins.  ;)



yeah, i'll aim for the tears, though.  this song is pretty gooey.  if i make it funny, people will try to stab me with pins.  ;)

I came up with a perfect idea and I had to go for it, even though I'd never sung in front of anyone before that point, let alone 150 people. If I personally went sappy, I would have killed that audience with unwanted laughter.



I came up with a perfect idea and I had to go for it, even though I'd never sung in front of anyone before that point, let alone 150 people. If I personally went sappy, I would have killed that audience with unwanted laughter.

 ;D good work.  you gotta go with what you got.  


i went for a walk this morning.  it was beautiful.  i kind of like waking up while i'm walking, because you're a little spaced out, but you're noticing things more because your head's not thinking a million thoughts.


boats and swimming.  i got to go on a couple of boat rides and did some swimming this weekend.  the water was so cold that i couldn't breathe and could feel my muscles seizing up, and it was awesome.  when i got out of the cold cold water into the hot hot heat, my body just went crazy and felt like collapsing.  so brilliant.

i also love rhubarb pie.


Cheese raviolis from one of my favorite restaurants (was my dinner last night, and I just finished the leftovers for lunch today) yummy yummy in my tummy!

Cats purring, dog tails wagging, children laughing, birds chirping, waves crashing, clouds passing.

Camping in Yosemite National Park
Finding abalone shells at my favorite beach


sitting down at the end of a shitty day and beating the hell out of some guitar strings while singing as loud as possible.

can't wait for later tonight.
the memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime.


Felt like digging this thread up cos I'm having such a good day!
(hope you don't think I'm rubbin' it in EC!)

Here's why:
1. The sun is shinning.
2.The mangos I had for breakfast were perfect (so ripe, so sweet)
3. I don't have to work today. I have to work tomorrow but I'm taking students to the aquarium, which is always fun.
4. I have Saturday off (I usually work every Saturday)
5. The Sushi I had for lunch was great & gave me a wicked wasabi-buzz-rush  ;D
6. I bought the RunThru single online for 1 pence today.
7. I found some amazing new music online this afternoon (always a great feeling!).
8. I have Sin City on DVD to watch tonight...

Man, I feel good...
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


Sin City rules! You should have a good time.

(I like your new quote too)


my best friend finally found out her phd thesis had passed yesterday, so that made me pretty happy for her!! 4 years of hard work paid off!!

love a song for the way it makes you feel


I'm going to dust the cobwebs off this one...

When I go to the restroom at work in the morning, after the cleaning lady has been there, I love to find the last stall with the seat still up.  No one else's booty germs on me, no sireee!

It's the little things.....

