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Started by true, Nov 23, 2006, 09:02 PM

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I noticed I never used it before. Whats up with it?
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


QuoteI noticed I never used it before. Whats up with it?
Join us!
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


wow, I just noticed that too.  And there's a notification feature!  Wow, i feel like i'm joining the board for the first time.


yeah, mine says that tundra isn't a member anymore, but i know that's not true.  hmmm...  


You're on my buddylist, Meg.

You should feel cool.  WAY, cool.


By the way, I had no idea you were 101 years young!  Congrats! ;)


QuoteBy the way, I had no idea you were 101 years young!  Congrats! ;)

thanks.  i feel very cool and very young.
but i feel lost without my mark_twain/tundra.  hm.


It did that for me for a couple of members.  I had to directly click their profiles and click 'add to buddylist'.  I wouldn't worry 'bout it too much.


QuoteIt did that for me for a couple of members.  I had to directly click their profiles and click 'add to buddylist'.  I wouldn't worry 'bout it too much.

you are officially now my buddy.
you have been my buddy for years, though. ;)
or, whateve, at least a year.



you are officially now my buddy.
you have been my buddy for years, though. ;)
or, whateve, at least a year.

In turn, you have been my buddy for at least a year.  But now it's official.  And it feels great.



In turn, you have been my buddy for at least a year.  But now it's official.  And it feels great.

in all honesty, you might have been on my list.  i don't even remember there being a list, so you might have been on it from one (most likely drunken) night of making said list.  this is not me being cool and not knowing about a list, this is most likely me being old and forgetting about it. ;)


okay, my favourite part is "mark twain is no more registered"

what, do we got a dutch person writing this text??? ;)


I don't know, Meg.

There are two things I fear about this world.

And one is nuclear war.

the other?

The dutch.  And Carnies.


the only thing i worry about with the dutch is that sinter claus is coming up.  and, as we learned last year, the dutch have some MESSED up ideas about christmas.

in the other hand, i wish the dutch were in charge of all nuclear weapons.  this has zero to do with drug laws, and everything to do with general attutude and calmness.



But I was just referring to Austin Powers movies, which I saw a lot of recently over Thanksgiving break.

But, yes, the Dutch are calm and cool from what I hear.  Go Holland!


But, yes, the Dutch are calm and cool from what I hear.  Go Holland!

no way. that's one of the biggest misconceptions in the world. that and the common belief that toilets spin in a given direction due to being in a particular hemisphere of the earth.



that and the common belief that toilets spin in a given direction due to being in a particular hemisphere of the earth.

Dude, i thought that was true  ???

Is there a scientist in the house tonight?

Mr. T.


Dude, i thought that was true  ???

Is there a scientist in the house tonight?

Claim:   Thanks to the Coriolis effect, toilets flush clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the southern.
Status:   False.

Example:   [Collected via e-mail, 2003]

Water in a pan, sink, or toilet rotates counter clockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere. This is due to the Coriolis Effect, which is caused by the rotation of the Earth.

Origins:   Because  
the Earth is a globe spinning on an invisible axis, a point at its equator will make a circuit of 25,000 miles in the space of a day, but any point not on the equator will make a shorter round trip; the closer that point is to either of the poles, the shorter its trip will be. Put another way, a pencil  at the equator travels 1,030 miles an hour, whereas another at Sarasota, Florida, moves at 930 miles per hour, and one at the North pole doesn't move at all.

This apparent difference in speed results in the Coriolis force, an effect that imparts a twist to largish events happening away from the equator. Best known is its effect on air masses: as they move away from the equator, their speed (which matches that of where they started from) appears to be faster than that of the surface over which they are traveling. This sets them turning in a clockwise twist in the northern hemisphere and a counterclockwise twist in the southern. (Before you complain we have that backwards, please click here.) Likewise, a cannonball fired due north will veer a teeny bit to the east, and one fired to the south will deflect ever so slightly to the west, something a skilled gunner would make an adjustment for.

The twisting effect of the Coriolis force is real and does influence certain large things like the movement of air masses, but the effect is so small that it plays no role in determining the direction in which water rotates as it exits from a draining sink or toilet. The Coriolis effect produces a measurable effect over huge distances and long periods of time, neither of which applies to your bathroom. Toilets and sinks drain in the directions they do because of the way water is directed into them or pulled from them. If water enters in a swirling motion (as it does when a toilet is flushed, for example), the water will exit in that same swirling pattern; as well, most basins have irregular surfaces and are not perfectly level, factors which influence the direction in which water spirals down their drains. The configuration of taps and drains is responsible for the direction of spin given to water draining from sinks and bathtubs to a degree that overwhelms the slight influence of the Coriolis force.

The belief that the Coriolis force influences the direction in which water drains from plumbing fixtures is widespread and has been repeated as fact in a number of venues, including popular television shows (such as world traveler Michael Palin's Pole to Pole) and even in textbooks. We can only speculate on why people are so enamored of this snippet of misinformation, guessing that it has something to do with the desire to find some of the mysteries of science in the realm of the everyday.

Barbara "as the whirl cisterns" Mikkelson


Now I feel stupid.
We are young despite the years,
we are concern,
we are hope despite the times


Ok, that's sorted once and for all  :D


what are the Dutch views on Christmas? you got me curious, Meg.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.