Neil Peart writes about Allaire Studios

Started by ycartrob, Jan 15, 2007, 10:07 PM

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RUSH has recodered their latest album at Allaire Studios where Z went down. Neil Peart writes of Allaire (and life) here>>


que...."It's A Small World Afterall"

A.  The property manager, Colby, told us he had been seeing a lot of black bears that autumn, searching for food before their long hibernation.

     So it seemed the nearby village of Bearsville came by its name honestly.


B. This guy "Nick" that is producing this new record...Well I don't know if you remember this but I once told you that we used to always go see this cover band "The Throwbacks" that did the most kick ass "Tom Sawyer" EVER!!!  We are friends with the drummer/singer "John", well we haven't seen the band in over a year now because John moved out to L.A. to work with Nick :o.  I about shit my pants when I read that part about Nick being the producer.  

C. Well, as they would say out East, "there ain't no such of a light," but like most other people in this crazy mixed-up world, we will carry on as if there were.


[size=36]FUCKING AWESOME[/size]...thanks for posting that I can't wait to hear the new record.......and to one day take one beautiful trip out west.  :-*


There's Still Time.........


Hey, I just thought of another answer for Anu's "What makes a fan a fan" thread.

If after listening to "Moving Pictures" you decided "hey, mabey it's time I finally read that book "Tom Sawyer afterall"....then you sit down and read the book front to back with "Moving Pictures" on repeat in the background.
There's Still Time.........