the darjeeling limited

Started by EC, Oct 23, 2007, 08:58 PM

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i really loved it.
almost everybody else hates it.  i don't understand.
i guess i can't do any spoilers here.

i love that wes anderson is so careful with his detail.  i love the topics he explores (even if he talks about them in every movie).  i love the same people who keep coming back.  i love eric anderson's drawings.  i love the dialogue and the deadpan.  i love robert yeoman.  i was surprised that mark mothersbaugh didn't do the music this time - anybody know why?  

what did other people think?


ps i don't have iTunes, anybody know where you can get hotel chevalier that isn't iTunes?


I'd tell my friend Reed to wander over with his burnt DVD of Hotel Chevalier as he did for me, but I think it'd be quite the hike for him and the weather's starting to get quite cold here.   ;D

But yeah, I really can't wait to see this, I absolutely adore Wes' work (Bottle Rocket is one of my absolute favourite films).  As for the lack of Mothersbaugh, I read somewhere that it had something to do with the India influence, but I could've just thought that up not actually read it anywhere...


Quoteps i don't have iTunes, anybody know where you can get hotel chevalier that isn't iTunes?

download itunes. it's free.

I wasn't thrilled with this film but I'm still looking forward to the full length fiasco.


yeah, sorry, i should've said that i do actually have it, but it never lets me get stuff from it.  

you weren't thrilled with which - hotel chevalier?  is darjeeling not out everywhere yet?


i wasn't thrilled with the short


Hotel Chevalier (which I thoroughly enjoyed --- see movie thread) actually isn't available for iTunes users in Canada.   :-/

Great interview with Wes and Jason from one of my favourite shows:


QuoteHotel Chevalier actually isn't available for iTunes users in Canada.   :-/
that splains it.
you coming back for a visit anytime, fella?

this dang thing has to be available sooomewhere for us canadians to partake and enjoy.  WHY DO THE CANADIANS KEEP GETTING THE SHAFT???




ps i love george stromboulopoulos and have had a crush on him since he was a muchmusic veejay so this is exciting


Quoteyeah, sorry, i should've said that i do actually have it, but it never lets me get stuff from it.  

you weren't thrilled with which - hotel chevalier?  is darjeeling not out everywhere yet?
no it's not out here in pittsburgh yet, i think maybe friday.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


i see.
i've really kept myself out of the loop these days.  i knew zero about this film before going in.  i'm trying to do that with new records, too.  keep the hype away so i can feel pure about my experience.

that's a nice george h pic, true.


Quotei see.
i've really kept myself out of the loop these days.  i knew zero about this film before going in.  i'm trying to do that with new records, too.  keep the hype away so i can feel pure about my experience.

that's a nice george h pic, true.

thanks meg :) i was gonna go with the let it be photo but then i saw this one
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


Quoteps i don't have iTunes, anybody know where you can get hotel chevalier that isn't iTunes?

Heya Meg, saw this on wikiki:

The video is no longer available for download from iTunes. On October 26, it is scheduled to debut in North American theaters, as a prologue to The Darjeeling Limited.  

I thought it left alot to be left desired (the short). looking 4ward to seeing Wes' new feature. :)


I really liked the movie! No complaints. Owen Wilson brings the lulz. :)


so i'm pretty annoyed that the two theaters that i go to most often don't have this and show no sings of getting it. it's only playing at one theater that is relatively close to me that i've only been to once. it's also the only theater showing Into The Wild and Across The Universe.
I also don't know why i haven't seen one commercial on the TV for The Darjeeling Limited. it's not gonna do well if they don't advertise. i remember when The Life Aquatic came out it was advertised all over TV.  
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


We don't get this until March next year! March I tells ya!!!  >:(
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


Ouch to March. That's a bit of a wait. Here (Detroit) the movie was at the indie theater rather than the mainstream theater. I also haven't seen a commercial for it, but when I think about it, I don't see many commercials for movies to begin with. Hm.

Have I told you guys how much I love Jason Schwartzman? Observe his flannel on Jimmy Kimmel.


c'mon cake and mantooth.  through my facebook spies i know you hated it.  don't feel like you can't talk about how much you hated it because you're worried about hurting my feelings. ;)


Well, of course it didn't come here.... just like "The Life Aquatic" didn't come here. It did however come to the shitty 2 dollar theater, so I guess I'll see "Darjeeling" there if it makes it there.


i take for granted sometimes that we just automatically get everything because we're a bigger city.

but i'll tell you one thing - bama crowds rock WAY harder at concerts than shy torontonian shoe-gazers mixed in with indie rock stuffy-faces.  actually, almost every city in the world that i've visited gets down to a show more than us.

but i digress.

i went with steph, corey. :)  we had a yr moment.

i wish i coulda seen it with u and j, too. xo