Get COLD already!!!

Started by geekdork, Oct 06, 2007, 01:48 PM

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I'm sick of this fucking heat. It's October 6th and 85 degrees with what feels like 99% humidity. I swear I'm evolving my self a pair of gills to breathe in water.

I'm just outside of Louisville and we get screwed out of fall one way or the other and usually it's due to an early cold. It should be cold and gloomy now and I want to wear a sweatshirt. The grass is alway greener... well, not mine, it's brown.

What's it like where you are?
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Here it's 3 degrees Celsius, rainy, and windy.  :-/


Vey warm here. T-shirt weather. Weird.


here in southern minnesota, and its sunny outside. it 85 and humid. leaves are changing colors. i too like to wear a sweatshirt. minnesota you can wear a sweatshirt pretty much 8 months outta the year.  which explains why i have more sweatshirt than t-shirts. but i don't want it to get cold. cold here means warming your car for a half an hour and -20 below with wind howling. so i'll say get cool already!!!
Much Greater Than Science Fiction


i feel you kory.  I was looking forward to doing some work in the garage and the yard but it's hot out there!  It's October already.  It seems like fall gets shorter every year, which sucks because it's my favorite season.


global warming....... >:(
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


Oh you guys should be here....rained all last week and it has been chilly.  I had to bust out the feather blanket and turn on the heat  :-[.  Usually Oregon has a late summer and October is full of chilly, yet sunny, days.   50 degrees F.....feels downright cold!


i want to have a day where i don't need the air conditioner.


Quotei want to have a day where i don't need the air conditioner.

My stupid cars ac kicked out a few weeks ago when the weather was nice (for like 2 days) and I though, great... perfect timing... I can deal with it. Now it's been another 2 weeks of fucking HOT with no ac and me being a slightly overweight guy is no good in humidity...

Hope you're feeling better meg...
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I hear you Kory. Normally summer is my favorite time of year. Hot, humid, less clothing. But his year was just miserable and it has dragged on and on. 90's here in St Louis today. I want fall dammit it. I want to sit outside without sweat rolling down my. I want to use my f'n patio that I built this spring that i have hardly used because it is just damn hot.


In another time, in another place, in another face


85 here in oklahoma :(
I painted my name on the back of a leaf
and I watched it float away


90+ the past few days here in southeastern ohio.  we're about 11 inches behind on rain, and that's only since april....

i think i mowed the yard last night for the last time this year.


QuoteOh you guys should be here....rained all last week and it has been chilly.  I had to bust out the feather blanket and turn on the heat  :-[.  Usually Oregon has a late summer and October is full of chilly, yet sunny, days.   50 degrees F.....feels downright cold!

Yessss!  It's been downright Autumnal!  Yay!  Nothing is better than layering the clothes and making soup for dinner.  Pacific NW is where it's at!
My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked


4 days of upper 80s here in Michigan......ridiculous.....and we took our air conditioners out 2 weeks ago.
"demon eyes are watchin' everywhere"


Today in Southern Ontario and in particular Toronto, it should get up to the low 30's... Celcius; which is a record high for October. BTW, that's 86 Farenheit.


It's 71 degrees & it's not even 9 a.m. in Chicago. It's supposed to get to 88 today.

Yesterday, the powers that be cancelled the Chicago Marathon about 3 1/2 hours after it started. Unfortunately, one man has died and there are a few who are in critical condition. Sending them good vibes for a speedy recovery.

I can't remember an October where it's been this hot. Crazy!
But seein you feels good, and its always understood.
That anything much sweeter would make me die.


Try living in hot-ass humid-ass Alabama with a car that doesn't have AC and driving around in it all summer. My wife's car has AC and I get to drive it every once in a while, so that's cool.

There's some sort of leak or something in my coolant. I've put several cans in this summer and they last a week or two.  :(


kory and corey, i feel your pain. my shitty car has a hole in the air compressor, which means no a/c for me. it is such a pain in the ass; by the time i get to work, i feel so disgusting.
