Military service

Started by ycartrob, Dec 06, 2006, 01:47 PM

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I was in The US Coast Guard from 87-91.

Ran small boats out of Gloucester, Mass

I was on 82' and 110' in Maine, too.

anyone else do any military service?


451st Infantry Security Company


I was in ROTC for one year.  Army ROTC.  

But note that I am qualified on an M-16 AND a Beretta 9mm.  Watch it fools.

peanut butter puddin surprise

US Army, 1986-1994.  12 Bravo (combat engineer).  Grunt with Shovel.

Served at the following installations:

Ft. Leonard Wood, MO.
Ft. Dix, NJ
Ft. Irwin, CA
Ft. Knox, KY

qualified as Expert w Grenade and Sharpshooter w M16.  

Honorable discharge.  I was lucky... :D
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there



hey TRACY! I gotta house in ROCKPORT!
which is techincally glouchester-area


Angry Ewok

Thanks to all the men and women who have served...

I was in Army ROTC for three years (resigned on my fourth and decided against going into the service). I was the captain of the Marksmanship team, so I'm pretty confident with a firearm. Mix of expert and sharpshooter across the board, plus, believe it or not, Academic Excellence, among a few other decorations.

Edit - by the way, I had the honor of spending some time at Ft. McClellan with the Airborne Rangers... they were pretty freakin' badass. I hate repelling, but with a Ranger barking at you from the top of the tower - you WANT to jump.

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.



hey TRACY! I gotta house in ROCKPORT!
which is techincally glouchester-area

yep, we talked about the quarry at Halibut Point in another thread.


i'm getting older, my memories fading.
i renember now...
theres a fabulous portuege restaurant...!

oh, i'm being insensitive and derailing this on purpose.
deal with it. :-/


Angry Ewok

Do you have some sort of reason not to like people who have been in the service?
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


I salute everyone's service and thank you for keeping us safer!
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Fuck that I would probably go crazy. I would be Gomer Pyle from Full Metal Jacket.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


QuoteDo you have some sort of reason not to like people who have been in the service?

who me?!
god no! that's not what i'm saying... and i don't not like anyone who's served -- i mean, i don't know if i know anyone who did but i don't not like them 'cos they've been in the service!
you misunderstood.

i was just too caught up in the portugese restaurant...

it's way over my head, to be honest.


but if this thread was about anything else and tracy had brought up glouchester, i would've said thesame thing... the initial topic was irrelevant...
my apologies :-/


peanut butter puddin surprise

QuoteFuck that I would probably go crazy. I would be Gomer Pyle from Full Metal Jacket.

it's a funny thing (not really "funny") about the military.  they break you down, completely on a mental level.  there are always a few freakouts like that, but 99% of folks who go through get those tendencies stripped away like everything else.  talk about a mindfuck-it's like a total personality makeover.  sometimes i have nightmares about it.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


QuoteFuck that I would probably go crazy. I would be Gomer Pyle from Full Metal Jacket.

Most of the Pyles got weeded out during boot camp (we had a guy put 50 Tylenol down his throat to get out). The Coast Guard is the least militaristic of all the armed forces. We carried 9mm's and had to qualify on M-16 and shotgun (mostly for law enforcement) but we fought boat fires, did search and rescue, patrols, aids to navigation, etc...and good Lord did we ever drink. Talk about work hard play hard. We'd also do crazy shit like break out the deep sea fishing poles out on George's Bank and cast a few.

I'd have stayed in for 20 if it weren't for the law enforcement. Picture gung-ho cop wannabees wanting to bust folks on the water and that's what it was like (at times). I couldn't get into that at all.


my cousins a marine 20 minutes away from bahgdad.        thats pretty kickass


Quotemy cousins a marine 20 minutes away from bahgdad.        thats pretty kickass
I have a lot of respect for anyone who serves for their country but there is absolutely nothing 'kickass' about war, especially the war in Iraq.
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.

Angry Ewok

I didn't take that as a "war is awesome" statement, but whatever.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


and i didn't intend it to be.


It's so hard to 'read' people when they post, isn't it?


QuoteIt's so hard to 'read' people when they post, isn't it?

