Is your boss an idiot?

Started by johnconaway, Dec 13, 2006, 10:01 AM

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peanut butter puddin surprise

I have two bosses, one is quite cool (goes to MMJ and VHS or Beta shows, fer chrissakes) and the other is a dork with a capital D.  Everything that's remotely technical, including fax machines and simple email tasks, are the fodder for endless debates with this guy.  Like attachment limits, for instance.  He doesn't believe we should limit incoming/outgoing attachment sizes...when the rest of  THE FUCKING PLANET does.  "Why can't you send a 21 meg attachment to someone's Gmail account?"..."Well, they have a 10 meg limit on attachments you can receive".  "Well, that's not what I think it should be"...guess what, no one gives a flying bat's ass!!

anyone else have a Captain Diddlestick for a boss?  hmm??  venting here, very sorry...
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


No, gladly my current boss is very cool, she just lets you do your own thing, as long as you're doing a good job...COMPLETELY opposite of my old boss, who, regardless of the quality of work you were doing, would not stop looking over your shoulder unless he was confident that you were doing the job exactly the way that he would do it...I f@$!!^& HATE that!!  He also loved to completely shatter his employees' confidence in themselves by belittling them every chance he got...what a condescending fat little #$@! he was...sorry I needed to vent too!  But no, I love my current boss  ;D
We could.


john--you have a lot of dilberts strips cut out of the paper hanging up in you office (or cubicle whatever the case may be...)?
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


yeah, conaway, I'm gonna need you to go ahead and turn in those tps reports... ;)

peanut butter puddin surprise

Quotejohn--you have a lot of dilberts strips cut out of the paper hanging up in you office (or cubicle whatever the case may be...)?

I er, how did you know??  ;)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


My bosses are cool as shit.  I'm helping out for the holiday season at my good friends mom's floral shop.  her mom is my boss and a good friend of hers, the co-owner as well.  I'm the only guy there so i have a good time messing with the girls.  we are a great team.
Passion dripping from the coyote's eyes,
He can taste his blood,
An' blood never lies,
Pale face die. - Kiedis


I'm my own boss.  :) I'm an idiot!  :D

And Meg, don't forget about the fax cover sheets for ALL the tps reports.  :)


My boss is a good guy, I can't complain about him.  I used to work for a guy who was some kind of football fanatic.  He was always asking me if I "had my A game on"  ::)  I wanted to punt him.  He also was bad about rubbing everyone's shoulders and patting you on the back, I swear it was like he thought he was in a locker room.  I was always afraid he'd come to work one day with just a towel wrapped around his waist.  
Detroit Cobras @ The Mad Hatter, Covington KY - 7/11/07
Squirrel Nut Zippers @ Jim Porters, Louisville, KY - 7/18/07

peanut butter puddin surprise

QuoteMy boss is a good guy, I can't complain about him.  I used to work for a guy who was some kind of football fanatic.  He was always asking me if I "had my A game on"  ::)  I wanted to punt him.  He also was bad about rubbing everyone's shoulders and patting you on the back, I swear it was like he thought he was in a locker room.  I was always afraid he'd come to work one day with just a towel wrapped around his waist.  

sort of funny, but not.  I can imagine what it would be like to be a woman in today's workplace.  That has to SUCK.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


The worst thing about my job is that I'm an office administrator which is a fancy dancy name for secretary.  So I have requests coming in from all different kinds of people to do silly little crap because they don't realize how busy I am (playing on the internet ;) )  I get really aggrivated because there are two departments who don't have admin's right now and they have a million things they need done, so my boss said that I could help them out but that they'd need to be patient because I already have a full plate.  They aren't very patient and they need something every other day  :-/
Detroit Cobras @ The Mad Hatter, Covington KY - 7/11/07
Squirrel Nut Zippers @ Jim Porters, Louisville, KY - 7/18/07

peanut butter puddin surprise

start asking for everything in writing, as in on email.  usually, when people have to ask for it in writing, they get pissed that it takes them time to write it out, so they end up doing it themselves...which is what they should have done in the first place.

mwuahahhahhah ;D
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


I am fortunate that all my different bosses where I work are great. One is in her 50's and I talked her into going to see the Jacket last year and she was blown away.


hahaha!  I DO ask for everything in writing, they got all bent out of shape over that :D
Detroit Cobras @ The Mad Hatter, Covington KY - 7/11/07
Squirrel Nut Zippers @ Jim Porters, Louisville, KY - 7/18/07


My boss is throwing a Christmas party tonight for our vast horde of 14 employees.  He is spending $300 for liquor/beer.  It should be a swell gig.



My boss is amazing. I have tredmendous respect for her and she is good to work for. She is far from an idiot.


I just started a new job last week, it's going really well, but I'm not sold on the boss yet.  His personality is complete opposite of mine.  Luckily he seems to keep to himself, and I think I've impressed the lot in my training so he hasn't been breathing down my neck.

He's been an ass to me a few times but I just find myself daydreaming about David Brent and that takes my mind off him.