living authentically

Started by Jenny, Jun 10, 2007, 09:12 PM

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just for curiosity's sake,
what do all of you think defines an authentic life? what do you think the most essential points are, in successfully leading an honest, genuine, true life?

i'm just trying to see if it differs from a (almost) sixteen year old perception.
and most of you are not (almost) sixteen.
so tell me.


Well, I'm 25 and I'm pretty much trying not to be as cynical as life seems to be becoming.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


I'm the big 30!  I try to live an authentic life.  Here are my thoughts.

this might be cheesy, where you are at, cause you are already there.  trust your gut.  be true to yourself.  if you know what you want and who you are, then be that.  treat people as you like to be treated.  positive thoughts breed positive actions (i am constantly working on that one!!!)  
nothing can be changed except ourselves


for me, it's about forgiviness (self and others). Now, I don't buy into the whole forgive and forget nonsense, however, I have come to find out that I beat myself up over my mistakes (and beat others up (mentally) over theirs), and it's a waste of time. I am discovering that true forgivness is very hard and very liberating.


i mean, i think authenticity is one of hte most complex philisophical equations to ever even begin to probe at.  it gets into the question of fate, and destiny, i think.  as well as nature vs. nurture.  the entire topic makes me want to barf, and i find myself becoming envious of freud and sartre and nietzsche, simply for being able to think. there are (essentially) two ways to look at this, really. on one hand, you can't not be you. the bottom line is that you're the only you you can ever be.  there is no wrong and there is no right because it all just is.... (Lenny bruce once said "The "waht should be" never did exist, but people keep trying to live up to it. there is no what should be. there is only what is".) i find myself believing this. i'm not a believer of hte "should have"s or the "would have"s because we all know that one simple decision can change everything.

granted, i suppose you can act oppositely from what you feel, avoiding struggle, pain, confusion, which i find equally unsettling, yet just as convincing of an argument.  there's a fine line, and i'm afraid i'm on the fence.  i dont' know if i quite believe in fate or destiny. im' not religious at all, yet i don't see why they have to go hand in hand.  human nature is curiosity, right?  i think if i had to illustrate it, it'd be a fine string, a big bulge in the middle that resolved in a fine string.  beofre and after those two strings there is nothing. the beginning symbolizes your first decision. your first conscious decision. the middle is full of infinate pathways. perhaps its dark for a reason. the end of the string symbolizes the end of your life.  how everything played out.
i guess i essentially believe that everything coems to an end. and it doesn't matter waht happens in between.
life is like a very full worm in space. it's belly expanded in both directions, until you ebnd up at the tail, lying at rest.

i don't mean to be so morbid.
it all just is.


Maybe everything comes to an end. I refuse to think about it that way. Perhaps we should just ignore it and let the end happen when it happens. Not a fun topic, I just skip over it. Maybe that's why I am religous. I feel that if there is a 0.00001% chance of there being something along the lines of eternity, then anything we do on earth should be living for that, seeing as infinity completely renders earthly time as basically nothing.

As for the whole "what should be" issue...what should be is made up by people. For example, some people who weren't raised with the same idea of right and wrong could kill hundreds and think they were doing the right thing.

An authentic life? I just go with my gut on this one. If something I do seems productive, then I don't argue. Arguing just makes it more complicated.
In another time, in another place, in another face


dark -
yes, everything is relative. there are convincing arguments that go against my morals sparking war, conflict, destruction etc.

but not arguing? that's ridiculous. how can you ever learn without questioning? life is about questioning. at least for me. i exhaust myself to tears (quite literally, unfortunately) and familiarize myself with uncomfortable questions that i know that i will never find the answer to. why? because there is no real answer. but why wouldn't you make a convincing answer for yourself? that's life. and that's the mystery. and i do understand that taking away that mystery would be inhuman and ridiculous.  but there is so much that we could know that we don't... and who would you be if you didn't probe?

robots aren't people.

thinking about this makes my head explode. everything is relative. emotions, senses, relations. this could essentially mean that nothing is real to anything or anyone but you.  please excuse my existential ramblings, but i just found myself so caught up over thsi recently.

i recently proved the existence of god.  our life is centered around entropy. entropy is defined, essentially, as chaos.  chaos is defined as a lack of order. but having and having not arise together (thanks lao tsu).  this ultimately means that disorder is an order itself. orders have to be arranged.  therefore something arranged it. therefore there is a god.
a god in the loosest definition.
but there is a counter argument that seems just as comforting. i like the comfort.  i could be god, in the sense that i am the only real one. just as you (the general "you") are the only real one. being that everything i (you) do and act and say and think and create is only in my (or your) head. i can express it, but it wont be expressed to someon eelse in the same way, being that i can't ever articulate (even to myself in my own head) what i mean by every action, expression, creation. who the fuck knows.
it's funy to think about how many lenses you adopt subconsciously, even throughout a day...

i'm not trying to offend anybody out there. i am most certainly saying this in the most respectful way.  ugh. i hate this.


I forgive both of you...


What Face said, the idea of a "authentic life" goes hand in hand with the whole existential arguments. I'll work out what the idea of authenticity is when I understand what existance is better. Until then, I'll just be figuring it out.

There's truth out there, it's just not assembled neatly.
In another time, in another place, in another face


Don't worry Tracy, not all 15 (almost 16) year olds have this problem. Only Jacket fans.  ;)
In another time, in another place, in another face


QuoteI forgive both of you...

;) oh c'monnnnnnnnnn


well i'm twice your age, jenny, and i go through intense periods of trying to figure it out, and then equally intense periods of letting that go so that i can just live and experience.  for me, i'm kind of with tracy.  forgiveness is possibly the most important thing.  if you're able to forgive people, then you're able to get over it and move on.  i don't know how to explain that better, but it took a long time to learn.  

i really think that life is about questions, and rarely about answers.  and you can psyche yourself out way hard if you take it all too seriously.  there's a real knack for being light and letting things go.  and i think that's a constant practise, too.  

yeah.  it's always trying to do the right thing, and also not beating the crap out of yourself when you don't. :)


Quotewell i'm twice your age, jenny, and i go through intense periods of trying to figure it out, and then equally intense periods of letting that go so that i can just live and experience.  for me, i'm kind of with tracy.  forgiveness is possibly the most important thing.  if you're able to forgive people, then you're able to get over it and move on.  i don't know how to explain that better, but it took a long time to learn.  

i really think that life is about questions, and rarely about answers.  and you can psyche yourself out way hard if you take it all too seriously.  there's a real knack for being light and letting things go.  and i think that's a constant practise, too.  

yeah.  it's always trying to do the right thing, and also not beating the crap out of yourself when you don't. :)

i agree basically with all that you say right here.  sometimes if you take life TOO seriously and try too hard to understand everything it'll end up passing you by.  

there's nothing wrong with wondering, pondering, searching.....just enjoy the moments you have here.


Great points.  I think it's not about "what is" or "what should be" or "could have been" it's about "WHAT COULD BE".  You are fifteen and you have already inspired ME with your art and with your words.......on many occasions.  I get the sense almost every day that I'm living in a world that completely "got it wrong"  Then I meet someone like Tracy or read a post like this from you and it has a positive impact on me, and it makes me want to get stronger.  We have to be stronger, we need each other, we need to be fearless, we have to believe.  I think to embrace the things we love is the most important.  We need the free thinkers to have faith because if they lose it, then all hope is surely lost.  I guess I mean to strong Jenny, there is no need to come to terms with the bullshit you are surrounded by, just be true to yourself and grow stronger and more beautiful every day.

Attack With Love.....Jeff Tweedy.
There's Still Time.........


I've been thinking a bunch about this picture lately and about what is going on in it.  I'm so frustrated with religion and the term "God" that I decided that we just need to replace the word "God" with the word "Love" I think that LOVE is something that everyone can understand.  I mean the word "God" seems to spark such a debate amongst cultures, I think Love is much more universal.  It seems to me God would be much more pleased if we just worshiped "Love".  

There's Still Time.........


QuoteI've been thinking a bunch about this picture lately and about what is going on in it.  I'm so frustrated with religion and the term "God" that I decided that we just need to replace the word "God" with the word "Love" I think that LOVE is something that everyone can understand.  I mean the word "God" seems to spark such a debate amongst cultures, I think Love is much more universal.  It seems to me God would be much more pleased if we just worshiped "Love".  

brian i think that may be the best post i've ever read anywhere


QuoteI've been thinking a bunch about this picture lately and about what is going on in it.  I'm so frustrated with religion and the term "God" that I decided that we just need to replace the word "God" with the word "Love" I think that LOVE is something that everyone can understand.  I mean the word "God" seems to spark such a debate amongst cultures, I think Love is much more universal.  It seems to me God would be much more pleased if we just worshiped "Love".  

brian i think that may be the best post i've ever read anywhere

Your are lovely.  Let's play "I Will Sing You Songs" right now, together.   :-*
There's Still Time.........


This thread (along with a few other things) has inspired me to pursue some volunteer work.  I'm going to go to the Boys and Girls Club one day this week and see if I can be of any help there or another place here along those lines.

By the way, amazing post Brian.


QuoteGreat points.  I think it's not about "what is" or "what should be" or "could have been" it's about "WHAT COULD BE".  You are fifteen and you have already inspired ME with your art and with your words.......on many occasions.  I get the sense almost every day that I'm living in a world that completely "got it wrong"  Then I meet someone like Tracy or read a post like this from you and it has a positive impact on me, and it makes me want to get stronger.  We have to be stronger, we need each other, we need to be fearless, we have to believe.  I think to embrace the things we love is the most important.  We need the free thinkers to have faith because if they lose it, then all hope is surely lost.  I guess I mean to strong Jenny, there is no need to come to terms with the bullshit you are surrounded by, just be true to yourself and grow stronger and more beautiful every day.

Attack With Love.....Jeff Tweedy.

yr the best!

after a night of no-sleep wondering, and tired eyes i have come to the conclusion that it all comes down to the same thing:
capitalism is fucked
everyone here rulez.


QuoteDon't worry Tracy, not all 15 (almost 16) year olds have this problem. Only Jacket fans.  ;)

Well, my ONLY concern when I was 15/16 was how was I going to get fucked up (Or con my mom into buying me an 8 track tape). Don't apologize for your pursuit of truth(s) b/c it's quite impressive. I work with "adults" who are not asking the questions you are asking.