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Ron Paul

Started by saki, Sep 07, 2007, 09:46 PM

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Hi everyone,

I just wanted to gauge interest on the candidate Ron Paul for President in 08.  I'm a huge fan and personally think he's our only hope for this country.  If you don't know who he is, check him out on you tube or else google him.  Please check him out!  If you do know him tell me what you think or else tell about your favorite and why.


i know colleen has his website on her tagline.  i don't know much about him, to tell the truth.

btw, nice to have you back saki.  you were one of the only people who had my back back in the day.  cheers!


Quotei know colleen has his website on her tagline.  i don't know much about him, to tell the truth.

btw, nice to have you back saki.  you were one of the only people who had my back back in the day.  cheers!

It's Dennis Kucinich friend.  ;)

Hi Saki!


check my sig.  he's the only real candidate out there.  he's won every straw poll since iowa, yet the mainstream media won't talk about him.  i wonder why...


awwww jeee, thanks amd.  I guess I kinda have phases where I'm on here a lot and then I get out of the habit for some reason.  But, I'm always wearing the jacket and spreading the word.  

From what I've heard of Kucinich I really like him a lot.  He's inspired me a few times to be honest.  But with Ron Paul I'm consumed with inspiration.  I just hope that everyone will be able to hear what he has to say despite the media trying to silence him.  I think next year's election is one of the most anticipated that we've ever had.  



Because the media won't show much of Ron Paul, I feel obligated to.  I just can't accept the fact that Giuliani is leading in the polls.  Not a guy who said that the terrorists hate us because we are free.  It's time for America to wake up!


ron paul is truly leading in the polls, and i firmly believe that.  it almost restores my faith that people actually know what's going on.  don't be scared because he's a republican.  that word (republican) has become so twisted, it has the worst connotation possible.  i'm very far left in most every way, but dr. paul stands strong for all the values i hold dear.  check the internet and compare it to the mainstream media, and you'll notice great discrepancies.  giuliani is a sick twisted neocon fuck who did nothing for the city of new york.  contrary to popular belief, he wasn't responsible for the drop in crime as crime in NYC was decreasing the previous 2 years before he took office.  check it.    



Quoteron paul is truly leading in the polls, and i firmly believe that.  it almost restores my faith that people actually know what's going on.  don't be scared because he's a republican.  that word (republican) has become so twisted, it has the worst connotation possible.  i'm very far left in most every way, but dr. paul stands strong for all the values i hold dear.  check the internet and compare it to the mainstream media, and you'll notice great discrepancies.  giuliani is a sick twisted neocon fuck who did nothing for the city of new york.  contrary to popular belief, he wasn't responsible for the drop in crime as crime in NYC was decreasing the previous 2 years before he took office.  check it.    


all i can say is....



Quoteron paul is truly leading in the polls, and i firmly believe that.  it almost restores my faith that people actually know what's going on.  don't be scared because he's a republican.  that word (republican) has become so twisted, it has the worst connotation possible.  i'm very far left in most every way, but dr. paul stands strong for all the values i hold dear.  check the internet and compare it to the mainstream media, and you'll notice great discrepancies.  giuliani is a sick twisted neocon fuck who did nothing for the city of new york.  contrary to popular belief, he wasn't responsible for the drop in crime as crime in NYC was decreasing the previous 2 years before he took office.  check it.    


all i can say is....


all i can say is....

:-* :-* :-*


Quoteron paul is truly leading in the polls, and i firmly believe that.  it almost restores my faith that people actually know what's going on.  don't be scared because he's a republican.  that word (republican) has become so twisted, it has the worst connotation possible.  i'm very far left in most every way, but dr. paul stands strong for all the values i hold dear.  check the internet and compare it to the mainstream media, and you'll notice great discrepancies.  giuliani is a sick twisted neocon fuck who did nothing for the city of new york.  contrary to popular belief, he wasn't responsible for the drop in crime as crime in NYC was decreasing the previous 2 years before he took office.  check it.    


all i can say is....


all i can say is....

:-* :-* :-*

all i can say is....

[smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif]

i just don't know how people can even fall for rudy giuliani's b.s.  blind patriotism.  



Did anyone see the Republican debate last night on PBS?  That was awesome!  Ron Paul clearly got the most applause from the audience.  It was an excellent debate.  I think Dr. Paul once again affirmed to me why I think he is the best candidate for President.  I thought I even heard a "Ron Paul" chant at the end.  Anyone else see that?


it's funny when debates are on other places besides FOX news, you can't hear the other candidates laughing and interrupting Dr. Paul at any chance.  


And you also don't hear the moderators insulting the candidates viewpoints in subtle ways.  Notice that when fox news hosted the debate in S.C. they asked questions that simplified and twisted the words of Dr. Paul to their advantage.  Last night's debate was so refreshing in many ways.  It was also hilarious how much they ridiculed the candidates who had "other engagements to attend to."  How can those who didn't attend explain their actions to the black voters.  At this time especially when they really need to reach out to black voters.  It's like they are giving up.  

Here's a video of Ron Paul that I just alluded to.


I missed most of the debate tonight, and I really don't know too much about Ron Paul, but I really like what I've seen from him. It's so rare to get a presidential candidate who gives definite answers and isn't afraid to step out from his party's ideology. As one of the youtube questions proposed tonight, it might not be a bad idea for him to run as an Independent next year. Unfortunately, I think that the Republican wolves in the lead are going to stay there.
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."


I think Paul has gained some momentum recently.  His online success seems to be translating into polling success.  If any candidated can bring in 4.3 million dollars in one day from online supporters then he/she has a chance.  I think the unfortunate thing about it is that Paul is a candidate with intergrity who doesn't pander to the audience.  That is truly rare these days.  


Now that he has 2 prostitutes at the Bunny Ranch whoring for him I get the feeling he's all done. :-?
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Correct me if I'm wrong - and I appreciate that he's both incredibly intelligent and incredibly honest. But...

BUT. If he had his way, and could redraw the government as he saw fit, would he not privatize Social Security, repeal all gun-control provisions, the federal income tax, welfare, federally subsidized student loans, the EPA, FDA, Dept. of Education, and Roe v. Wade?

His answer to the bulk of the questions he's gotten on these topics - especially Social Security - has been in the vein of, "I'm not stupid, Americans have come to rely on (government program, ie: Social Security), I know that, so it will take a long time, and small, gradual adjustments to privatize/phase it out, but I definitely want to privatize/phase it out."  

He's a strict constuctionist. So is Scalia. Scalia scares me. I do not want a Supreme Court full of Scalias.

He's for free-market solutions to most every problem. But what of problems that are not money makers, therefor, unfavorable to markets? Say, Darfur? (that's an honest question - I don't know his stance on humanitarian intervention, genocide, AIDS in Africa...  I know he wants to revoke our membership to the UN, but that's about all I know on such things.)

I do know this - He voted to build the freaking wall - two of them, actually - between Mexico and the US. 'Cause that'll definitely work.

I appreciate Paul's from-the-beginning stance on the war, on the hugely bloated military-industial complex, on the reason we were attacked being our presence in the Middle East not our "Freedom." On thinking 700 military bases around the world is far too many, and that our intention to keep several bases in Iraq - all in close proximity to their (wish it were "our"? let's just call it "our") oil supply - will revisit such horrors on us... the likes of which we have not yet even dreamed of... I'm with him on all of that.

But I'm not ready for a total rollback of the New Deal, so as a candidate for President, he scares me. Guiliani scares me more, but that's another story. Hillary does not scare me - I'll put that out there - so, y'know, fire away...

One thing I will say bout Paul, though, is that I quite like having an articulate libertarian voice in the House, and if he ran for John Cornyn's seat (I'm a Texan), I would strongly consider a vote for him in the Senate - we only elect Republicans here in Texas.

That was really long! Just my two cents. I've followed his campaign pretty closely, but feel free to correct me if you feel I've misrepresented his positions.


I don't think you've misrepresented anything that Ron Paul is about.  For me, the reason why I would vote for Paul is not so much his ideas on every single issue.  It's more the fact that he is honest.  What other candidate in the Republican field do you see that is willing to tell the truth about why the terrorists attacked us in the first place?  Giuliani has said that "they hate us because we're free."  

I do actually actually disagree with Paul on a few issues.  His ratings with environmental groups are poor.  But, for me it all comes down to who I would like to have as a republican candidate for president.  As long as I know that a Ron Paul is in their instead of every other neo-con idiot then I'll be satisfied.