F-ing head colds suck!

Started by MMJ_fanatic, Jan 27, 2008, 05:19 PM

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My head has felt like mush for the past 6 days.  Why do head colds suck so bad?  Anybody else riding one of these this season? :P
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


I've been battling one on and off for a couple weeks now.  The Neo-Citron buzz makes it all worth while.   ;D


I usually do not get them in the winter. I'm popping Airborne and vitamin C tablets like candy to ward them off.  I unfortunatly get stuck with one in the summer every year. That is even worse.


I only get head colds when I go to a concert instead of working  ;)


I've got one right now.  I'm sitting here contemplating whether I should tough it out and go to work today or just take a sick day.  bad thing is head colds almost always turn into bronchitis for me.  so I may get some antibiotics and be over it.  i hate being sick, but there are a lot of germs where I work!


I can't remember the last time I didn't have a head cold - f*cking river valley


Slight head cold + Freezing weather = Me taking a 'sick' day today.  I'm going to watch King of Kong, listen to lots of music, and just be lazy.