Ralph Nader announces presidential bid

Started by ycartrob, Feb 24, 2008, 03:20 PM

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Well, it's official, Nader will run under the Green ticket. All he needs is 5% of the popular vote for his party to recieve federally distributed public funding, then BANG, we have a more engaged 3rd party with a little more clout to get issues pushed. (he got 2.7% in 2000).

Well? Is everyone sick and tired of politics as usual in Washington? Is it not clear that Nader walks the walk more than all of the other candidates combined? Are we all not sick and tired of saying we need a real change? Aren't we all tired of picking the lesser of 2 evils? is it time to put up? Can we all get it together for a real change, a real 3rd party?

Here's a link to the story: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/02/24/nader.politics/index.html

I love Ralph's quote, "Dissent is the mother of ascent". Sounds more like what our Founding Fathers had to say more than anything that Hillary or Obama or McCain are saying.

Well? Is it time?    http://www.votenader.org/


I certainly don't agree with all of his issues. For example, I have no bugs about nuclear power and don't think Bush deserves impeachment (he's inept, not a criminal), so I wouldn't see myself voting for him if I was old enough. And I really don't think he has a shot at winning unless both McCain and the Dems screw up their campaigns royally. But I think that he is more honest about what he believes in and I respect that. And yes, we do need more viewpoints than just Democratic and Republican.
In another time, in another place, in another face


Quotehe's inept, not a criminal

Valerie Plame[/size]

[size=11]Getting back to the original thread, I actually voted for Nader in 2000 - true, Gore had already taken California by the time I got to the polls, but it was the point of voting for a grassroots candidate more than anything else.  I think the number I heard on the radio this morning was that Nader's '04 bid garnered a shrinking .4% of the popular vote.  Ouch.  I wonder how he'll turn out this time.

You have to admire his determination:
"We lose to win, eventually," he said. "That's the story of social justice. You have to be willing to lose and fight, and lose and fight, and lose and fight. Until the agenda is won." - Nader
My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked


My brain says go with Obama but my heart says make a stand and vote for Nader.

Whats the deadline for registering to be able to vote in this upcoming election? I applied for registering at the DMV and was supposed to get something in the mail but it never came.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


QuoteMy brain says go with Obama but my heart says make a stand and vote for Nader.

In another time, in another place, in another face

Penny Lane

ah yes nader, republicans secret weapon every time
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Quoteah yes nader, republicans secret weapon every time

this = an unfortunate comment  :-/  :-X


Quoteah yes nader, republicans secret weapon every time

That's quite an uninformed statement. I guess you're speaking of the 2000 election? the one where Nader got 2.7% of the vote? I have an idea, next time the Dems want to complain about someone running for president against them (How dare they!?!?) how about you win your home state (Gore lost Tennessee) or you win the home state of the outgoing president, whom you served 8 years under as VP (Gore lost Arkansas). That's one thing I really don't like about liberals, blame, blame, blame, accept no responsibility for your actions (or your failures).

Nader said over the weekend, "If the Democrats can't ride the Republicans out of D.C. in November, then they should just retire the party forever." I could listen to this guy speak all day:



Quoteah yes nader, republicans secret weapon every time

this = an unfortunate comment  :-/  :-X

I agree with a lot of Nader's ideas and I am pulling for Obama but a vote for Nader oftentimes is a vote for the Republicans cuz it splits the vote that might have gone for the Democrat towards Nader.  The 2000 election showed this.  With all that's at stake in this election I'm a little disappointed Nader would do something like this again.  It's a catch-22, we want more parties in the presidential election but most often it splits the voting base for either party in the favor of the other and in Nader's case, where I live at least, it won't be spliting the McCain crowd up too much.  





Whats the deadline for registering to be able to vote in this upcoming election? I applied for registering at the DMV and was supposed to get something in the mail but it never came.

depends on your state. just give your county clerk's office a call, and they'll let you know. hope that helps.

no wait, here you go: http://www.dos.state.pa.us/voting/cwp/view.asp?a=1192&q=443166
all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard


I agree with a lot of Nader's ideas and I am pulling for Obama but a vote for Nader oftentimes is a vote for the Republicans cuz it splits the vote that might have gone for the Democrat towards Nader.  The 2000 election showed this.  With all that's at stake in this election I'm a little disappointed Nader would do something like this again.  It's a catch-22, we want more parties in the presidential election but most often it splits the voting base for either party in the favor of the other and in Nader's case, where I live at least, it won't be spliting the McCain crowd up too much.  

I love it. Here's the logic>> If I don't vote, then I am being un-American. If I vote, but don't vote for your candidate, then I am being irresponsible.

Well, if the Republicans had not run a candidate in 2000, then I bet Gore would have recieved more votes and won too. Good grief. WIN your home state. WIN the home state of the outgoing president who you were VP for for 8 years. TAKE responsibility for your failures. LEARN from YOUR mistakes.

If you are blaming Gore's loss on the 2.7% that Nader got in 2000, then perhaps Gore wasn't as strong as a candidate as the US population wanted. You ever think it had anything to do with Al Gore and his inability to relate to the populace? He practically tied Bush, but it's Nader's fault? lol

I am personally sick and tired of Washinton DC and our corporate run government. If I think Nader has a chance of getting 5% of the required vote to recieve public funding for his party, I will vote for Nader. Read what Nader says, he makes more sense than all of the others combined.

If anything, maybe Nader will push Obama to be a little more progressive. I really like Obama, however, very skeptcial of his powers once he becomes president (which I believe he will) and then it's the same-old-same-old of dems and reps fighting for and against the big money of special interests.


I agree with Sean and Tracy.  Check out the documentary, Ralph Nader: An Unreasonable Man, in which the whole smear campaign against Nader is addressed (among many other important issues).


I am proud to say that I voted for him in 1996, 2000 and 2004.

Let Ralph Debate!
Everyone has a photographic memory. Some don't have film.


I voted for him in 2004 and got a lot of flack over it from some very uninformed people.  My opinion is that in a true democracy, who ever wants to should be able to run.  Myself, I'm for Obama this time.  But if Nader takes some votes from either party, it's his right as an American to be on the ticket.  Honestly, I'm glad he joined the fun.  If by some chance, Hillary gets the nomination.  I won't have to vote for McCain now!



Wow! This is so great, now we get to hang with Jesus C.  here :/   ::)


QuoteI voted for him in 2004 and got a lot of flack over it from some very uninformed people.  My opinion is that in a true democracy, who ever wants to should be able to run.  Myself, I'm for Obama this time.  But if Nader takes some votes from either party, it's his right as an American to be on the ticket.  Honestly, I'm glad he joined the fun.  If by some chance, Hillary gets the nomination.  I won't have to vote for McCain now!


From the get go my point is not about republicans. It's just about freedom of choice here.