Guerilla Art

Started by vespachick, Nov 18, 2007, 07:51 PM

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QuoteHA HA!!  Got it!  I rallied my friend to go down to the corner with me, along with the crowbar I got from my Dad's garage over thanksgiving, to go get the art. So we cruised down there, and while we pulled and tugged and tried to get the art off the post, we were just not strong enough... so I'm tugging on the crowbar and "V" is keeping look out, we can't get it it off and we're debating about going back home to get a step stool... we tug some more ...a car rolls up and a guy jumps out of the back seat and immediately runs over and and grabs the tool from V and says that he, too, hates this art that somebody put up (!!!). Two tugs and into the street the plywood goes.  They drive off happily knowing they did some good tonight.  Thanks buddy!!  We cheer, we throw devil horns, we pick up the plywood Art from the street and surrupticiously walk up the street, giddely, walking home talking about how great it is to live here. And we drink more wine.  I's nice....

Vespa, turns out that my friends know this guy through the art world...I'll be sure to pass it along to them that someone saved a great piece (I never saw that one, but it is my new favorite), and that there are peeps in Portland who appreciated what he did.  

What, are they going to go after this guy next?



Thanks Wizz!  Oh, man, I LOVE those horses. Thanks for the link, I have wondered where they wandered in from.  I need to go the Dollar Store and help the movement!!

By the way, mine is my favorite, too, I chose it specifically; but the funny thing is that there's one over by the McMennamins on 21st & Glisan and it's still there - even though I did see it in the "evidence" photos that were posted on a blog which were seemingly confiscated.  It's not such a great one by itself (colors and lines are pukey), but when you see it, it's hysterical because the actual signage for the restaurant "Blue Moon" is a big, giant blue moon.  So, on the pole directly in front of the place is this giant, oggly moon face staring pie-eyed with heart-shaped pupils longingly gazing at the blue moon.  It's really great.  I can't figure out why they did'nt take it down, except maybe, MAYBE, they do realize this is Portland for chrissake.
My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked