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Pet Peeves

Started by ycartrob, Feb 10, 2008, 02:29 PM

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People who say things like "Can you forward it to Susan or I?"

Especially when they think they're better educated and more intelligent than most people.


A pet peeve of mine is when people don't push their chairs in. It's just basic manners.


Mouth Breathers

People who do not have manners, can't seem to say please or thank you; ie when you hold the door for them

People who like to start silly arguments that really are petty and meaningless

"You could kill someone up here and bury them in the snow! No one would ever find them!"- Penny Lane


When I read that I thought "How can she not like this?"

I need some new glasses.


Oh my gosh, how absoultely positive.  It doens't get much better than that!
When I read that I thought "How can she not like this?"

I need some new glasses.
"You could kill someone up here and bury them in the snow! No one would ever find them!"- Penny Lane


QuotePeople who say things like "Can you forward it to Susan or I?"

I dated that!!!!! UGH!

Her friends were grammar Nazis about "she and I" to the extent where she decided that she should always use the "...and I" form to avoid being wrong. Which winds up sounding equally as terrible. Oh the cringes at the sake of that one. It's a joy and an even more positive irritation to be dating someone who is better than I am with the language now.

Here's my personal language pet peeve:

When people use "whenever" instead of "when." "When" refers to a specific time that something happened. Whenever refers to a collection of repeated or numerous like events. "I was so happy whenever Mary gave me my birthday present" is just dead wrong. Not even justifiable. It needs to be "when". No exception.

I might have a hard time with high school English. I'd be better off with the kids who don't get that they're doing something wrong rather than those who are doing things wrong due to overcompensation.

The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


People that cut in line in front of you at a store, then turn around and give you a dirty look.  
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


Quote I really dislike small talk, and am pretty much incapable of making it.

wow, spot on! My IQ dissolves into nothingness if I have to make small talk. I feel like an alien in groups of more than 3 or 4  :-[
I work for a rental car company and I'm always picking up total strangers and driving them across town.  If you only knew how many times I've used  "Well this weather sure is crazy huh?"  Honestly at least five times a day, It sucks sooo bad.


I work for a rental car company and I'm always picking up total strangers and driving them across town.  If you only knew how many times I've used  "Well this weather sure is crazy huh?"  Honestly at least five times a day, It sucks sooo bad.

Maybe you could spice things up a bit--say something like, "So what the fucks up?"  or, if the person is extraordinarily big, "Geez they grow 'em big where you come from 'eh?" Sumpin like like that...see what kinda response you get maybe (or not--forget I said anything  :-/)
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.

Jon T.

Those two guys at the gym (you know the ones), that refuse to do one traditional exercise.  It's their goal to to the most ridiculous looking routine when a simple curl would work just fine.  One day I'm gonna go in and just start making shit up.  When I get a little bigger, or course.


I work for a rental car company and I'm always picking up total strangers and driving them across town.  If you only knew how many times I've used  "Well this weather sure is crazy huh?"  Honestly at least five times a day, It sucks sooo bad.

Maybe you could spice things up a bit--say something like, "So what the fucks up?"  or, if the person is extraordinarily big, "Geez they grow 'em big where you come from 'eh?" Sumpin like like that...see what kinda response you get maybe (or not--forget I said anything  :-/)

Alright so I went with the advice, I came out with a date and a black eye.  Hell one out of two aint bad. ;D


eight year olds who tell you that your mama is stupid and that they hate you

Jon T.

Eight year olds, dude.


Quoteeight year olds who tell you that your mama is stupid and that they hate you

In the immortal words of Keanu--"Whoa!"
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Quoteeight year olds who tell you that your mama is stupid and that they hate you

Also, 16 year olds who tell you how horrible "their" home life is and that they hate you!
"You could kill someone up here and bury them in the snow! No one would ever find them!"- Penny Lane


As some of you know my last name is actually True which is what most people call me by. Over the last few years sometimes whenever a song will come on people (friends, coworkers) will start singing it and put my name into the song by usually replacing the word "you" or anything else that may rhyme with true. Its usually love songs, love you= love true. Its really annoying and it it sorta puts me on the spot. They seem to think its funny but I HATE it!
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


QuoteAs some of you know my last name is actually True which is what most people call me by. Over the last few years sometimes whenever a song will come on people (friends, coworkers) will start singing it and put my name into the song by usually replacing the word "you" or anything else that may rhyme with true. Its usually love songs, love you= love true. Its really annoying and it it sorta puts me on the spot. They seem to think its funny but I HATE it!

So does this qualify in the hate category?  "Love, love me, True"?
(Beatles, Love me do)
"You could kill someone up here and bury them in the snow! No one would ever find them!"- Penny Lane

bowl of soup

QuoteAs some of you know my last name is actually True which is what most people call me by. Over the last few years sometimes whenever a song will come on people (friends, coworkers) will start singing it and put my name into the song by usually replacing the word "you" or anything else that may rhyme with true. Its usually love songs, love you= love true. Its really annoying and it it sorta puts me on the spot. They seem to think its funny but I HATE it!

We used to replace the word love with drugs.  All you need is drugs...  Drugs will find a way...  Drug, drug me do...  We were in 10th grade, unloved, and full of drugs.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.